\tikzset{decorate sep/.style 2 args=
{decorate,decoration={shape backgrounds,shape=circle,shape size=#1,shape sep=#2}}}
\tikzstyle{line} = [arrows=<->,line width=0.6pt]
\tikzstyle{line1} = [line width=.1pt]
\def\r{0.5pt} %define the radius of spot
\def\ax{3.3} %define the length of x-axis
\def\ay{4} %define the length of y-axis
\def\y{3} %define the height of T=1
\def\u{4} %define the origin of the second plot
\def\v{8} %define the origin of the third plot
declare function={
\draw[line] (0,\ay) coordinate node [below left] {$T$} -- (0,0) coordinate node[below] {$0$} -- (\ax, 0) coordinate node [below left] {$x$};
\draw[scale=1, domain=0:2, smooth, variable=\x] plot ({\x}, {normpdf(\x,0,1.3,\y)});
\node[left] at (0,\y) {$1$};
\node[above] at (\ax/2,\y) {(i) $ I_t=[0,\alpha(t)]$};
\draw[line1] (0, 2.1) -- (1,2.1) -- (1,0);
\node[below] at (1,0) {$\alpha(t)$};
\draw[line] (\u,\ay) coordinate node [below left] {$T$} -- (\u,0) coordinate node[below] {$0$} -- (\ax+\u, 0) coordinate node [below left] {$x$};
\draw[scale=1, domain=-2:0, smooth, variable=\x] plot ({\x}, {normpdf(\x,0,1.3,\y)});
\node[left] at (\u,\y) {$1$};
\node[above] at (\ax/2+\u,\y) {(ii) $ I_t=[\alpha(t),c]$};
\draw[line1] (\u, 2.1) -- (\u+1,2.1) -- (\u+1,0);
\node[below] at (\u+1,0) {$\alpha(t)$};
问题是如何将情节转移到第二画到 指定的另一个来源\u ( "\draw[scale=1, domain=-2:0, smooth, variable=\x] plot ({\x}, {normpdf(\x,0,1.3,\y)})")
line/.style={arrows=<->,line width=0.6pt},
line1/.style={line width=.1pt},
declare function={normpdf(\x,\m,\s,\r)=\r*exp(-((\x-\m)/\s)^4);},
\def\r{0.5pt} %define the radius of spot
\def\ax{3.3} %define the length of x-axis
\def\ay{4} %define the length of y-axis
\def\y{3} %define the height of T=1
\def\u{4} %define the origin of the second plot
\def\v{8} %define the origin of the third plot
\draw[line] (0,\ay) node [below left] {$T$} -- (0,0) node[below] {$0$} -- (\ax, 0) node [below left] {$x$};
\draw[scale=1, domain=0:2, smooth, variable=\x] plot ({\x}, {normpdf(\x,0,1.3,\y)});
\draw[line1] (0, 2.1) -| (1,0) node[below] {$\alpha(t)$};
\node[left] at (0,\y) {$1$};
\node[above] at (\ax/2,\y) {#1};
\myplot{(i) $I_t=[0,\alpha(t)]$}
\myplot{(ii) $I_t=[\alpha(t),c]$}