我找到了多个关于如何将表格拆分到多个页面上(使用 longtable 和 pdflandscape)的问题,但答案总是按行拆分。例如:多页横向表格 或者使表格跨越多页
我想按列将表格拆分到各个页面。如下所示,以便转到下一页。使用我的代码或 longtable 可以实现吗?
\caption{Caption here}
materialSampleID & materialSampleNumber & eventDate & decimalLatitude & decimalLongitude & verbatimLatitude & verbatimLongitude & coordinatePrecision & decimalLatitudePrecise & decimalLongitudePrecise & coordinatePrecisionPrecise & locality & municipality & stateProvince & country & countryCode \\ \midrule
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0000 & {[}01{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.0975 & 2.58222222 & 51° 05' 51'' N & 02° 34' 56'' E & 0.01 & 51.09728 & 2.581572 & 0.0001 & Dynastielaan, road “side” in the middle of the road near tram stop “Esplanade” & De Panne & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0001 & {[}02{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.09277778 & 2.5575 & 51° 05' 34'' N & 02° 33' 27'' E & 0.01 & 51.093274 & 2.559198 & 0.0001 & Coastal dunes bordering the beach near the French border, south of the little bridge “Slufter” & De Panne & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0002 & {[}03{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.08861111 & 2.56638889 & 51° 05' 19'' N & 02° 33' 59'' E & 0.01 & 51.08861111 & 2.56638889 & 0.0001 & Dune reserve (Westhoekreservaat), inlandward at junction of “Helmpad” and “Ligusterpad”, near the panoramic lookout point & De Panne & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0003 & {[}04{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.10527778 & 2.59916667 & 51° 06' 19'' N & 02° 35' 57'' E & 0.01 & 51.105282 & 2.600407 & 0.0001 & Stretch of shrubs along easter roadside Nieuwpoortlaan (N34) starting from the sign indicating the village limit of De Panne (= just north of residence “Ten Uytkante” and next to parking of the minigolf to next “street” and house. & De Panne & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0004 & {[}05{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.11472222 & 2.62305556 & 51° 06' 53'' N & 02° 37' 23'' E & 0.01 & 51.114577 & 2.622538 & 0.0001 & Grasplantenstraat, dunes along the eastern roadside, synanthropic & Koksijde & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0005 & {[}06{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.12527778 & 2.6575 & 51° 07' 31'' N & 02° 39' 27'' E & 0.01 & 51.125339 & 2.658017 & 0.0001 & Debusscherestraat, dune vegetation on westside of the street, lots of horse shit in the street & Koksijde & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0007 & {[}08{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.14055556 & 2.7 & 51° 08' 26'' N & 02° 41' 60'' E & 0.01 & 51.140842 & 2.700124 & 0.0001 & Doornlaan, ruderal terrain along eastern roadside & Koksijde & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0008 & {[}09{]} & 20/08/2018 & 51.16416667 & 2.76388889 & 51° 09' 51'' N & 02° 45' 50'' E & 0.01 & 51.164277 & 2.763967 & 0.0001 & NW corner of Koninklijke Baan and Strandlaan in shruby dune vegetation & Middelkerke & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0009 & {[}10{]} & 02/09/2018 & 51.21222222 & 2.87111111 & 51° 12' 44'' N & 02° 52' 16'' E & 0.01 & 51.212351 & 2.871188 & 0.0001 & Dunes at corner of Dorpsstraat and Zeedijk & Oostende & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0010 & {[}11{]} & 02/09/2018 & 51.19055556 & 2.82305556 & 51° 11' 26'' N & 02° 49' 23'' E & 0.01 & 51.190798 & 2.823237 & 0.0001 & Parking behind flats, along walking trail (Roger de Grimberghestraat) & Middelkerke & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0011 & {[}12{]} & 02/09/2018 & 51.17527778 & 2.78555556 & 51° 10' 31'' N & 02° 47' 08'' E & 0.01 & 51.17527778 & 2.78555556 & 0.0001 & Dune vegetation at corner with Pluvierstraat & Middelkerke & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0012 & {[}13{]} & 02/09/2018 & 51.15694444 & 2.74694444 & 51° 09' 25'' N & 02° 44' 49'' E & 0.01 & 51.15694444 & 2.74694444 & 0.0001 & Dune vegetation about halfway Kustweg, direction towards Westende starting from Military base & Nieuwpoort & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0013 & {[}14{]} & 02/09/2018 & 51.22694444 & 2.94138889 & 51° 13' 37'' N & 02° 56' 29'' E & 0.01 & 51.226894 & 2.94099 & 0.0001 & Ruderal terrain near tram stop with 3 electric control boxes & Oostende & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0014 & {[}15{]} & 09/09/2018 & 51.24861111 & 2.96305556 & 51° 14' 55'' N & 02° 57' 47'' E & 0.01 & 51.249677 & 2.961135 & 0.0001 & Top of dunes near strandbar “'t Strandhuis” & Bredene & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0016 & {[}17{]} & 09/09/2018 & 51.28111111 & 3.04055556 & 51° 16' 52'' N & 03° 02' 26'' E & 0.01 & 51.286042 & 3.049194 & 0.0001 & At the base of the stairs to the dunes and the beach, in the roadside (dune side) vegetation of the Koninklijke Baan & De Haan & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0017 & {[}18{]} & 09/09/2018 & 51.30361111 & 3.08611111 & 51° 18' 13'' N & 03° 05' 10'' E & 0.01 & 51.30361111 & 3.08611111 & 0.0001 & Slightly elevated roadside vegetation along walking trail parallel to tram rails and Koninklijke Baan (Wenduine) & De Haan & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0018 & {[}19{]} & 09/09/2018 & 51.31222222 & 3.11166667 & 51° 18' 44'' N & 03° 06' 42'' E & 0.01 & 51.31222222 & 3.11166667 & 0.0001 & Dunes near Bistro “Zee Zee” and old bunker from World War II, near Southern Pier and harbour ferry & Blankenberge & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0020 & {[}21{]} & 09/09/2018 & 51.29694444 & 3.07527778 & 51° 17' 49'' N & 03° 04' 31'' E & 0.01 & 51.297227 & 3.07453 & 0.0001 & Vegetation along Roadside Koninklijke Baan, near “Zeecentrum Duneroze” and just south of Football ground (Wenduine) & De Haan & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0021 & {[}22{]} & 16/09/2018 & 51.33333333 & 3.18027778 & 51° 19' 60'' N & 03° 10' 49'' E & 0.01 & 51.333333 & 3.180278 & 0.0001 & Dunes along walking dike “Westerdam” south of harbour Zeebrugge & Brugge & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0022 & {[}23{]} & 16/09/2018 & 51.34194444 & 3.24666667 & 51° 20' 31'' N & 03° 14' 48'' E & 0.01 & 51.343014 & 3.24768 & 0.0001 & Dunes at “Strand Pascal”, just in front of restaurant “De Raan”, at end of “Parkstraat” & Knokke-Heist & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0023 & {[}24{]} & 16/09/2018 & 51.33722222 & 3.22694444 & 51° 20' 14'' N & 03° 13' 37'' E & 0.01 & 51.33822 & 3.221882 & 0.0001 & At the basis of a bridge in red bricks north of the tram stop Zeebrugge – Zeesluis & Brugge & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0025 & {[}25{]} & 24/10/2020 & & & & & & 51.192831 & 3.293969 & 0.0001 & Ryckevelde, next to forest along brook on Urtica dioica & Beernem & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0026 & {[}26{]} & 24/10/2020 & & & & & & 51.227369 & 3.226554 & 0.0001 & Along Lodewijk Coiseaukaai next to building GroupDepre & Brugge & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0027 & {[}27{]} & 24/10/2020 & & & & & & 51.27454 & 3.21359 & 0.0001 & On south facing railway slope next to Roskambrug & Brugge & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0028 & {[}28{]} & 24/10/2020 & & & & & & 51.365178 & 3.347999 & 0.0001 & At end of Zeedijk-Het Zoute in dunes & Knokke-Heist & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\
THEBA:KBIN:WL:0029 & {[}29{]} & 24/10/2020 & & & & & & 51.357865 & 3.322845 & 0.0001 & Along Zwinlaat at cross with Camille Lemonnierlaan & Knokke-Heist & West-Vlaanderen & Belgium & BE \\ \bottomrule