%% Fontspec provides an interface to system fonts and Opentype features
%% Load default features. An asterisk means they are supposed to be
%% enabled by default, but engines may behave differently.
%+calt % *Contextual alternates
%,+clig % *contextual ligatures
%,+ccmp % *composition & decomposition
%,+tlig % 'tex-ligatures': `` '' -- --- !` ?` << >>
%,+cv06 % narrow guillemets
%% Finally set the main font
\setmainfont{EB Garamond}
%% Use polyglossia to handle different languages.
babelshorthands % needed to access "| as a ZWNJ symbol
%% Multicol for the two-column samples
%% Samples that show the font used in different languages.
%% English
\paragraph*{Claude Garamond} (ca. 1480 – 1561) was a Parisian publisher. He was one of the leading type designers of his time, and is credited with the introduction of the apostrophe, the accent and the cedilla to the French language. Several contemporary typefaces, including those currently known as Garamond, Granjon, and Sabon, reflect his influence. Garamond was an apprentice of Simon de Colines; later, he was an assistant to Geoffroy Tory, whose interests in humanist typography and the ancient Greek capital letterforms, or majuscules, may have informed Garamond’s later work.
\textit{Garamond came to prominence in 1541, when three of his Greek typefaces (e.g. the Grecs du roi (1541)) were requested for a royally-ordered book series by Robert Estienne. Garamond based these types on the handwriting of Angelo Vergecio, the King’s Librarian at Fontainebleau, as well as that of his ten-year-old pupil, Henri Estienne. According to Arthur Tilley, the resulting books are “among the most finished specimens of typography that exist.” Shortly thereafter, Garamond created the Roman types for which […]}
这是从 EBGaramond 字体的样本文件中提取的https://github.com/georgd/EB-Garamond/tree/master/specimen
在 pdf 中,他们描述了字体功能以及如何有选择地启用连字。但是,除了命令之外,输入的所有命令RawFeature
该命令似乎可以启用所有可能的连字,甚至是古老的连字。如何有选择地启用连字,为什么字体功能不起作用?(这已在 xelatex 和 lualatex 下进行了测试。我\setff
也在 OpTeX 中使用该命令测试了字体功能,即使在那里,行为也是相同的。)