Doc 类考试:如何控制答案框/框架的水平宽度

Doc 类考试:如何控制答案框/框架的水平宽度

下面的 MWE 指定了 2 列格式 - 每列一个问题。按照目前的编码,分步解决方案框有点窄,导致连字符对可读性产生负面影响(IMHO)并且不必要地延长了解决方案框的长度/深度。




% un-comment to print solutions.

\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0.5in,include head]{geometry}


\header{Algebra II Review Ch 3.2: Operations Rational Expressions and Equations: K E Y}

    \textbf {Obj. 3.2.a: I can simplify factored rational expressions and find their restrictions.
    \bigskipSimplify expression and state the excluded values (+1 pt numerator, +1 pt denominator, +1 pt restrictions.) each equation. Show all work/steps on this page.}

% ------------ DOCUMENT STARTS HERE---------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%definition for bigskip = 1 line to replace all \bigskip

%macro \diamondscheme. The lines are drawn too, you need not tikz. The size is controlled by the \diaw parameter. It is set to 1.5cm in this example.

% definition
\newdimen\diaw \diaw=1.5cm
    \vbox to\diaw{
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#1$\hss}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hbox to0pt{\hss$#2$\hss}\hss
                     \hbox to0pt{\hss$#3$\hss}}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#4$\hss}
\divide\tmpnum by65781  % tmpnum is now equal to \diaw in bp units
\divide\tmpnum by2
   {q 0.4 w -\tmp \tmp m \tmp -\tmp l S -\tmp -\tmp m \tmp \tmp l S Q}}

% Prob #1
\task $\dfrac{10k^2+32k+24}{15k+18}$
Factor 2 out of the numerator.\bigskip

$\dfrac{2(5k^2+16k+12)} {15k+18}$\bigskip

Now factor the numerator using diamond method. 
%call diamondscheme macro
The 5 in front of $5k^2$ means this is a non-monic quadratic trinomial. So use the box method to complete the factorization.

\begin{tabular}{ c | c | c | }
  \mcc{} & \mcc{\textcolor{red}{$5k$}} & \mcc{\textcolor{red}{$+6$}} \\
 \textcolor{red}{$k$} & $5k^2$ & $6$ \\
 \textcolor{red}{$+2$} & $10k$ & $12$ \\

Numerator factors to $\color{red}\dfrac{(5k+6)(k+2)}{\color{black} 15k+18}$ 

Now factor the bottom:


Cancel common factors (this creates a HOLE in the graph):


Simplified form: $\dfrac{(k+2)}{3}$

\textcolor{blue}{\textbf {Reminder:}}

\textbf{Zeros occur on top} (in the numerator).

\textbf{VA's (vertical asymptotes) are restrictions in the denominator} prevent division by $0$.

{Zeros: $k=-2$}

{Holes: $k=-6/5$}

{VA: $none$}


% Prob #1
\task $\dfrac{5k^2+10k+24}{6k+12}$
step-by-step solution goes here




      label-width=1.5em, % <---------
      item-indent=2em,  % <----------
      column-sep=1em % <----------





% un-comment to print solutions.

\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0.5in,include head]{geometry}


\header{Algebra II Review Ch 3.2: Operations Rational Expressions and Equations: K E Y}

    \textbf {Obj. 3.2.a: I can simplify factored rational expressions and find their restrictions.
    \bigskipSimplify expression and state the excluded values (+1 pt numerator, +1 pt denominator, +1 pt restrictions.) each equation. Show all work/steps on this page.}

          label-width=1.5em, %<---------
          item-indent=2em,  % <---------
          column-sep=1em   %  <----------
% ------------ DOCUMENT STARTS HERE---------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%definition for bigskip = 1 line to replace all \bigskip

%macro \diamondscheme. The lines are drawn too, you need not tikz. The size is controlled by the \diaw parameter. It is set to 1.5cm in this example.

% definition
\newdimen\diaw \diaw=1.5cm
    \vbox to\diaw{
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#1$\hss}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hbox to0pt{\hss$#2$\hss}\hss
                     \hbox to0pt{\hss$#3$\hss}}
       \hbox to\diaw{\hss$#4$\hss}
\divide\tmpnum by65781  % tmpnum is now equal to \diaw in bp units
\divide\tmpnum by2
   {q 0.4 w -\tmp \tmp m \tmp -\tmp l S -\tmp -\tmp m \tmp \tmp l S Q}}

% Prob #1
\task $\dfrac{10k^2+32k+24}{15k+18}$
Factor 2 out of the numerator.\bigskip

$\dfrac{2(5k^2+16k+12)} {15k+18}$\bigskip

Now factor the numerator using diamond method. 
%call diamondscheme macro
The 5 in front of $5k^2$ means this is a non-monic quadratic trinomial. So use the box method to complete the factorization.

\begin{tabular}{ c | c | c | }
  \mcc{} & \mcc{\textcolor{red}{$5k$}} & \mcc{\textcolor{red}{$+6$}} \\
 \textcolor{red}{$k$} & $5k^2$ & $6$ \\
 \textcolor{red}{$+2$} & $10k$ & $12$ \\

Numerator factors to $\color{red}\dfrac{(5k+6)(k+2)}{\color{black} 15k+18}$ 

Now factor the bottom:


Cancel common factors (this creates a HOLE in the graph):


Simplified form: $\dfrac{(k+2)}{3}$

\textcolor{blue}{\textbf {Reminder:}}

\textbf{Zeros occur on top} (in the numerator).

\textbf{VA's (vertical asymptotes) are restrictions in the denominator} prevent division by $0$.

{Zeros: $k=-2$}

{Holes: $k=-6/5$}

{VA: $none$}


% Prob #1
\task $\dfrac{5k^2+10k+24}{6k+12}$
step-by-step solution goes here
