

我是这个网站的新手,还在学习 LaTeX/TeX 的阶段。最近我偶然发现了阿克曼函数练习,但我仍然不知道如何正确完成它。那时我开始在网上查找是否已经有解决方案,但我什么也找不到,除了这个问题






或者调用 `\Ackermann{2}{2} 将得到在此处输入图片描述



编辑:我试图通过分析解决方案来取得一点进展这个问题,我设法理解了(或者说我认为如此)其中一个解决方案。我能够复制 @wipet 的解决方案,但没有使用,\afterfi因为我不太理解它。以下是代码



    \edef\acker@values{\acker@values #1}





它比\romannumeral我的其他答案中的 -attempt 更快。


\Ackermannsteps{3}{4}打印53 张 A4 纸,其中许多行超出了 A4 纸的宽度。! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].




% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Ackermann-function:
% A(m,n) :=  if m = 0 : n+1
%            if m > 0 and n = 0: A(m-1, 1)
%            if m > 0 and n > 0: A(m-1, A(m, n-1))
% m non-negative integer 
% n non-negative integer
% \Ackermann{m}{n}
% Delivers the solution after two "hits" by \expandafter
  \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#1}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
    \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#2}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
% \Ackermannsteps{<m>}{<n>}
% Prints the single steps of computing the Ackermann-function.
% Delivers all steps after two "hits" by \expandafter
  \noindent\rlap{$\AckermannFunction(#1, #2)$}\Ackermannstepsloop{#1}{#2}{$\phantom{\AckermannFunction(#1, #2){}}=}{$\\}%
  % #1 = m
  % #2 = n
  % #3 = tokens to prepend to the term developped
  % #3 = tokens to append to the term developped
  \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#1}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
    \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#2}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
       #3\AckermannFunction(\bigintcalcDec{#1}, 1)#4%
      #3\AckermannFunction(\bigintcalcDec{#1}, \AckermannFunction(#1, \bigintcalcDec{#2}))#4%
      {#3\AckermannFunction(\bigintcalcDec{#1}, }{)#4}%


\noindent Testing \verb|\Ackermannsteps|: \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{0}{0} \bigskip

\Ackermannsteps{2}{0} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{1} \bigskip

\Ackermannsteps{2}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{3} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{4} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{1} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{3} \bigskip

% \Ackermannsteps{3}{4}
% I suppose the above yields something like:
% ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].


\noindent Testing \verb|\Ackermann|: \bigskip

$\AckermannFunction(0, 0)=\Ackermann{0}{0}$

$\AckermannFunction(1, 0)=\Ackermann{1}{0}$

$\AckermannFunction(2, 0)=\Ackermann{2}{0}$

$\AckermannFunction(0, 1)=\Ackermann{0}{1}$

$\AckermannFunction(0, 2)=\Ackermann{0}{2}$

$\AckermannFunction(1, 1)=\Ackermann{1}{1}$

$\AckermannFunction(2, 2)=\Ackermann{2}{2}$

$\AckermannFunction(2, 3)=\Ackermann{2}{3}$

$\AckermannFunction(3, 2)=\Ackermann{3}{2}$

$\AckermannFunction(3, 3)=\Ackermann{3}{3}$

$\AckermannFunction(3, 4)=\Ackermann{3}{4}$

% \Ackermann{4}{2}
% I suppose the above yields something like:
% ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].








  • 整数参数\globaldefs不具有正值。
  • 命令命名空间是可以自由使用的。\Ack(⟨non-negative integer 1⟩)(⟨non-negative integer 2⟩)

由于已经计算的阿克曼函数值的记录是通过本地定义宏来保存的,因此\Ackermannsteps不可扩展,需要更多内存。更容易发生 TeX 容量超出错误。与其存储已经计算的阿克曼函数值(这些值可能非常大,因此可能需要大量标记,存储可能会消耗大量内存),不如维护一个参数值对列表,如果传递给的参数\Ackermannstepsloop已经在列表中,则只需调用\Ackermannloop获取数字,而不是执行整个递归步骤打印例程。这样,就不会存储每个已经计算的阿克曼函数值。因此这可能需要更少的内存。但相同的阿克曼函数值将被重复计算。因此这会更耗时。



% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Ackermann-function:
% A(m,n) :=  if m = 0 : n+1
%            if m > 0 and n = 0: A(m-1, 1)
%            if m > 0 and n > 0: A(m-1, A(m, n-1))
% m non-negative integer 
% n non-negative integer
% \Ackermann{m}{n}
% Delivers the solution after two "hits" by \expandafter
  \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#1}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
    \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#2}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
% \Ackermannsteps{<m>}{<n>}
% Prints the single steps of computing the Ackermann-function.
% Delivers all steps after two "hits" by \expandafter
  \noindent\rlap{$\AckermannFunction(#1, #2)$}\Ackermannstepsloop{#1}{#2}{$\phantom{\AckermannFunction(#1, #2){}}=}{$\\}%
  % #1 = m
  % #2 = n
  % #3 = tokens to prepend to the term developped
  % #3 = tokens to append to the term developped
    \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#1}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
      \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#2}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
         #3\AckermannFunction(\bigintcalcDec{#1}, 1)#4%
        #3\AckermannFunction(\bigintcalcDec{#1}, \AckermannFunction(#1, \bigintcalcDec{#2}))#4%
        {#3\AckermannFunction(\bigintcalcDec{#1}, }{)#4}%


\noindent Testing \verb|\Ackermannsteps|: \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{0}{0} \bigskip

\Ackermannsteps{2}{0} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{1} \bigskip

\Ackermannsteps{2}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{3} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{4} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{1} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{3} \bigskip

% \Ackermannsteps{3}{4}
% I suppose the above yields something like:
% ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].






请注意:这非常慢并且\Ackermannsteps{3}{3}会导致出现! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000]-error或类似错误。



您也可以扩展地执行此操作,但这意味着需要进行大量的列表累积和迭代来检测某个值是否已经计算出来。由于使用 Ackermann 时无论如何都会受到内存溢出的威胁,因此无需通过编造宏参数来增加风险,这些宏参数应该包含在某些情况下表示非常大数字的长标记列表。


\csname @ifdefinable\endcsname\UDstopromannumeral{\chardef\UDstopromannumeral=`\^^00}%

