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\textbf{DATABASE} & \textbf{QUERY 1: QUERY USED PER DATABASE} \\ [0.5ex]
Scopus & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/CJA & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
CA/WoS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/IBSS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/PsycINFO & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/CJD & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ScienceDirect & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
Wiley & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
JSTOR & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
WorldCat & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c ||}
\textbf{DATABASE} & \textbf{QUERY 2: QUERY USED PER DATABASE} \\ [0.5ex]
Scopus & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/CJA & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
CA/WoS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/IBSS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/PsycINFO & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/CJD & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ScienceDirect & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
Wiley & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
JSTOR & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
WorldCat & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c ||}
\textbf{DATABASE} & \textbf{QUERY 3: QUERY USED PER DATABASE} \\ [0.5ex]
Scopus & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/CJA & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
CA/WoS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/IBSS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/PsycINFO & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/CJD & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ScienceDirect & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
Wiley & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
JSTOR & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
WorldCat & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
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有没有办法消除较大的上边距?我曾多次使用 \vspace 和 \vspace*,但都没有效果,而且弄乱了横向模式(它处于正常模式文档中)
(2)注意每个 之前的空行\bigskip
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1. \kant[1-3]
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\textbf{DATABASE 1} & \textbf{QUERY 1: QUERY USED PER DATABASE} \\ [0.5ex]
Scopus & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/CJA & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
CA/WoS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/IBSS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/PsycINFO & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/CJD & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ScienceDirect & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
Wiley & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
JSTOR & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
WorldCat & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
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\textbf{DATABASE 2} & \textbf{QUERY 2: QUERY USED PER DATABASE} \\ [0.5ex]
Scopus & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/CJA & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
CA/WoS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/IBSS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/PsycINFO & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/CJD & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ScienceDirect & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
Wiley & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
JSTOR & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
WorldCat & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
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\textbf{DATABASE 3} & \textbf{QUERY 3: QUERY USED PER DATABASE} \\ [0.5ex]
Scopus & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/CJA & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
CA/WoS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/IBSS & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
EBSCO/PsycINFO & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ProQuest/CJD & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
ScienceDirect & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
Wiley & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
JSTOR & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
WorldCat & (“police” OR “law enforcement”) AND (“response time?” OR “arrival time?”) \\
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2. \kant[2-5]