按照这里的建议使用(https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/160113/231568) 尝试在一行中显示表格脚注。脚注的大小由 控制\appto\TPTnoteSettings{\footnotesize}
。但脚注实际上并没有显示在一行中,如下图所示。例如,[a] 和 [c] 之后仍有空格。
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\section{Section one}
\caption{Lorem ipsum.\label{tab:Lorem-ipsum.}}
\textbf{\footnotesize{}a\tnote{a}} & \textbf{\footnotesize{}b} & \textbf{\footnotesize{}c} & \textbf{\footnotesize{}d\tnote{b}} & \textbf{\footnotesize{}g}\tabularnewline[0.1cm]
\textbf{\footnotesize{}1\tnote{c}} & & & & {\footnotesize{}1\tnote{d}}{\footnotesize\par}
\textbf{\footnotesize{}2\tnote{e}} & & & & {\footnotesize{}1\tnote{d}}{\footnotesize\par}
\textbf{\footnotesize{}3\tnote{f}} & & & & {\footnotesize{}1\tnote{d}}\tabularnewline[\doublerulesep]
\textbf{\footnotesize{}4\tnote{e}} & & & & \tabularnewline[\doublerulesep]
\textbf{\footnotesize{}5} & & & & \tabularnewline[\doublerulesep]
\textbf{\footnotesize{}6\tnote{g}} & & & & {\footnotesize{}1\tnote{h}}\tabularnewline[\doublerulesep]
\textbf{\footnotesize{}7\tnote{i}} & & & & {\footnotesize{}1\tnote{h}}\tabularnewline[\doublerulesep]
\item [a] Lorem 0.00 mmol sit amet, consetetur 0.00 mmol sed diam nonumy.
\item [b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit.
\item [c] Lorem 00 mol\% sit amet, consetetur 00 h elitr.
\item [d] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
\item [e] Lorem ipsum 00 mol\% sit amet, consetetur 00 h elitr.
\item [f] Lorem dolor dolor sit amet.
\item [g] Lorem ipsum 00 mol\% sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.
\item [h] Lorem ipsum dolor.
\item [i] Lorem ipsum 00 mol\% sit amet, consetetur lorem ipsum dolor 000h sadipscing elitr.
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