

我正在使用从同事那里借来的以下 .tex 模板:

\pagestyle{fancy} \makeindex %\authorindex

\fancyhead[LO]{\nouppercase{{\rightmark}}} \fancyfoot{}
\clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000

\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm,graphicx,amsxtra, setspace}

                {\rule[-\textheight/2]{1ex}{\textheight}}%WIDTH-LIMITED BIG WEDGE
\parskip 1ex


\newcommand{\mainidx}[1]{{\it #1}}
\newcommand{\boldidx}[1]{{\bf #1}}





\def\listofsymbols{\input{symbols} \cleardoublepage}
\def\addsymbol #1: #2#3{$#1$ \> \parbox{5in}{#2 \dotfill \pageref{#3}}\\}

    %bookmarks=true,         % show bookmarks bar?
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    pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat�s toolbar?
    pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat�s menu?
    pdffitwindow=false,     % window fit to page when opened
    pdfstartview={FitH},    % fits the width of the page to the window
    pdftitle={My title},    % title
    pdfauthor={Author},     % author
    pdfsubject={Subject},   % subject of the document
    pdfcreator={Creator},   % creator of the document
    pdfproducer={Producer}, % producer of the document
    pdfkeywords={keywords}, % list of keywords
    pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window
    colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links
    linkcolor=blue,          % color of internal links
    citecolor=blue,        % color of links to bibliography
    filecolor=magenta,      % color of file links
    urlcolor=green           % color of external links

\newcommand {\apgt} {\ {\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\buildrel>\over\sim$}}\ }
\newcommand {\aplt} {\ {\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\buildrel<\over\sim$}}\ }


    \thispagestyle{empty} \cleardoublepage
    \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers
    %The style you want to use for references.
    \thispagestyle{plain}\chapter*{Publications arising out of the PhD
        thesis\hfill} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Publications arising
        out of the PhD thesis}
        \item [{[1]}]  
    \vspace{1cm} \cleardoublepage
    \printindex %\printauthorindex




  • a4wide已被弃用 20 多年

  • epsfig仅为了与二十年前的文档兼容而存在

  • palatino已弃用 20 多年(使用mathpazonewpxtext,newpxmath

  • subfigure已弃用

  • float不太可能有用(其[H]浮点选项没用)

  • type1cm已经过时

  • 不要使用\def

  • 为什么设置中有这么多括号fancyhdr

  • \it并且\bf已经被弃用了四分之一世纪

  • \renewcommand\d{...}非常危险,不要这样做;我建议\dd






%%% Packages
% 1. fonts
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % recommended
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % no longer needed
\usepackage{fix-cm} % for Computer Modern (comment if using the next line)
%\usepackage{newpxtext,newpxmath} % for Palatino
%\usepackage{upgreek} % do you need it?
%\usepackage{charter} % it has no support for math
%\usepackage{relsize} % do you need it?

% 2. Math
%\usepackage{amsfonts} % loaded by amssymb
\usepackage{bm}% bold math

% 3. Graphics and special effects
\usepackage{shadow}% do you need it?
\usepackage{fancybox}% do you need it?

% 4. Document formatting

% 5. Utilities
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point

% 6. Cross references and hyperlinks

%%% General settings
% 1. fancyhdr
\fancyhf{} % clear all fields

% 2. stackengine

% 3. hyperref
    %bookmarks=true,         % show bookmarks bar?
    unicode=false,          % non-Latin characters in Acrobat�s bookmarks
    pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat�s toolbar?
    pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat�s menu?
    pdffitwindow=false,     % window fit to page when opened
    pdfstartview={FitH},    % fits the width of the page to the window
    pdftitle={My title},    % title
    pdfauthor={Author},     % author
    pdfsubject={Subject},   % subject of the document
    pdfcreator={Creator},   % creator of the document
    pdfproducer={Producer}, % producer of the document
    pdfkeywords={keywords}, % list of keywords
    pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window
    colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links
    linkcolor=blue,          % color of internal links
    citecolor=blue,        % color of links to bibliography
    filecolor=magenta,      % color of file links
    urlcolor=green           % color of external links

%%% Personal commands

                {\rule[-\textheight/2]{1ex}{\textheight}}%WIDTH-LIMITED BIG WEDGE





\newcommand {\apgt} {\ {\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\buildrel>\over\sim$}}\ }
\newcommand {\aplt} {\ {\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\buildrel<\over\sim$}}\ }

\newcommand\listofsymbols{\input{symbols} \cleardoublepage}
\newcommand{\addsymbol}{}% for safety
\def\addsymbol #1: #2#3{$#1$ \> \parbox{5in}{#2 \dotfill \pageref{#3}}\\}

%%% Last minute settings


\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.1ex}
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers





\chapter*{Publications arising out of the PhD
        thesis\hfill} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Publications arising
        out of the PhD thesis}
  \item [{[1]}]  

\printindex %\printauthorindex




  • 不要多次加载包。这绝对不会带来任何好处。确保任何包只加载一次应该相当容易实现,对吧?

