我正在使用 tikz 和 tikz-euclid 绘制一个三角形和一些矢量。
我想将三角形的每条边绘制为一个矢量,其长度等于边的长度,位于中点 O,并垂直于相关边。几乎与我到目前为止所绘制的一样,但矢量不是与中点相交,而是垂直。
我在这里尝试理解 tikz 语法,之前的问题中曾建议我使用 tikz-euclid。因为我要绘制多个矢量,所以我想将绘制函数放在一个循环中,如下所示:
% 1. Coordinates of the line segment midpoints, E,F,G
% 2. get lengths of vectors A, B, C (as, dA, dB, dC)
% 3. draw the vectors from O passing through relevant midpoint
\foreach \mid/\tip/\tail/\vector in {E/P/Q/A, F/Q/R/B, G/R/P/C}{
\coordinate (\mid) at ($(\tip)!0.5!(\tail)$);
% Calculate length of segments and label as dA, dB, dC
%THIS throws an error:
%> ! Package PGF Math Error: Unknown function `dApt' (in 'dApt').
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!d\vector pt!(\mid)-(O)$);
! Package PGF Math Error: Unknown function 'dApt' (in 'dApt')
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\dA pt!(E)-(O)$);
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\dB pt!(F)-(O)$);
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\dC pt!(G)-(O)$);
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc,through,backgrounds}
% Coordinates for a triangle
\coordinate (P) at ($(0,0) + (rand,rand)$);
\coordinate (Q) at ($(2,-2) + .5*(rand, rand)$);
\coordinate (R) at ($(-2, -2) + .5*(rand, rand)$);
\coordinate (O) at (barycentric cs:P=1,Q=1,R=1) ;
% 1. Coordinates of the line segment midpoints, E,F,G
% 2. get lengths of vectors A, B, C (as, dA, dB, dC)
% 3. draw the vectors from O passing through relevant midpoint
\foreach \mid/\tip/\tail/\vector in {E/P/Q/A, F/Q/R/B, G/R/P/C}{
\coordinate (\mid) at ($(\tip)!0.5!(\tail)$);
% Calculate length of segments and label as dA, dB, dC
%THIS throws an error:
%> ! Package PGF Math Error: Unknown function `dApt' (in 'dApt').
%\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!d\vector pt!(\mid)-(O)$);
% This works
% Draw the vectors A,B,C from O, passing through E,F,G respectivley
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\dA pt!(E)-(O)$);
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\dB pt!(F)-(O)$);
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\dC pt!(G)-(O)$);
\draw [thin] (P) -- node[midway,sloped] {$||$}(Q) --node[midway,sloped] {$||$} (R) --node[midway,sloped] {$||$} cycle;
% Labels
\node at (O) [left=2pt]{$O$};
\node at (P) [above right]{$P$};
\node at (Q) [right=2pt]{$Q$};
\node at (R) [left=2pt]{$R$};
% midpoints
\node at (E) [below left=.5em]{$E$};
\node at (F) [below=.5em]{$F$};
\node at (G) [below right=.5em]{$G$};
现在,如果您想重用这些长度,您仍然可以写下您最初所做的事情,但它不会在您的循环中起作用(我目前不知道为什么,也许作为包创建者的 Alain Matthes 会知道)。
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc,through,backgrounds}
% Coordinates for a triangle
\coordinate (P) at ($(0,0) + (rand,rand)$);
\coordinate (Q) at ($(2,-2) + .5*(rand, rand)$);
\coordinate (R) at ($(-2, -2) + .5*(rand, rand)$);
\coordinate (O) at (barycentric cs:P=1,Q=1,R=1) ;
% 1. Coordinates of the line segment midpoints, E,F,G
% 2. get lengths of vectors A, B, C (as, dA, dB, dC)
% 3. draw the vectors from O passing through relevant midpoint
\foreach [count=\i] \mid/\tip/\tail/\v in {E/P/Q/A, F/Q/R/B, G/R/P/C}{
\coordinate (\mid) at ($(\tip)!0.5!(\tail)$);
% Calculate length of segments and label as dA, dB, dC (NOT)
\tkzCalcLength(\tip,\tail)\tkzGetLength{len} % PROBLEM SOLVED
\draw[->] (O)--++ ($(O)!\len pt!(\mid)-(O)$); % PROBLEM SOLVED
\draw [thin] (P) -- node[midway,sloped] {$||$}(Q) --node[midway,sloped] {$||$} (R) --node[midway,sloped] {$||$} cycle;
% Labels
\node at (O) [left=2pt]{$O$};
\node at (P) [above right]{$P$};
\node at (Q) [right=2pt]{$Q$};
\node at (R) [left=2pt]{$R$};
% midpoints
\node at (E) [below left=.5em]{$E$};
\node at (F) [below=.5em]{$F$};
\node at (G) [below right=.5em]{$G$};
事实证明 tikz-euclid 妨碍了工作。
@Sandy G 之前回答过这个问题让我走上正确的解决方案之路。
\draw[->, blue] let
\p1 = ($(\tip)-(\tail)$)
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc,through,backgrounds}
% Coordinates for a triangle
\coordinate (P) at ($(0,0) + (rand,rand)$);
\coordinate (Q) at ($(2,-2) + .5*(rand, rand)$);
\coordinate (R) at ($(-2, -2) + .5*(rand, rand)$);
\coordinate (O) at (barycentric cs:P=1,Q=1,R=1) ;
% 1. Coordinates of the line segment midpoints, E,F,G
% 2. draw the vectors from O passing through relevant midpoint
\foreach \mid/\tip/\tail/\vector in {E/P/Q/A, F/Q/R/B, G/R/P/C}{
\coordinate (\mid) at ($(\tip)!0.5!(\tail)$);
\draw[->, blue] let
\p1 = ($(\tip)-(\tail)$)
% Draw triangle, and midpoint markers
\draw [thin] (P) -- node[midway,sloped] {$||$}(Q) --node[midway,sloped] {$||$} (R) --node[midway,sloped] {$||$} cycle;
% Labels: verticies
\node at (O) [left=2pt]{$O$};
\node at (P) [above right]{$P$};
\node at (Q) [right=2pt]{$Q$};
\node at (R) [left=2pt]{$R$};
% Labels: midpoints
\node at (E) [below left=.5em]{$E$};
\node at (F) [below=.5em]{$F$};
\node at (G) [below right=.5em]{$G$};