Threeparttable 对齐包含括号的脚注

Threeparttable 对齐包含括号的脚注

我用threeparttable它来格式化我的表格。我还使用括号来引用脚注。如下图所示,脚注的第二行[a]没有对齐。以 开头的行0.0从最左边开始。




PS:这是重现此问题的示例 LaTeX 代码。

% Preview source code

%% LyX 2.3.6 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% --------- change figure and table caption size -----------
\usepackage{caption} % to change font size of image caption
\captionsetup[figure]{font=footnotesize,labelfont=footnotesize} % available values are scriptsize, footnotesize, small, normalsize, large, and Large.
\captionsetup[table]{font=footnotesize,labelfont=footnotesize} % available values are scriptsize, footnotesize, small, normalsize, large, and Large.
% -----------------------------------------------
\usepackage{booktabs} % booktabs: to support centering of table
\usepackage{etoolbox} % to support footnotesize within table
\appto\TPTnoteSettings{\footnotesize} % footnote font size within table
\def\tnote#1{\protect\TPToverlap{\textsuperscript{[\TPTtagStyle{#1}]}}} % brackets in table footnotes




1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5\tabularnewline[\doublerulesep]

\item [a] Loremips umdolor sit ahmet 0.00 lore mipsum, 00 lor\% ipsumlor emi 0.00 lore ipsumlor ip 0.0 lo remipsu mlo 00 l lo remi psumloremip.
\item [b] Loremipsum lor emipsu LORE.
\item [c] Loremipsum dol ORE.



以下解决方案可实现您的格式化目标。请注意,执行 不是一个好主意\def\TPTnoteSettings{\setlength\labelwidth{1em}},因为这样做会破坏宏的默认设置。这就是为什么下面的代码包含指令




\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % "latin9" -- are you serious ?!


\usepackage{array} % for '\newcolumntype' macro


\providecommand\tabularnewline{\\} % just in case it isn't already defined

              font=footnotesize % really?
\usepackage{booktabs} % booktabs: to support centering of table
    %% No!! 'booktabs' is utterly unrelated to centering a table.
    %% Who on earth gave you this erroneous piece of information?
\usepackage{etoolbox} % for '\AtBeginEnvironment' macro and '\apptocmd' macro
\def\tnote#1{\protect\TPToverlap{\textsuperscript{[\TPTtagStyle{#1}]}}} % cf.
\apptocmd{\TPTnoteSettings}{\setlength\labelwidth{1em}}{}{} % <-- new

\begin{threeparttable} % <-- should come _before_ '\caption'

\begin{tabular}{@{} M{1.2cm} M{4cm} M{3cm} M{1.8cm} M{1.9cm} @{}}
1\tnote{a} & 2\tnote{b} & 3 & 4 & 5\tnote{c} \tabularnewline 

\item[a] Loremips umdolor sit ahmet 0.00 lore mipsum, 00 lor\% ipsumlor emi
         0.00 lore ipsumlor ip Lo lo remipsu mlo 00 l lo remi psumloremip.
\item[b] Loremipsum lor emipsu LORE.
\item[c] Loremipsum dol ORE.

