

我一直在使用 10pt 的字体大小。当我添加一个图形时,字体大小显然大于 10pt,这是我无法忽视的。我将在下面给出序言代码以及编译结果的捕获。


\documentclass[10pt, a4paper, twoside]{article}
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6.10in, 8.85in}]{geometry}

\title{Fourier Transform Spectroscopy }
\author{Miqueas \\ \scriptsize{\textit{Electronics}}\\\scriptsize{\textit{Universidad}}\\\scriptsize{\textit{[email protected]}}}
\date{March 2021}


\noindent \scriptsize{\scriptsize{\textit{Abstract}: The present article aims to introduce the concept of optical spectroscopy, emphasizing and presenting a brief analysis of the Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) technique, which is translated into Spanish as Fourier Transform Spectroscopy.}}

\noindent \scriptsize{\textit{Palabras clave:} Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy}


Spectroscopy is a technique that is based on exploiting the interaction between light and materials, taking advantage of the physical effects resulting from this interaction. Some of these effects on materials are \ textit {light absorption}, \ textit {light emission} or \ textit {changes in optical phase}. There are also several spectroscopy methods, such as the one that uses the variation of the light source (usually a laser) to study the absorption of a material. However, for the purposes of this report it is important to take as a starting point the method that is based on the spectral decomposition of a light source, commonly white since it has a wide spectrum of wavelengths. The apparatus used for this type of analysis are called interferometers, the operation of which will be briefly illustrated below.

\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{Esquema de longitudes de onda.PNG}
\caption{Vista superior de una onda monocromática}





\usepackage{caption}  % added


\documentclass[10pt, a4paper, twoside]{article}

\usepackage{caption}  % added


\usepackage[a4paper, total={6.10in, 8.85in}]{geometry}

\title{Fourier Transform Spectroscopy }
\author{Miqueas \\ \scriptsize{\textit{Electronics}}\\\scriptsize{\textit{Universidad}}\\\scriptsize{\textit{[email protected]}}}
\date{March 2021}


\noindent \scriptsize{\scriptsize{\textit{Abstract}: The present article aims to introduce the concept of optical spectroscopy, emphasizing and presenting a brief analysis of the Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) technique, which is translated into Spanish as Fourier Transform Spectroscopy.}}

\noindent \scriptsize{\textit{Palabras clave:} Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy}    


Spectroscopy is a technique that is based on exploiting the interaction between light and materials, 
taking advantage of the physical effects resulting from this interaction. Some of these effects on materials are 
\ textit {light absorption}, \ textit {light emission} or \ textit {changes in optical phase}. There are also several
spectroscopy methods, such as the one that uses the variation of the light source (usually a laser) to study the absorption
of a material. However, for the purposes of this report it is important to take as a starting point the method that
is based on the spectral decomposition of a light source, commonly white since it has a wide spectrum of wavelengths. 
The apparatus used for this type of analysis are called interferometers, the operation of which will be briefly illustrated below.

    \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth, height=50pt]{example-grid-100x100pt}
    \caption{Vista superior de una onda monocromática}



解决方案 #2


\noindent {\scriptsize{\textit{Abstract}: The present article aims to introduce the concept of optical spectroscopy, emphasizing and presenting a brief analysis of the Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) technique, which is translated into Spanish as Fourier Transform Spectroscopy.}}

\noindent {\scriptsize{\textit{Palabras clave:} Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy} }  


据我所知,标题字体大小为 10pt,但其余文本不是。这是因为\scriptsize文档中的 -command(s):它将所有以下文本的大小切换为脚本大小(文档中为 7pt),而不仅仅是花括号中的文本。尝试{\scriptsize text}保持大小更改局部不变,或者\normalsize在想要恢复正常字体大小时使用。


\usepackage{tikz} % only needed for the example picture
\usepackage[font=scriptsize]{caption} % adapt captions.

   % The scope keeps the scriptsize-command local.
   {\scriptsize\textit{Abstract}: The present article aims to introduce the concept of optical spectroscopy, emphasizing and presenting a brief analysis of the Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) technique, which is translated into Spanish as Fourier Transform Spectroscopy.}
   % Alternative: first use \scriptsize, and later \normalsize.
   \scriptsize\textit{Palabras clave:} Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy\normalsize
         \draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
   % All the text behind the figure is in normal size.
   Spectroscopy is a technique that is based on exploiting the interaction between light and materials.
