%size of paper
\date{March 2021}
\begin {document}
\rowcolor{lightgray} Type & Item & Discharge Method \\
\multirow{4}{*}{Paper} & Newspapers &
While disposing it should not be wet, one should spread it out evenly or should be tied into a single pile.
Advertisements coated with vinyl, vinyl, and other dirt should not be mixed \\
{} & Brochures, Notebooks, Paper Shopping Bags, Calendar, Wrappers &
Remove the vinyl-coated cover and spring from the notebook. Discharge separately. Plastic wrapping paper is excluded
{} & Paper Cups, Paper Packs &
Empty the contents, rinse it with water, squeeze it, dispose in a bag or bundle it together.\\
{} & Boxes (Snacks, Package Boxes, Corrugated Boxes, etc.) & Remove the vinyl coating, tape attached to the box and staples, crush or fold for easier transportation \\
\multirow{2}{*}{Cans} & Iron Cans, Aluminum Cans (Drinks and Foods) & Empty contents, rinse with water and squeeze if possible. \\
{} & Other Cans (Butane Gas, Pesticide Containers) & Empty content by drilling a hole, remove plastic cap if present and dispose. Dispose in a bag (vinyl bag is permitted).
\multirow{2}{*}{Bottles} & Beverage Bottles and Other Bottles & Remove the bottle cap, empty the contents, rinse it with water and discharge it separately.
Do not put foreign substances such as cigarette butts
* For beer bottles, etc., the empty container and deposit system is used at retail stores, etc. \\
{} & Pesticide Bottles & Rinse it with water and discharge it separately do not mix with beverage bottles. \\
{} & Scrap Metals (Tools, Steel Wires, Nails, Iron Plates, Electric Wires, etc.) &
Prevent mixing with foreign substances, place in a transparent bag or tie it with a string to dispose. \\
{} & Non-ferrous Metals (Nickel Silvers, Aluminums, Stainless Steels) & Prevent mixing with foreign substances, place in a transparent bag or tie it with a string to dispose.\\
\multirow{3}{*}{Plastics} & PET bottles, Synthetic resin containers.
& Remove lid, empty contents, rinse with water and squeeze it to reduce the volume, as much as possible
* Excluding waste oil containers. \\
{} & Household goods & Remove foreign substances, attached trademarks, etc. completely and place in a transparent vinyl or bundle them to dispose them.
Empty the residue of fruits and fish boxes completely and rinse thoroughly with water to dispose. \\
{} & Waste Styrofoam & Excluding disposable cup noodle containers, lunch boxes and waste Styrofoam coated with foreign substances or other materials (PE, PP, etc.) \\
Textiles & Pure Wool, Mixed Wool, Innerwear, Outwear, etc. &
Except wet clothes, nylon, disposable diapers, quilted blankets, etc. Tie it using a string or dispose in a box or transparent vinyl. \\
Batteries & MR, SR & Dispose in a transparent vinyl or box. \\
Vinyl & Snack Bags, Ramen Bags, Household Rubber Gloves, Disposable Plastic Bags, etc. & Only plastic bags are collected separately and discharged. If foreign substances such as food are smeared, wash them thoroughly and dispose. \\
- 在 中
来垂直和水平合并单元格。垂直合并时,您可以指定逻辑行数而不是身体的行与 一样\multirow
。 - 您可以为行和列着色,而无须使用负数参数
。 - 您可以使用钥匙绘制所有规则
。 - 您不会看到 Zarko 的答案中出现的细白线。
(我采用了 Zarko 答案的值)。
\date{March 2021}
\setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{0.5mm} % thicker arrayrules
\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % reduced separation between column content from their borders
>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{\dimexpr (\textwidth -4em -6\tabcolsep -4\arrayrulewidth)/10*3}
>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{\dimexpr (\textwidth -4em -6\tabcolsep -4\arrayrulewidth)/10*7}}
Type & Item & Discharge Method \\
& Newspapers
& While disposing it should not be wet, one should spread it out evenly or should be tied into a single pile. Advertisements coated with vinyl, vinyl, and other dirt should not be mixed
& Brochures, Notebooks, Paper Shopping Bags, Calendar, Wrappers
& Remove the vinyl-coated cover and spring from the notebook. Discharge separately. Plastic wrapping paper is excluded
& Paper Cups, Paper Packs
& Empty the contents, rinse it with water, squeeze it, dispose in a bag or bundle it together.
& Boxes (Snacks, Package Boxes, Corrugated Boxes, etc.)
& Remove the vinyl coating, tape attached to the box and staples, crush or fold for easier transportation
& Iron Cans, Aluminum Cans (Drinks and Foods)
& Empty contents, rinse with water and squeeze if possible.
& Other Cans (Butane Gas, Pesticide Containers)
& Empty content by drilling a hole, remove plastic cap if present and dispose. Dispose in a bag (vinyl bag is permitted).
& Beverage Bottles and Other Bottles
& Remove the bottle cap, empty the contents, rinse it with water and discharge it separately. Do not put foreign substances such as cigarette butts
* For beer bottles, etc., the empty container and deposit system is used at retail stores, etc.
& Pesticide Bottles
& Rinse it with water and discharge it separately do not mix with beverage bottles.
& Scrap Metals (Tools, Steel Wires, Nails, Iron Plates, Electric Wires, etc.)
& Prevent mixing with foreign substances, place in a transparent bag or tie it with a string to dispose.
