我有这个相当复杂的矩阵,如果能直接在 LaTeX 中做一些计算就太好了,因为我需要为准备的每个问题生成几次迭代。
计算很简单,我想计算每个单元格右下角的数字(蓝色)。它们的计算方式为 cij-(ui+vj),例如左上角的数字减去相交行和列的红色数字之和。例如,第一个单元格:1-(0+1)=0
\begin{adjustbox}{max totalsize={.9\textwidth}{.9\textheight},center}
\matrix(m) [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, nodes={minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, text height=1.5ex, text depth=.25ex}]
1 & & 2 & & 3 & & 5 & & 0 & \\
&\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{1}& &\textcolor{blue}{2}& &\textcolor{blue}{4}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}\\
0 & & 1 & & 5 & & 3 & & 3 & \\
&\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{1}& &\textcolor{blue}{5}& &\textcolor{blue}{3}& &\textcolor{blue}{4}\\
3 & & 0 & & 4 & & 0 & & 3 & \\
&\textcolor{blue}{3}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{4}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{4}\\
5 & & 7 & & 0 & & 0 & & 2 & \\
&\textcolor{blue}{5}& &\textcolor{blue}{7}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{3}\\
3 & & 1 & & 4 & & 5 & & 0 & \\
&\textcolor{blue}{3}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}& &\textcolor{blue}{3}& &\textcolor{blue}{5}& &\textcolor{blue}{0}\\
\draw (m-1-1.north west) rectangle (m-10-10.south east);
% horizontal lines
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8,10} {
\draw (m-\i-1.south west) -- (m-\i-10.south east);
% vertical lines
\foreach \j in {2,4,6,8,10} {
\draw (m-1-\j.north east) -- (m-10-\j.south east);
% Solution
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-1-9)(m-2-10),inner sep = -19pt] {1};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-3-1)(m-4-2),inner sep = -19pt] {1};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-5-7)(m-6-8),inner sep = -19pt] {1};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-7-5)(m-8-6),inner sep = -19pt] {1};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-9-3)(m-10-4),inner sep = -19pt] {1};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-1-1)(m-2-2),inner sep = -19pt] {0};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-5-3)(m-6-4),inner sep = -19pt] {0};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-7-7)(m-8-8),inner sep = -19pt] {0};
\node[draw=blue,circle,fit=(m-9-9)(m-10-10),inner sep = -19pt] {0};
% dual ui
\node [font=\color{red}] at (6,4) {0};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (6,2) {-1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (6,0) {-1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (6,-2) {-1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (6,-4) {0};
% dual vj
\node [font=\color{red}] at (-4,-6) {1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (-2,-6) {1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (0,-6) {1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (2,-6) {1};
\node [font=\color{red}] at (4,-6) {0};
\def\l{1.2} % cell lenght
\newcommand{\square}[4] % x-position, y-position, main value, circled value (if any)
\draw (0,0) rectangle (\l,-\l);
\node at (0.25*\l ,-0.25*\l) {#3};
% calculate bottom right corener:
\node[blue] at (0.75*\l ,-0.75*\l) {$\temp$};
% circled value
{} % then do nothing
{% else...
\draw[blue] (0.5*\l ,-0.5*\l) circle (0.2);
\node at (0.5*\l ,-0.5*\l) {$#4$};
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round]
\def\right {{0,-1,-1,-1,0}} % right red values (dual ui)
\def\bottom{{1, 1, 1, 1,0}} % bottom red values (dual vj)
% row 1
% row 2
% row 3
% row 4
% row 5
% red values (dual ui and dual vj)
\foreach\i in {0,...,4}
\node[red] at (\i*\l+0.5*\l,-5.5*\l) {$\temp$};
\node[red,left] at (5.75*\l,-\i*\l-0.5*\l) {$\temp$};