
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | X |}
 LocationProvider & Description & blalala \\
 network & Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
 location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS
 Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
 location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
 location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
 location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS. \\
gps & Use the GPS receiver in the Android device to determine the best
location via satellites. Usually better precision than network. \\
passive & Allows to participate in location of updates of other components
to save energy \\




    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | X |}
        LocationProvider & Description & blalala \\
            & Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS
        Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS.
                & \\
            & Use the GPS receiver in the Android device to determine the best
        location via satellites. Usually better precision than network. 
            & Allows to participate in location of updates of other components
        to save energy 


\usepackage{tabularx, booktabs}
                \caption{Something to describe the table}
    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ X  X  X }
            \multicolumn{3}{c}{1.  Something to describe the table}\\
        LocationProvider & Description & blalala \\
            & Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS
        Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS.
                & \\
            & Use the GPS receiver in the Android device to determine the best
        location via satellites. Usually better precision than network. 
            & Allows to participate in location of updates of other components
        to save energy 




\usepackage{tabularx, booktabs, makecell}

    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ p{3cm}  X  p{1.5cm} }
            \multicolumn{3}{c}{1.  Something to describe the table}\\
        \thead{LocationProvider} & \thead{Description} & \thead{blalala} \\
            & Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS
        Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPSUses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS.
                & \\
            & Use the GPS receiver in the Android device to determine the best
        location via satellites. Usually better precision than network. 
            & Allows to participate in location of updates of other components
        to save energy 




  • 使用文档类别。
  • 页面布局(一列或两列文档,大小\textwidth,...)
  • 更真实地模仿真实表格(第三列单元格内容的大小未知)
  • 您的问题标题是什么意思:“如何关闭此文档的最后一列?”我认为最后一列没有任何问题。


  • booktabs用于表格中的水平线
  • makecell用于编写列标题
  • microtype使单元格中的文本间距更好
  • ragged2e用于对单元格中的文本进行“智能”连字。


\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}

\caption{Table caption}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l L{1.5}  L{0.5} @{}}
\thead{Location\\Provider} & \thead{Description} & \thead{blalala} \\
network & Uses the mobile network or W-Fi to determine the best
        location.Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS
        Uses the mobile network or Wi-Fi to determine the best location. Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS Uses the mobile network or Wi-Fi to determine the best. Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS Uses the mobile network or WI-Fi to determine the best location. Might have a higher precision in closed rooms than GPS.
                &   Unknown size and type of the content \dots\\
GPS     & Use the GPS receiver in the Android device to determine the best
        location via satellites. Usually better precision than network.
                &   \\
passive & Allows to participate in location of updates of other components
        to save energy
                &   \\

