


  1. 将数值放置在因子菱形的 4 个象限中
  2. 中心号码之内因子框表和将数字置于中心位于顶行 2 个单元格上方
  3. 将数字放到第一列中每个单元格的左侧



当然,数字和变量会因问题而异。正如你从我的 MWE 中看到的,解决方案集采用 2 列格式。




%\printanswers % un-comment to print solutions.

\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}

% p centers horizontally in table cell
% m centers vertically in table cell

\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0.5in,include head]{geometry}



\header{Algebra II Review Ch 3.2: Operations Rational Expressions and Equations: K E Y}

    \textbf {Obj. 3.2.a: I can simplify factored rational expressions and find their restrictions.
    \bigskipSimplify expression and state the excluded values (+1 pt numerator, +1 pt denominator, +1 pt restrictions.) each equation. Show all work/steps on this page.}

% ------------ DOCUMENT STARTS HERE---------------- 

%definition for bigskip = 1 line to replace all \bigskip

%macro \diamondscheme. The lines are drawn too, you need not tikz. The size is controlled by the \diaw parameter. It is set to 1.5cm in this example.

% definition
\newdimen\diaw \diaw=1.5cm
    \vbox to\diaw{
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#1$\hss}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hbox to0pt{\hss$#2$\hss}\hss
                     \hbox to0pt{\hss$#3$\hss}}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#4$\hss}
\divide\tmpnum by65781  % tmpnum is now equal to \diaw in bp units
\divide\tmpnum by2
   {q 0.4 w -\tmp \tmp m \tmp -\tmp l S -\tmp -\tmp m \tmp \tmp l S Q}}

% Prob #1
\task $\dfrac{10k^2+32k+24}{1k5+18}$
Factor 2 out of the numerator.\bigskip

$\dfrac{2(5k^2+16k+12)} {15k+18}$\bigskip

Now factor the numerator using diamond method. 
%call diamondscheme macro
The 5 in front of $5k^2$ means this is a non-monic quadratic trinomial. So you must proceed to the box method to complete the factorization.

%Example of fixed column width and text long (array package required)
% for the vertical padding / row height
\begin{tabular}{ | m{5em} | m{2cm}| m{2cm} | } 

  $x^2$ & $6x$  \\ 
  $2x$ & $12$  \\ 
simplified form: $7x$

Zeros: $x=0$

Holes: $none$

VA: $none$
% Prob #2
\task $\dfrac{3x^2-13x-10}{x-5}$

Nothing can be factored out of the numerator and denominator.

Now factor the numerator using diamond method. 
%call diamondscheme macro

The 3 in front of $3k^2$ means this is a non-monic quadratic trinomial. So you must proceed to the box method to complete the factorization.

%Example of fixed column width and text long (array package required)
% for the vertical padding / row height
\begin{tabular}{ | m{5em} | m{2cm}| m{2cm} | } 

  $x^2$ & $6x$  \\ 
  $2x$ & $12$  \\ 

simplified form: $?$

Zeros: $x=0$

Holes: $none$

VA: $none$


你的问题 1 应该可以通过以下宏来解决\diamondscheme。线条也会被绘制,你不需要 tikz。尺寸由参数控制\diaw。在这个例子中,它设置为 1.5cm。

% definition
\newdimen\diaw \diaw=1.5cm
    \vbox to\diaw{
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#1$\hss}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hbox to0pt{\hss$#2$\hss}\hss
                     \hbox to0pt{\hss$#3$\hss}}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#4$\hss}
\divide\tmpnum by65781  % tmpnum is now equal to \diaw in bp units
\divide\tmpnum by2
   {q 0.4 w -\tmp \tmp m \tmp -\tmp l S -\tmp -\tmp m \tmp \tmp l S Q}}


根据\\文档中的内容。仔细阅读日志文件。Underfull \hbox这里的每个警告都是\\不正确使用的。如果您想在段落后添加一行空格,请\bigskip通过以下方式重新定义 LaTeX:


并将所有内容替换\\\bigskip。当然,不要在tabular环境中执行此替换,因为环境\\使用正确。注意:原始 LaTeX\bigskip\vadjust{\vskip\bigskipamount},它不会完成当前段落,只会带来问题。

请注意,您的日志中也有一个Overfull \hbox。这是由于第二个错误的 LaTeX 概念:它插入\leavemode到由 LaTeX 创建的每个框之前。因此,您\fbox的定义中的向右\pagetop移动了。在此之前插入\indent\noindent\fbox