& Non-ferrous Metals (Nickel Silvers, Aluminums, Stainless Steels)
& Prevent mixing with foreign substances, place in a transparent bag or tie it with a string to dispose.
& PET bottles, Synthetic resin containers.
& Remove lid, empty contents, rinse with water and squeeze it to reduce the volume, as much as possible
* Excluding waste oil containers.
& Household goods
& Remove foreign substances, attached trademarks, etc. completely and place in a transparent vinyl or bundle them to dispose them.
Empty the residue of fruits and fish boxes completely and rinse thoroughly with water to dispose.
& Waste Styrofoam
& Excluding disposable cup noodle containers, lunch boxes and waste Styrofoam coated with foreign substances or other materials (PE, PP, etc.) \\
& Pure Wool, Mixed Wool, Innerwear, Outwear, etc.
& Except wet clothes, nylon, disposable diapers, quilted blankets, etc. Tie it using a string or dispose in a box or transparent vinyl. \\
& MR, SR
& Dispose in a transparent vinyl or box.
& Snack Bags, Ramen Bags, Household Rubber Gloves, Disposable Plastic Bags, etc.
& Only plastic bags are collected separately and discharged. If foreign substances such as food are smeared, wash them thoroughly and dispose.
如果您有彩色(多行)单元格,则需要在着色后在其中添加文本。 在您的例子中,这意味着\multirow
必须将其插入到它跨越的最后一行,并且它跨越的行数为负数,如下面 MWE 中所做的那样。
- 请始终在您遗漏的代码行中提供可编译的 MWE(最小工作示例)
。 - 请仅加载每个包
- 根据用途对它们进行分组(字体、数学、表格……)
- 而不是拉伸数组,而是通过使用在单元格内容之前和之后插入垂直间隙
(如下面的 MWE 中所做的那样) - 相反,
- 对于列中单元格内容的垂直居中,列单元格
类型已更新,请参阅下面的 MWEX
- 不要使用旧的
- 跨越线的负数
计算为<行数 - 添加的垂直间隙和水平规则的大小>其中增加的垂直大小以文本行数估算。例如,第一个“多行单元格”跨越 11 个文本行,插入了 8 个间隙
% fonts
% math
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}% amsfonts is loaded by amssymb
\usepackage[column=O]{cellspace}% better, than {} aren't necessary
\usepackage{multirow, tabularx, threeparttable}
\hsize=#1\hsize}X }
% miscellaneous
\date{March 2021}
\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}} % vertical centered X cells contents
\setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{0.5mm} % thicker arrayrules
\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % reduced separation between column content from their borders
\rowcolor{lightgray} Type & Item & Discharge Method \\
& Newspapers
& While disposing it should not be wet, one should spread it out evenly or should be tied into a single pile. Advertisements coated with vinyl, vinyl, and other dirt should not be mixed
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Brochures, Notebooks, Paper Shopping Bags, Calendar, Wrappers
& Remove the vinyl-coated cover and spring from the notebook. Discharge separately. Plastic wrapping paper is excluded
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Paper Cups, Paper Packs
& Empty the contents, rinse it with water, squeeze it, dispose in a bag or bundle it together.
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Boxes (Snacks, Package Boxes, Corrugated Boxes, etc.)
& Remove the vinyl coating, tape attached to the box and staples, crush or fold for easier transportation
\\ \hline
& Iron Cans, Aluminum Cans (Drinks and Foods)
& Empty contents, rinse with water and squeeze if possible.
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Other Cans (Butane Gas, Pesticide Containers)
& Empty content by drilling a hole, remove plastic cap if present and dispose. Dispose in a bag (vinyl bag is permitted).
\\ \hline
& Beverage Bottles and Other Bottles
& Remove the bottle cap, empty the contents, rinse it with water and discharge it separately. Do not put foreign substances such as cigarette butts
* For beer bottles, etc., the empty container and deposit system is used at retail stores, etc.
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Pesticide Bottles
& Rinse it with water and discharge it separately do not mix with beverage bottles.
\\ \hline
& Scrap Metals (Tools, Steel Wires, Nails, Iron Plates, Electric Wires, etc.)
& Prevent mixing with foreign substances, place in a transparent bag or tie it with a string to dispose.
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Non-ferrous Metals (Nickel Silvers, Aluminums, Stainless Steels)
& Prevent mixing with foreign substances, place in a transparent bag or tie it with a string to dispose.
\\ \hline
& PET bottles, Synthetic resin containers.
& Remove lid, empty contents, rinse with water and squeeze it to reduce the volume, as much as possible
* Excluding waste oil containers.
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Household goods
& Remove foreign substances, attached trademarks, etc. completely and place in a transparent vinyl or bundle them to dispose them.
Empty the residue of fruits and fish boxes completely and rinse thoroughly with water to dispose.
\\ \cline{2-3}
& Waste Styrofoam
& Excluding disposable cup noodle containers, lunch boxes and waste Styrofoam coated with foreign substances or other materials (PE, PP, etc.) \\
& Pure Wool, Mixed Wool, Innerwear, Outwear, etc.
& Except wet clothes, nylon, disposable diapers, quilted blankets, etc. Tie it using a string or dispose in a box or transparent vinyl. \\
& MR, SR
& Dispose in a transparent vinyl or box.
\\ \hline
& Snack Bags, Ramen Bags, Household Rubber Gloves, Disposable Plastic Bags, etc.
& Only plastic bags are collected separately and discharged. If foreign substances such as food are smeared, wash them thoroughly and dispose.
\\ \hline