使用 xcoffins 的反射页面

使用 xcoffins 的反射页面

在创建镜像此页面的页面时我遗漏了一些东西(在 y 轴/垂直折叠上反映此页面)

愚人节 第 1 页

愚人节第 2 页

这是我的 xcoffins 代码:

\documentclass[class=article, crop=false]{standalone}
\usepackage{xcolor, fontspec}

\usepackage{ifthen,changepage} % check odd or even page

\usepackage[papersize={7.5in,7.5in}, top=1in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in, bottom=1in]{geometry}

\AtBeginShipout{\AtBeginShipoutAddToBox{%  shipout even and odd pages title and figures



%%%%%%%%%   set figures width/height  plus height of text area
\setlength{\imageFoxRT}{0.75in} % height and width of the figures

\setlength{\textHFox}{6in} % <<<<<<<<<<<<


\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxRT{\imageFoxRT}{%bottom image

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxRTM{\imageFoxRT}{% top left

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxRTL{\imageFoxRT}{%top right

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxLB{\imageFoxLB}{% topmost
    \includegraphics[height=\imageFoxLB, width=\imageFoxLB]{fox}
    \textit{The mask, the divine; \\ All things, in their time.}

{\huge 00. The Fox}


{\scriptsize\textbf{Mercenarium Function:} 00. The Fox is summoned into play as a Lord with no suit. When summoned, roll the Fox die and place it on the card. The number rolled sets the card’s suit and special effect; if set to 1, 2, 3 or 4, the card functions as a Lord of Claws, Souls, Gears or Blades, respectively. If set to 5, the card functions as the Lord of Stars, which causes silence and prevents all players from singing hymns until the Fox die has changed or 00. The Fox has been removed from play. If set to the Seed of Life icon, the card functions as the Lord of Flowers, and can be used by its owner as a base to field summon any card of any face value. The player that controls 00. The Fox may use their turn action to re-roll the Fox die.}


{\scriptsize If 00. The Fox is moved by the effects of III. Optimo, IX. The Shade, or XI. Visionaire, its die value remains the same as before it was moved.}



{\scriptsize\textbf{Dragonfruit Meanings:}
\textbf{Laughter} / Understanding, Ease, Serenity}


{\scriptsize The Fox represents the energy of divine creation, and those flashes where we realize the beauty of the universe and bring our awareness to the present. It embodies the mantra of “be here now”, the experience of satori, and is a salve for the painful lessons of life, giving them meaning through context in the eternal unfolding of reality. It hearkens to those moments of childlike bliss in which we are delighted to simply experience things, unconcerned with the past, the future, our projects, and obligations. There is an elusive state of mind brought about by peaceful awareness, in which egoistic pursuit gives way to a formless and light sensation, and through which all great and powerful works become something that feels almost effortless to complete – flow. It is this state of mind that The Fox seeks to emphasize. Its intimate relationship with The Fool, and its connection through alteration, \\ represents the lurking fears that can so easily plunge us out of flow and back into foolishness, as we twist and turn through lessons and laughter, ignorance and bliss, in the eternal dance of existence.}


{\scriptsize The Fool thinks it’s good to be The Fox; but The Fox knows itself to be The Fool} 

%********************************************* set & assembly the content of even and odd pages 

% *************** even pages 
\JoinCoffins*\FrameEvenFoxx[l,b]\FigFoxRTL[l,b](0in,0in)% top right
\JoinCoffins*\FrameEvenFoxx[r,t]\FigFoxTT[r,t](0in,0pt)% top text
\JoinCoffins*\FrameEvenFoxx[l,t]\FigFoxLB[l,t](0in,0in) %bottom image


% *************** odd pages



    \textit{{\large 1 confession}}\\
    \textit{{\large 1nce a myth's erased}}\\
    \textit{{\large 2$^{nd}$ lesson lost without a}}\\
    \textit{{\large Tr\'{e}s}}\\




所有图片都是相同尺寸。我不知道我的 JoinCoffins 出了什么问题。当我创建文件时,所有内容都堆放在页面的左上角,而不是我想要的位置。我知道使用 JoinCoffins 末尾的有序对从极点重新定位,但我无法让我的文本位于右侧。欢迎任何帮助!



