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\newtheorem{cconj}{Conjecture (Cherlin)}
\uncover<1->{\begin{deft}[Subtuple] Let $n \in \mathbb{N} $ and let $ I \in \Omega ^{n} $, where $ I = ( I_{1} , \dots , I_{n} ) $. Suppose $1 \leq m \leq n $. An \textbf{$m$-subtuple} of $I$ is an $m$-tuple $( I_{p_{1} } , \dots , I_{ p_{m} } ) $ where $1 \leq p_{1} < \dots < p_{m} \leq n $.
\uncover<2->{As above, whenever $I, J \in \Omega^{n} $, assume the entries are written as $ I = ( I _{1} , \dots , I_{n} ) $ and $ I = ( J _{1} , \dots , J_{n} ) $.}
Let $ (5, 2, 3, 1) \in \mathbb{Z} ^{4} $. A $3$-subtuple of this is $(5,3,1) $ and another is $(2,3,1) $. An example of a $2$-subtuple is $(2,3) $.
非粗体文本对我来说确实显示为斜体,但 \textbf 中的文本显示为纯文本、非斜体、非粗体文本。在我看来就是这样的;