

在一个典型的段落中,第一行会缩进一定量(比如说 1em)。

为了达到某种视觉效果,我希望每段的最后一行也缩进,比如说 1em。最后一行的其余部分应左对齐,第一行和最后一行之间的行应照常对齐。


  This paragraph is indented by 1em    <- this line is indented 1em
at the first line. After that some     <-\
text and some more to give you the     <-|
impression that all lines are justi-   <-+- all these lines justified 
fied and left aligned and then the     <-|
last line is indented by the same      <-/
  amount as the first.                 <- this line indented and left aligned
This small amount of space is what I am after!


\setlength{\leftskip}{1em plus -1fil}
\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 1fil}




我不认为在 LaTeX 中可以自动将这个功能应用到每一个普通文本段落。

它的工作原理是首先将段落作为 收集到盒子寄存器 0 中\vbox。这样做是为了\parfillskip=\parindent plus 1fil让 TeX 尝试\parindent在最后一行至少有一个空格。下一步是再次将其存储到盒子寄存器中(再次作为\vbox),这样做是为了我们可以进行一些修改。首先将原始内容放回原处,然后移除最后一个框(即最后一行的水平框)并将其存储在盒子寄存器中。接下来再次输出该盒子寄存器,但在\hskip\parindent其前面加上 ,以便它能够正确缩进。

我们可以用一个盒子寄存器 0 完成所有这些工作,因为分配是在本地完成的,并且在每个盒子的嵌套使用范围内。

我们还使用了一些代码https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/463739/117050修复连续\indentlastlinepars 之间的空格(不幸的是,这需要另一个盒子寄存器,如果仅使用寄存器 0,代码会更加混乱)。





    \parfillskip\parindent plus 1fil\relax
    % save the number of lines of the paragraph typeset in the box
        % measurement as in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/463739/117050
        % only make changes if the paragraph had more than one line
          % changing the last line as in
          % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/280035/117050
              \hbox to \linewidth{\hskip\parindent\unhbox0\uskip\unskip\hfill}%
        % introducing additional space and setting the correct depth as in
        % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/463739/117050


\indentlastlinepar{This is a paragraph containing \verb|\verbatim| material.}





    \parfillskip\parindent plus 1fil\relax
    % save the number of lines of the paragraph typeset in the box
        % only make changes if the paragraph had more than one line
          % changing the last line as in
          % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/280035/117050
              \hbox to \linewidth{\hskip\parindent\unhbox0\unskip\unskip\hfill}%
        % introducing additional space dependent on the current vtops height
        % unbox the contents



\indentlastlinepar{This is a paragraph containing \verb|\verbatim| material.}




这需要运行两次乳胶,第一次运行计算以 为前缀的任何段落的行数\zz,第二次运行使用该信息构建\parshape 如果 parshape 改变行数,则可能需要额外运行。




\expandafter\let\expandafter\zzn\csname zzcnt\the\zzpar\endcsname
\parshape \zzn
\parindent \dimexpr\linewidth-\parindent\relax




This paragraph is indented by 1em
at the first line. After that some
text and some more to give you the
impression that all lines are justi-
fied and left aligned and then the
last line is indented by the same
amount as the first.

