

有时我会引用同一作者在同一年发表的论文或书籍。默认选项是按标题字母顺序排列。因此,如果项目 1 的标题以“A”开头,项目 2 的标题以“Z”开头,并且两者都是 Kagan 于 2012 年出版的,那么项目 1 将是 (Kagan 2012a),项目 2 将是 (Kagan 2012b)。但如果我先引用项目 2,这看起来很奇怪。如何按照我引用的顺序对这些项目进行排序,而不是按标题字母顺序排序?我仍然希望所有其他项目的顺序都按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,然后是出版年份。谢谢!

以下是 MWE:


\usepackage{enumitem} %adjusts lists
\usepackage{baskervillef} %font
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %font
\usepackage[margin=25mm]{geometry} %changes margins

    address = {New Haven, CT},
    author = {Kagan, Shelly},
    file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Kagan - 2012 - Death.pdf:pdf},
    publisher = {Yale University Press},
    title = {{Death}},
    year = {2012}

    address = {Oxford},
    author = {Kagan, Shelly},
    file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Kagan - 2012 - The Geometry of Desert.pdf:pdf},
    publisher = {Oxford University Press},
    title = {{The Geometry of Desert}},
    year = {2012}


\usepackage[style=apa6, doi=false, url=false, isbn=false, date=year, natbib=true]{biblatex}
\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{chapter}} %gets rid of chapters
\DeclareFieldFormat{apacase}{#1} %stops capitalisation
\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{number}} %clears issue numbers
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{\apanum{#1}} %de-italicises volume numbers
    \addspace\&\space} %replaces 'and' with '&' in in-text citations.



%%%commands to stop hyphenation in bibliography
    % no hyphenation in the bibliography
    % increase allowed stretch to avoid overfull boxes

\title{Change the Ordering of Same-Author Same-Year Citations}



In 2012, Shelly Kagan wrote two books. Suppose that I cite his book on what people deserve first, \citet{Kagan2012}, and then his book on death, \citet{Kagan2012a}. Since I've cited his book on desert first I would like that one to be (2012a) rather than (2012b). That is, I would like the `a' and `b' to be ordered according to the order in which they are cited as opposed to by the alphabetical order of the titles.






当然,这一变化意味着文档不再符合 APA 样式。如果您不想使用 APA 样式,通常使用通用作者年份标准样式之一 ( style=authoryear,) 作为基础比以biblatex-apa或为基础自定义样式更容易biblatex-apa6

只需在当前排序模板的正确位置添加即可\sort{\citeorder},使引用顺序优先于标题。(您可以apa在以下位置找到排序模板的原始定义apa6.bbx,第 189-224 行,于 v8.5 2020/08/28

    \literal{-2000000000}% APA has "nodates" coming first



\usepackage[style=apa6, doi=false, url=false, isbn=false, date=year, natbib=true]{biblatex}







    \literal{-2000000000}% APA has "nodates" coming first

  address   = {New Haven, CT},
  author    = {Kagan, Shelly},
  publisher = {Yale University Press},
  title     = {Death},
  year      = {2012},
  address   = {Oxford},
  author    = {Kagan, Shelly},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
  title     = {The Geometry of Desert},
  year      = {2012},

In 2012, Shelly Kagan wrote two books.
Suppose that I cite his book on what people deserve first, \citet{Kagan2012},
and then his book on death, \citet{Kagan2012a}.
Since I've cited his book on desert first
I would like that one to be (2012a) rather than (2012b).
That is, I would like the `a' and `b' to be ordered
according to the order in which they are cited
as opposed to by the alphabetical order of the titles.



假设我首先引用他关于人们应得什么的书,Kagan (2012a),然后引用他关于死亡的书,Kagan (2012b)。
