\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\newfontfamily\ef{Linux Libertine O}
Past \hspace{0.5cm} \= \hspace{3cm} \= | 1. \textit{avidyā}, ignorance (blind camel)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 2. \textit{saṃskāra}, latent dispositions (pot-maker)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \textit{upapattibhāva} \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 3. \textit{vijñāna}, rebirth-consciousness (ape)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| or Receptive \\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| side of life\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 4. \textit{nāmarūpa}, name and form (ferryman)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 5. \textit{ṣaḍāyatana}, six organs of knowledge (mask with holes)\\
Present \hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 6. \textit{sparśa}, contact (arrow entering the eye)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 7. \textit{vedanā}, feeling (\textit{mithuna})\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \textit{karmabhava} \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 8. \textit{tṛṣṇā}, craving (drinking man)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| or Potential\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| side of life\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 9. \textit{upādāna}, rooted ideas (gathering flowers)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> ~| \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 10. \textit{bhava}, action or character (pregnant woman)\\
Future \hspace{0.5cm} \> \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 11. \textit{jāti}, birth (child-birth)\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> \hspace{3cm} \> ~| 12. \textit{jarāmaraṇaśokaparidevanāduḥkhadurmanaskatā},\\
\hspace{0.5cm} \> \hspace{3cm} \> ~| decay-death-sorrow-lament-suffering-despair.
与您的序言相同(所以我没有在这里重复),您可以使用 withtabular
s 来修复垂直线和一些额外的间距。
\multirow{6.5}={\textit{upapattibhāva} or Receptive side of life}}
\multirow{3}={\textit{karmabhava} or Potential side of life}}
\newcommand{\NoV}{\multicolumn{1}{r@{}}{}} % No vertical line
% small vertical spaces (with and without vertical line)
\newcommand{\VSpace}{ & & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} \\[-8pt]}
\newcommand{\VSpaceb}{ &\NoV & \multicolumn{2}{l}{} \\[-8pt]}
\begin{tabular}{l r@{}| p{2.5cm} r@{}|@{\,} r@{\,} p{7.5cm}}
\MR{Past} & \NoV & \MRa & \MRb & 1.& \textit{avidyā}, ignorance (blind camel)\\
& \NoV & & & 2. & \textit{saṃskāra}, latent dispositions (pot-maker)\\
& & & \MRd & 3. & \textit{vijñāna}, rebirth-consciousness (ape)\\
& & & & 4. & \textit{nāmarūpa}, name and form (ferryman)\\
& & & & 5.& \textit{ṣaḍāyatana}, six organs of knowledge (mask with holes)\\
Present & –& & & 6.& \textit{sparśa}, contact (arrow entering the eye)\\
& & & & 7.& \textit{vedanā}, feeling (\textit{mithuna})\\
& &\MRc & & 8.& \textit{tṛṣṇā}, craving (drinking man)\\
& & & & 9.& \textit{upādāna}, rooted ideas (gathering flowers)\\
& & & & 10.& \textit{bhava}, action or character (pregnant woman)\\
\MR{Future} & \NoV & & \MRb & 11.& \textit{jāti}, birth (child-birth)\\
& \NoV & & & 12.& \textit{jarāmaraṇaśokaparidevanāduḥkhadurmanaskatā},\\
& \NoV & & \NoV & & decay-death-sorrow-lament-suffering-despair. \\