对于 \bibliography 和 \section,缺失数字将被视为零

对于 \bibliography 和 \section,缺失数字将被视为零


% Included by MAIN.TEX
% Defines the settings for the CAMP report document

\renewcommand{\sectfont}{\normalfont \bfseries}        % Schriftart der Kopfzeile

% manipulate footer
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% make thumbnails

%to use the subfigures


%Page Dimension


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\usepackage{yhmath} % fr die adots
%% k text as preliminary

%% create an index

% for the program environment

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% use german characters as well
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% use initals dropped caps - doesn't work with PDF

%      Graphics and Hyperlinks

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%    \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
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 % The main file for CAMP reports
 % Don't put any content in here.
 % Don't even include content files by using \input or \inlcude.
 % Put your content to TEXT.TEX or include it there using \input.
 % Uses:
 %      SETTINGS.TEX    contains the settings for this document
 %      COMMANDS.TEX    contains commands which can be used while writing
 %      INFO.TEX            contains the author, title and so on for the cover
 %      COVER.TEX           formats the front cover of the document
 %      ABSTRACT.TEX    contains the abstract to be included (if needed)
 %      TEXT.TEX            contains the actual content of the document
 %      BIB.BIB             containt the BibTeX entries for the document

%% Draft document mode


% KOMA-Optionen:
%  bibtotoc: include bibliography in table of contents
%  idxtotoc: include index in table of contents
%  headsepline: use horizontalline under heading
%  BCOR: binding correcion (Bindungskorrektur) (e.g.: BCOR5mm)
%  DIV: Number of sheet sections (used for layout) (e.g.: DIV12)

% include title and author information for the cover

% include settings

% include commands



    %line Spacing

           % no indentation
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        % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
       % \doublespacing
           %paragraph spacing
             \parskip 1.5ex
        % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        % Appendix
        % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    %   \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Appendix}
    %   \appendix %---------------------------------------




 According to survey research conducted by Wang\cite{chisholm2005compack} around 1.7MB of data is being generated every day around the world. This survey report expresses the importance of text mining and sentiment analysis in our daily life.

\section{My heading}
text under my heading. 

bib 文件的代码(我的参考文献)如下:

  title={COMPACK: a program for identifying crystal structure similarity using distances},
  author={Chisholm, James Alexander and Motherwell, Sam},
  journal={Journal of applied crystallography},
  publisher={International Union of Crystallography}


!缺失数字,视为零。} l.5 \section{我的标题}

删除之后\section{My heading},发现以下错误。

! 缺失数字,视为零。} l.1 \begin{thebibliography}{}



其中的 Koma-script 类scrbook与该包不兼容titlesec。以下文档由您的文档的几行组成。

\section{My heading}


! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.4 \section{My heading}