我只是对Joins 做了一些小改动,颠倒了图像和文本的位置。我还将第一页的文本包含在 中xcoffin以简化代码。

(我没有安装 Futura 字体,所以我注释掉了那一行)


\documentclass[class=article, crop=false]{standalone}
\usepackage{xcolor, fontspec}

\usepackage{ifthen,changepage} % check odd or even page

\usepackage[papersize={7.5in,7.5in}, top=0.75in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in, bottom=0.75in]{geometry}

\AtBeginShipout{\AtBeginShipoutAddToBox{%  shipout even and odd pages title and figures
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{oddpage}}{\TypesetCoffin\FrameEFoxx}{\TypesetCoffin\FrameOFoxx}} % reverse also the pages



%%%%%%%%%   set figures width/height  plus height of text area
\setlength{\imageFoxRT}{0.75in} % height and width of the figures

\setlength{\textHFox}{6in} % 


 % ********* filling the boxes      
\SetVerticalCoffin\FrameOddFoxx{\textHFox}{\color{white}\rule{\textHFox}{\textHFox}} %frame collector 
\SetVerticalCoffin\FrameEvenFoxx{\textHFox}{\color{white}\rule{\textHFox}{\textHFox}} %frame collector

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxRT{1.368in}{%bottom image

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxRTM{\imageFoxRT}{%center left 2

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxRTL{0.387\imageFoxRT}{%center left 1

\SetVerticalCoffin\FigFoxLB{\imageFoxLB}{% topmost left
    \includegraphics[height=\imageFoxLB, width=\imageFoxLB]{example-grid-100x100pt}%
    \textit{Many masks, No mind.}
{\huge 00. The Fox}


{\scriptsize\textbf{Mercenarium Function:} 00. The Fox is summoned into play as a Lord with no suit. When summoned, roll the Fox die and place it on the card. The number rolled sets the card’s suit and special effect; if set to 1, 2, 3 or 4, the card functions as a Lord of Claws, Souls, Gears or Blades, respectively. If set to 5, the card functions as the Lord of Stars, which causes silence and prevents all players from singing hymns until the Fox die has changed or 00. The Fox has been removed from play. If set to the Seed of Life icon, the card functions as the Lord of Flowers, and can be used by its owner as a base to field summon any card of any face value. The player that controls 00. The Fox may use their turn action to re-roll the Fox die.}


{\scriptsize If 00. The Fox is moved by the effects of III. Optimo, IX. The Shade, or XI. Visionaire, its die value remains the same as before it was moved.}



{\scriptsize\textbf{Dragonfruit Meanings:}
\textbf{Laughter} / Understanding, Ease, Serenity}


{\scriptsize The Fox represents the energy of divine creation, and those flashes where we realize the beauty of the universe and bring our awareness to the present. It embodies the mantra of “be here now”, the experience of satori, and is a salve for the painful lessons of life, giving them meaning through context in the eternal unfolding of reality. It hearkens to those moments of childlike bliss in which we are delighted to simply experience things, unconcerned with the past, the future, our projects, and obligations. }


{\scriptsize The Fool thinks it’s good to be The Fox; but The Fox knows itself to be The Fool.} 

\centering  \large
\textit{1 confession\\
 1nce a myth's erased\\
2$^{nd}$ lesson lost without a\\

%********************************************* set & assembly the content of even and odd pages 

% *************** now on even page, reversed by atbegshi    
\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[l,t]\FigFoxLB[l,t](0in,0in) %top left
\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[l,t]\FigFoxRTL[l,vc](0in,-1.5\imageFoxLB-1.368in/2)%  left center 1  
\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[l,t]\FigFoxRTM[l,vc](\imageFoxLB-\imageFoxRT,-1.5\imageFoxLB-1.368in/2)%  left center 2
\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[l,b]\FigFoxRT[l,b](\imageFoxLB/2-1.368in/2,0in) % bottom figure
\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[r,t]\FigFoxTT[r,t](0in,0in)  % text column  right


%********************************************* now on odd page,  reversed by atbegshi
\JoinCoffins*\FrameEvenFoxx[hc,vc]\TextEvenFoxx[hc,vc](0in,0in) % text centered on first page

%% *******************************************************************************
% first page blank
% new blank, second page





\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[l,t]\FigFoxRTL[l,vc](0in,-1.5\imageFoxLB-1.368in/2)%  left center 1


\JoinCoffins*\FrameOddFoxx[l,t]\FigFoxRTL[l,vc](\imageFoxLB/2-1.368in/2,-1.5\imageFoxLB-1.368in/2)%  left center 1

