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\nomenclature[Vp]{$i$}{Index $i$ specifies each of the different alternative fuels (with their corresponding engine type).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ACF_{vc,i}$}{Annual cash flow of vessel employing fuel $i$ on voyage charter.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$R_{tc}$}{Annual time charter revenue earned by vessel, in USD.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$R_{vc,i}$}{Annual voyage charter revenue earned by vessel employing fuel $i$ after cargo handling and terminal operating cost cost revenue share, in USD.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{voyage,i}$}{Annual voyage expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{running,i}$}{Annual running expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{capital,i}$}{Annual capital expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{port,i}$}{Annual port charges of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{canal,i}$}{Annual canal dues of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{fuel,i}$}{Annual fuel cost of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{crew,i}$}{Annual crew expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{stores}$}{Annual stores expenses.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{r\&m:h\&a}$}{Annual expenses for repairs and maintenance of hull and machinery.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{eOPEX,i}$}{Annual expenses for engine OPEX, including repairs, maintenance and lubricants for engine of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{insurance,i}$}{Annual total insurance expenses dependent on each fuel type.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{admin,i}$}{Annual administrative expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{purchase,i} $}{One-time capital expense for purchase of vessel. Only contains shipowner's equity contribution, not debt. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ C_{interest,i} $}{Annual interest expense over the remaining debt portion of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ C_{principal,i} $}{Annual principal payment of vessel employing fuel $i$.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ C_{bullet,i} $}{Bullet debt to be paid at the end of the loan term. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ C_{dd,i} $}{Dry docking expense of vessel employing fuel $i$ at the end of each dry dock interval. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ C_{ss,i} $}{Special survey expense of vessel employing fuel $i$ at the end of each special survey interval. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ C_{scrap} $}{Scrapping income received upon the end of the vessel's lifetime.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$i$}{Index $i$ specifies each of the different alternative fuels (with their corresponding engine type).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{voyage,i}$}{Annual voyage expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{port,i}$}{Annual port charges of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{canal,i}$}{Annual canal dues of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{fuel,i}$}{Annual fuel cost of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{GHG,i}$}{Annual greenhouse gas emission cost of vessel employing fuel $i$. Only applicable under regulatory scenario employing market based measures. Further elaborated in section \ref{sec:scenarios}.  }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$GT$}{Vessel gross tonnage. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{GT}$}{Port charges per gross tonnage charged by ports. Expressed in US dollar per gross tonnage (\$/GT). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{ce,NP}$}{Canal dues per New Panama canal exit including towage. Expressed in US dollar per canal exit (\$/exit).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{ce,S}$}{Canal dues per Suez canal exit including towage. Expressed in US dollar per canal exit (\$/exit).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{CO2eq}$}{Cost per ton of $CO_{2}$-equivalent GHG emissions. Expressed in US dollar per ton (\$/ton). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$port_{a,i}$}{Average annual port arrivals.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$canal_{e,i}$}{Average annual canal exits of vessel employing fuel $i$. Counted upon exit of the canal. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{mt,i}$}{Cost per unit of mass per fuel type. Expressed in US dollar per metric tonne (\$/mt). } 
\nomenclature[Vp]{$EC_{total,i}$}{Total annual propulsion and auxiliary energy consumption, expressed in mega joule (MJ).  }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$E_{CO2eq,i}$}{Ton $CO_{2}$-equivalent GHG emissions emitted per mega-joule energy by vessel employing fuel $i$. Expressed in ton $CO_{2}eq$/MJ. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$i$}{Index $i$ specifies each of the different alternative fuels (with their corresponding engine type).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$FC_{total,i}$}{Annual fuel consumption of vessel employing fuel $i$, in metric tonnes (mt). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$FC_{prop,i}$}{Propulsion fuel consumption of vessel employing fuel $i$, in metric tonnes (mt). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$FC_{aux,i}$}{ Auxiliary fuel consumption of vessel employing fuel $i$ including off-hire, in metric tonnes (mt). Auxiliary equipment is assumed to be powered by the same fuel as used in the main engine.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$EC_{prop,i}$}{Propulsion energy consumption of vessel employing fuel $i$, in megawatt hour (MWh). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$SFOC_{P,i}$}{  Specific fuel (oil) consumption (SFOC) at each percentage of engine power output per fuel type, in metric tonnes per megawatt (mt/MW). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$ECF_{i}$}{Engine efficiency correction factor for fuel i in \%. For LNG and liquefied bio-methane, dual-fuel engines provide 9.5\% efficiency gains. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$pFC_{aux}$}{Percentage of propulsion fuel consumption additionally spent on auxiliary equipment. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$P_{vc_i}$}{Engine power output of a vessel employing fuel $i$ at optimal economic speed $vc_i$, in megawatt (MW). Regression formula produced with the Hollenbach Model provided by Prof. Koos Frouws (TU Delft). