所以我想在 tikz 上制作一个自动部分总和绘图仪,我只需输入系列,它就会为我绘制部分总和。
% Explicit formula
% define how the 'x' column shall be filled
% (in this case just with integers counting from 1)
create on use/x/.style={
create col/set list={1,...,10}
% -----
% now you can either create here a column with your function ...
create on use/fx/.style={
create col/expr={(\thisrow{x})}
% ... and then accumulate the values here ...
create on use/sum/.style={
create col/expr accum={
\pgfmathaccuma + \thisrow{fx}
}{0}, % <-- start with `0'
% here you create a new table using the columns you need and
% with the first mandatory argument you specify the number of elements
% the table should have
]{10}{\loadedtable} \begin{document}
% added for debugging purposes or here to quicker check,
% it one gets the desired output
nodes near coords,
% Expected
\addplot+[samples at={1,...,10}] {explicit_sum(1/x))};
我的代码基于此:在 TikZ 中绘制函数总和