在“longtable class”中的学术简历中添加参考资料

在“longtable class”中的学术简历中添加参考资料




% Set document class and font size
\documentclass[letterpaper, 11pt]{article}

% Package imports
\usepackage{setspace, longtable, graphicx, hyphenat, hyperref, fancyhdr, ifthen, everypage, enumitem, amsmath, setspace}

% --- Page layout settings ---

% Set page margins
\usepackage[left=1in, right=1in, bottom=0.7in, top=0.7in]{geometry}

% Set line spacing

% --- Page formatting ---

% Set link colors
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=RoyalBlue, urlcolor=RoyalBlue}

% Set font to Libertine, including math support

% Remove page numbering

% --- Document starts here ---


% Name and date of last update to this document
\noindent{\Huge{Your name here}
\hfill{\it\footnotesize Updated \today}}

% --- Contact information and other items ---

% Line 1: Email, GitHub, office location
\textbf{Email}: [email protected]      &
\hspace{0.55in} \textbf{GitHub}: //github-username    &
\hspace{0.4in}  \textbf{Office}: Your Building 101 \\

% Line 2: Phone number, LinkedIn, citizenship
\textbf{Phone}: (314) 159-2654   & 
\hspace{0.55in} \textbf{LinkedIn}: //LinkedIn-URL   & 
\hspace{0.4in} \textbf{Citizenship}: Country 

% --- Start the two-column table storing the main content ---

% Set spacing between columns

% Set the width of each column

\color{OliveGreen}{Service and outreach}
& \textbf{Title of organization you were in} \hfill Month Year -- Month Year \\
& Description of your responsibilities. Integer pretium semper justo. Proin risus. Aliquam volutpat est vel massa. \\
& \\






我尝试使用 \hspace 来留出适当的间隙,但对齐效果不佳。





% Set document class and font size
\documentclass[letterpaper, 11pt]{article}

% Package imports
\usepackage{setspace, longtable, graphicx, hyphenat, hyperref, fancyhdr, ifthen, everypage, enumitem, amsmath, setspace}
% --- Page layout settings ---

% Set page margins
\usepackage[left=1in, right=1in, bottom=0.7in, top=0.7in]{geometry}

% Set line spacing

% --- Page formatting ---

% Set link colors
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=RoyalBlue, urlcolor=RoyalBlue}

% Set font to Libertine, including math support

% Remove page numbering

% --- Document starts here ---


% Name and date of last update to this document
\noindent{\Huge{Your name here}
\hfill{\it\footnotesize Updated \today}}

% --- Contact information and other items ---

% Line 1: Email, GitHub, office location
\textbf{Email}: [email protected]      &
\hspace{0.55in} \textbf{GitHub}: //github-username    &
\hspace{0.4in}  \textbf{Office}: Your Building 101 \\

% Line 2: Phone number, LinkedIn, citizenship
\textbf{Phone}: (314) 159-2654   & 
\hspace{0.55in} \textbf{LinkedIn}: //LinkedIn-URL   & 
\hspace{0.4in} \textbf{Citizenship}: Country 

% --- Start the two-column table storing the main content ---

% Set spacing between columns

% Set the width of each column

Service and outreach
& \textbf{Title of organization you were in} \hfill Month Year -- Month Year \\
& Description of your responsibilities. Integer pretium semper justo. Proin risus. Aliquam volutpat est vel massa. \\
& \\

& \begin{tabular*}{\hsize}[t]{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}ll} Name 1 & Name 2\\ Address 1 & Address 2 \\ email address 1 & email address 2 \end{tabular*}