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$t_{t,i}$}{Annual time a vessel employing fuel $i$ spends on transit. Excludes time spent loading and discharging. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$vc_{i}$}{Optimal economic vessel cruising speed for vessel employing fuel $i$ in knots (kts) as determined by the optimisation model of section \ref{sec:optimisation}.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$td_{l}$}{Transit distance sailed on leg $l$ expressed in nautical miles (nm). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$i$}{Index $i$ specifies each of the different alternative fuels (with their corresponding engine type).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{crew,i}$}{Annual crew expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{stores}$}{Annual stores expenses.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{r\&m:h\&a}$}{Annual expenses for repairs and maintenance of hull and machinery.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{eOPEX,i}$}{Annual expenses for engine OPEX, including repairs, maintenance and lubricants for engine of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{insurance,i}$}{Annual total insurance expenses dependent on each fuel type.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{admin,i}$}{Annual administrative expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{cm,i}$}{Average annual cost per crew member including travel, insurance and other.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$cm$}{Number of crew members employed on vessel. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{food}$}{Average daily food cost per crew member. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{other}$}{Average daily cost for other stores. Includes additional outfit, furniture, furnishings, appliances, spare and replacement parts and tools. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$cd_{a}$}{Number of days per year the vessel is chartered on average. } 
\nomenclature[Vp]{$pc_{b,r\&m:h\&a}$}{Annual percentage of base vessel cost spent on repairs and maintenance of hull and machinery. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$P_{inst}$}{Installed power on vessel, in kilowatt (kW). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{okW,i}$}{Annual engine OPEX per kW installed engine power of vessel employing fuel $i$. Expressed in US dollar per kilowatt (\$/kW). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{tv,i}$}{Cost of total vessel dependent on each vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$pc_{tv,insurance}$}{Annual percentage of total vessel cost spent on insurance. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$pc_{tv,admin}$}{Annual percentage of total vessel cost spent on administration. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$i$}{Index $i$ specifies each of the different alternative fuels (with their corresponding engine type).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{capital,i}$}{Annual capital expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{purchase,i}$}{One-time capital expense for purchase of vessel. Only contains shipowner's equity contribution, not debt. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{interest,i}$}{Annual interest expense over the remaining debt portion of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{bullet,i}$}{Bullet debt to be paid at the end of the loan term. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{dd,i}$}{Dry docking expense of vessel employing fuel $i$ at the end of each dry dock interval. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{ss,i}$}{Special survey expense of vessel employing fuel $i$ at the end of each special survey interval. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$d_{lt,i}$}{Total long-term debt of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$i_{rate}$}{Interest rate on debt. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$g$}{Gearing, otherwise named 'debt share' of total vessel cost expressed in \%.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{tv,i}$}{Cost of total vessel dependent on each fuel type. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_b$}{Cost of base vessel excluding engine and fuel systems. Base vessel cost is therefore equal for all fuel types. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{eCAPEX,i}$}{Engine CAPEX of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$c_{ckW,i}$}{Engine CAPEX per kW of vessel employing fuel $i$. Expressed in US dollar per kilowatt (\$/kW). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$P_{inst}$}{Installed power on vessel, in kilowatt (kW). }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$rt$}{Repayment time for the debt as found in the loan agreement, in years. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$b$}{Bullet portion of debt to be paid at the end of the loan term, in \%. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$pc_{dd}$}{Percentage of total vessel cost spent on dry dock at end of dry dock interval. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$pc_{ss}$}{Percentage of total vessel cost spent on special survey at end of special survey interval. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$LDT$}{Vessel lightweight tonnage. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$v_{LDT}$}{Value per lightweight tonnage in \$/LDT. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$i$}{Index $i$ specifies each of the different alternative fuels (with their corresponding engine type).}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$RFR_i$}{Required freight rate per TEU-mile, in $\$/TEU-mile$.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{voyage,i}$}{Annual voyage expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{running,i}$}{Annual running expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$C_{capital,i}$}{Annual capital expenses of vessel employing fuel $i$. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$r$}{Discount rate $r$ represents the interest rate used to discount any future value to its present value. }
\nomenclature[Vp]{$TEU_{annual,i}$}{Average annual TEU transported by fuel type.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$d_{annual,i}$}{Average annual distance sailed by fuel type, in nautical miles.}
\nomenclature[Vp]{$lt$}{Vessel life-time, in years $Y$.}
\end{table*} %% Nomenclature


以及截图: 命名法的截图