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Ackermann-function:
% A(m,n) :=  if m = 0 : n+1
%            if m > 0 and n = 0: A(m-1, 1)
%            if m > 0 and n > 0: A(m-1, A(m, n-1))
% m non-negative integer 
% n non-negative integer
% \Ackermann{m}{n}
% Delivers the solution after two "hits" by \expandafter
  \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#1}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
    \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#2}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
% \Ackermannsteps{<m>}{<n>}
% Prints the single steps of computing the Ackermann-function.
% Delivers all steps after two "hits" by \expandafter
% \Ackermannsteps does: \romannumeral\Ackermannstepsloop{<m>}{<n>}{}{\\&=}{}{tablehead}{tablefoot}{\UDfirstoftwo}
% Syntax of \Ackermannstepsloop:
% \romannumeral
% \Ackermannstepsloop{<m>}%
%                    {<n>}%
%                    {<list of terms developed so far>}%
%                    {Outermost instance: <tokens to put between list items> 
%                     Nested instances: <tokens to prepend to each list item>}%
%                    {Outermost instance: <more tokens to put between list items>
%                     Nested instances: <tokens to append to each list item>}%
%                    {<tokens to prepend to entire list>}%
%                    {<tokens to append to entire list>}%
%                    {<marker for outermost loop/nested loop: \UDfirstoftwo/UDsecondoftwo>}%
% Pseudocode of \Ackermannstepsloop:
% If <m> = 0:           ( This case is done by the macro \AckermannstepsCaseA )
%                       Iterate on <list of terms developed so far>{<n>+1}, putting things between
%                       the list items. Deliver the result thereof, wrapped between 
%                       <tokens to prepend to entire list> and 
%                       <tokens to append to entire list>.
% If m > 0 and  n = 0:  ( This is done by the macro \AckermannstepsCaseB )
%                       Call \Ackermannstepsloop with arguments changed as follows:
%                         - <list of terms developed so far> := <list of terms developed so far> + {A(<m>-1, 1)} 
%                         - n := 1
%                         - <m> := <m>-1
%                         The other arguments remain unchanged.
% If m > 0 and n > 0:   ( This is done by the macro \AckermannstepsCaseC )
%                       Call \Ackermannstepsloop with arguments changed as follows:
%                         - <list of terms developed so far> :=
%                               <list of terms developed so far> + {A(<m-1>, A(<m>, <n-1>))} +
%                               \romannumeral\Ackermannstepsloop{<m>}{<n-1>}{}{A(<m-1>,}{)}{}{}{\UDsecondoftwo}
%                         - <n> := Ackermann(<m>, <n>-1)
%                         - <m> := <m>-1
%                         The other arguments remain unchanged.
  \romannumeral\Ackermannstepsloop{#1}{#2}{}{$\\$\phantom{\AckermannFunction(#1, #2){}}=}{}{\noindent$\AckermannFunction(#1, #2)=}{$}{\UDfirstoftwo}%
  % #1 = <m>
  % #2 = <n>
  % #3 = <list of terms developed so far>
  % #4 = Outermost instance: <tokens to put between list items> Nested instances: <tokens to prepend to each list item>
  % #5 = Outermost instance: <more tokens to put between list items> Nested instances: <tokens to append to each list item>
  % #6 = <tokens to prepend to entire list>
  % #7 = <tokens to append to entire list>
  % #8 = <marker for outermost loop/nested loop: \UDfirstoftwo/UDsecondoftwo>
  \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#1}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
    \ifnum\bigintcalcCmp{#2}{0}=0 \expandafter\UDfirstoftwo\else\expandafter\UDsecondoftwo\fi
  % #1 = <n>+1
  % #2 = <list of terms developed so far>
  % #3 = Outermost instance: <tokens to put between list items> Nested instances: <tokens to prepend to each list item>
  % #4 = Outermost instance: <more tokens to put between list items> Nested instances: <tokens to append to each list item>
  % #5 = <tokens to prepend to entire list>
  % #6 = <tokens to append to entire list>
  % #7 = <marker for outermost loop/nested loop: \UDfirstoftwo/UDsecondoftwo>
  % #1 = <tokens to prepend to each list item>
  % #2 = <tokens to append to each list item>
  % #3 = <output created so far>
  % #4 = <current item of <list of terms developed so far>> or \relax
  % #1 = <tokens to prepend in this iteration>
  % #2 = <tokens to prepend in next iteration>
  % #3 = <output created so far>
  % #4 = <current item of <list of terms developed so far>> or \relax
  % #1 = <m>-1
  % #2 = <list of terms developed so far>
  \Ackermannstepsloop{#1}{1}{#2{\AckermannFunction(#1, 1)}}%
   % #1 = <m>-1
   % #2 = <n>-1
   % #3 = <m>
   % #4 = <list of terms developed so far>
       \romannumeral\Ackermannstepsloop{#3}{#2}{}{)}{\AckermannFunction(#1, }{}{}{\UDsecondoftwo}%
     }{\UDstopromannumeral#4{\AckermannFunction(#1, \AckermannFunction(#3, #2))}}%


\noindent Testing \verb|\Ackermannsteps|: \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{0}{0} \bigskip

\Ackermannsteps{2}{0} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{1} \bigskip

\Ackermannsteps{2}{2} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{3} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{2}{4} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{0} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{1} \bigskip

%\Ackermannsteps{3}{2} \bigskip

% \Ackermannsteps{3}{3}
% I suppose the above yields something like:
% ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].


\noindent Testing \verb|\Ackermann|: \bigskip

$\AckermannFunction(0, 0)=\Ackermann{0}{0}$

$\AckermannFunction(1, 0)=\Ackermann{1}{0}$

$\AckermannFunction(2, 0)=\Ackermann{2}{0}$

$\AckermannFunction(0, 1)=\Ackermann{0}{1}$

$\AckermannFunction(0, 2)=\Ackermann{0}{2}$

$\AckermannFunction(1, 1)=\Ackermann{1}{1}$

$\AckermannFunction(2, 2)=\Ackermann{2}{2}$

$\AckermannFunction(2, 3)=\Ackermann{2}{3}$

$\AckermannFunction(3, 2)=\Ackermann{3}{2}$

$\AckermannFunction(3, 3)=\Ackermann{3}{3}$

$\AckermannFunction(3, 4)=\Ackermann{3}{4}$

% \Ackermann{4}{2}
% I suppose the above yields something like:
% ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].



