Beamer 标题幻灯片定制(文本对齐)

Beamer 标题幻灯片定制(文本对齐)

我正在使用 Pandoc + Beamer 从 MarkDown 源生成演示文稿,但是我的标题幻灯片上的文本对齐遇到了一些问题。



\defbeamertemplate*{title page}{customised}[1][]

完整的 pandoc 模板是:

% Lackadaisical Beamer Template
% Use to generate presentations from MarkDown via Pandoc
% Heavily based on the pandoc default template, but customised for beamer

% Variables:
% background-image          String - Path to image to be used as background on every slide.
% font:
%                           fontsize - Number - Base font size.
%                           mainfont - String - Body font
%                           sansfont - String - Heading font
%                           monofont - String - Monospaced font
% links-as-notes            Boolean - Make links footnotes rather than hyperlinks.
% navigation                String - Navigation Symbols:
%                               - default: none
%                               - Not sure what other values are valid, but they're rarely used!
% table-row-highlighting    Boolean - Enable alternate row colours.
% title-page-background     String - Path to image to be used as background on title page.
% toc-title                 String - Title on the Table of Contents slide. Default: none



% Background image for each slide.
\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight]{/working/templates/template_resources/lackadaisical_beamer_background.pdf}%

% Navigation symbols should be suppressed by default, but can be enabled.
\setbeamercolor{caption name}{fg=normal text.fg}

% Set beamer font theme early

\widowpenalties 1 10000

% Define some colours and then tell beamer to use them.

\definecolor{foreground}{RGB}{2, 2, 2} % Black
\definecolor{background}{RGB}{251,252,255} % White

% Titles on every page
% Titles witin blocks
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=blue}

% Titlepage items.

% Body text
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=foreground,bg=background}

% Lists
\setbeamercolor{item}{fg=blue} % Bullet colour
\setbeamercolor{itemize items}{fg=blue}
\setbeamercolor{itemize/enumerate subbody}{fg=grey}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{{\textendash}} % Use en-dash for subitems.
\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate subbody}{size=\footnotesize} % make them smaller.
\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate subitem}{size=\footnotesize}

\setbeamertemplate{part page}{
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=16pt,center]{part title}
    \usebeamerfont{part title}\insertpart\par
\setbeamertemplate{section page}{
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=12pt,center]{part title}
    \usebeamerfont{section title}\insertsection\par
\setbeamertemplate{subsection page}{
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=8pt,center]{part title}
    \usebeamerfont{subsection title}\insertsubsection\par

% ulem is needed for underlining and strikethrough text commands.
% the option "normalem" is needed to preserve _italics_. Without the option,
% _italics_ will become underlines, which is not desirable.

\usefonttheme{serif} % use mainfont rather than sansfont for slide text

% Configure Fonts

% fontspec provides an easy interface to XeTeX's font configuration.


\defaultfontfeatures{ Ligatures=TeX } % This is actually a default option for main and sans font, but applies to all fonts set after this point.
    BoldFont={Noto Sans Bold},
    ItalicFont={Noto Sans Italic},
    BoldItalicFont={Noto Sans Bold Italic}
  ]{Noto Sans}
    % We can use ucharclasses to setup font transitions based on unicode blocks.
  \usepackage[CJK, Latin, Mathematics, Malayalam, Thai, Sinhala, Symbols]{ucharclasses}

  \newfontfamily{\latinfont}{Noto Sans}
  \newfontfamily{\malayalamfont}{Noto Sans Malayalam}
  \newfontfamily{\sinhalafont}{Noto Sans Sinhala}
  \newfontfamily{\thaifont}{Noto Sans Thai}
  \newfontfamily{\mathsfont}{Noto Sans Math}
  \newfontfamily{\symbolfont}{Noto Sans Symbols}

% We're beginning and ending groups here so that the transition works anywhere.
% This means that if e.g. a symbol is used within monospaced text that it will return to being monospaced
% instead of going back to our default\main font!



  \setsansfont{Liberation Sans}


% Required for pandoc to generate tables.

  % Make caption package work with longtable



% Pandoc puts lists within \tightlist. We need to provide that command else the conversion will fail.

% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% use microtype if available
  \UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts




% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
% Set default figure placement to htbp

% Make links footnotes instead of hotlinks:

\newenvironment{CSLReferences}[2] % #1 hanging-ident, #2 entry spacing
 {% don't indent paragraphs
  % turn on hanging indent if param 1 is 1
  \ifodd #1 \everypar{\setlength{\hangindent}{\cslhangindent}}\ignorespaces\fi
  % set entry spacing
  \ifnum #2 > 0
\newcommand{\CSLRightInline}[1]{\parbox[t]{\linewidth - \csllabelwidth}{#1}\break}

% Slide number in lower right

% Required for title page background. Provides \AddToShipoutPicture
% We use the PDF for a vector image because XeLaTeX can't determine the SVG width.

% Set metadata & content variables

% PDF metadata, also some other URL
% options (breaklinks breaks URLs so they aren't ugly)
%\usepackage[hyphens]{url} % This package breaks links even better
pdfproducer={Pandoc and XeLaTeX},
pdfborder={0 0 0},

% Set some content variables.

% Set the date (use \today to get date when generated)

% Customise beamer title page
\defbeamertemplate*{title page}{customised}[1][]


% Fix Section Headings
% Hyperref stops hyperlinks from looking bad as content buuuuut
% It also changes the colour of section titles. Let's stop that happening.

















还有一些会生成标题页的 markdown 源:

title: Example Presentation
background-image: true
author: Matt Jolly
 - example
subject: example

aspectratio: 169
table-row-highlighting: true
toc: true
slide-level: 2


# General information

## What am I looking at?

This is a beamer presentation generated from MarkDown Source.

> The name is taken from the German word "Beamer" as a pseudo-anglicism for "video projector".

## MarkDown

In this presentation, when referring to MarkDown it specifically means [pandoc Markdown](, which is a superset of [CommonMark](