  • 不要同时加载colorxcolor,或者同时加载graphicsgraphicx。提示:使用xcolorgraphicx

  • 不要定义比你真正需要更多的类似定理的环境。

  • 过时和弃用的软件包:需要更多的经验才能确定哪些软件包属于这一组。首先不是加载subfigureepsfig。您还加载了几个文本字体包,这些字体包的代码稍后在加载其他字体包时会被破坏。例如,您试图通过加载、和来实现palatino什么charter目的type1cm

  • 你的文件的序言是混乱部分原因是似乎没有按主题或目的对命令进行分组。建议:加载包后,立即执行您认为必要的包中的指令。例如,加载后,fancyhdr不要再加载其他包,然后运行\pagestyle{fancy},然后运行\makeidx,然后(重新)定义fancy页面参数。应用一些分组真的那么难吗?

  • 如果其他包已自动加载,则不要手动加载它们。例如,amsfonts由 加载amssymbamsmath由 加载mathtools,等等。

  • 有些包,尤其hyperref是这个包,加载得太早了。一个很好的经验法则是加载hyperref 最后的。你真的设置了pdftitle={My title}pdfproducer={Producer}等吗?换句话说,你为什么不输入真实信息。

  • 代码要么是多余的,要么是糟糕的。由于您使用了bookdocument 类,因此我看不出执行\pagenumbering{roman} 在序言中。相反,您应该在文档主要部分开始\frontmatter后立即执行,您猜对\begin{document}了。这样也可以免去键入和的麻烦。我也不明白大量和指令的目的。\mainmatter\pagenumbering{arabic}\setcounter{page}{1}\clearpage\newpage

  • 绝对不需要的代码。(我猜这会让它变得“超级冗余”,对吧?)我无法完全判断这一点,因为我不了解文档的内容。我会一次循环检查每个包:不要加载包并重新编译文档两次。如果文档编译正常,则不需要该特定包。




\pagestyle{fancy} \makeindex %\authorindex

\fancyhead[LO]{\nouppercase{{\rightmark}}} \fancyfoot{}
\clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000

\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math


\usepackage{amssymb,amsthm,graphicx,amsxtra, setspace}

                {\rule[-\textheight/2]{1ex}{\textheight}}%WIDTH-LIMITED BIG WEDGE
\parskip 1ex


\newcommand{\mainidx}[1]{{\it #1}}
\newcommand{\boldidx}[1]{{\bf #1}}





\def\listofsymbols{\input{symbols} \cleardoublepage}
\def\addsymbol #1: #2#3{$#1$ \> \parbox{5in}{#2 \dotfill \pageref{#3}}\\}

    %bookmarks=true,         % show bookmarks bar?
    unicode=false,          % non-Latin characters in Acrobat�s bookmarks
    pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat�s toolbar?
    pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat�s menu?
    pdffitwindow=false,     % window fit to page when opened
    pdfstartview={FitH},    % fits the width of the page to the window
    pdftitle={My title},    % title
    pdfauthor={Author},     % author
    pdfsubject={Subject},   % subject of the document
    pdfcreator={Creator},   % creator of the document
    pdfproducer={Producer}, % producer of the document
    pdfkeywords={keywords}, % list of keywords
    pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window
    colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links
    linkcolor=blue,          % color of internal links
    citecolor=blue,        % color of links to bibliography
    filecolor=magenta,      % color of file links
    urlcolor=green           % color of external links

\newcommand {\apgt} {\ {\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\buildrel>\over\sim$}}\ }
\newcommand {\aplt} {\ {\raise-.5ex\hbox{$\buildrel<\over\sim$}}\ }


    \thispagestyle{empty} \cleardoublepage
    \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers
    %The style you want to use for references.
    \thispagestyle{plain}\chapter*{Publications arising out of the PhD
        thesis\hfill} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Publications arising
        out of the PhD thesis}
        \item [{[1]}]  
    \vspace{1cm} \cleardoublepage
    \printindex %\printauthorindex

这是我按照 Mico 的建议操作后最终得到的代码。
