

我在使用 longtable 时遇到了一个非常奇怪的错误。




\author{Parul Gupta}
\date{March 2021}



\caption{Private tutoring demand, hurdle model (IHDS, 2012) \label{ihds}}\\
                &\multicolumn{1}{c}{1st stage}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{2nd stage}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{1st stage}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{2nd stage}\\
Male 1          &   0.0372\sym{***}&   0.0698\sym{***}&   0.0365\sym{***}&   0.0451         \\
                &   (8.45)         &   (3.30)         &   (4.37)         &   (1.69)         \\
Attends government school=1&  -0.0453\sym{***}&   -0.122\sym{**} &  -0.0236         &   0.0403         \\
                &  (-6.03)         &  (-3.01)         &  (-1.83)         &   (1.03)         \\
Distance from school (km)& 0.000139         &  0.00576\sym{**} &-0.000536         &  0.00651\sym{*}  \\
                &   (0.29)         &   (2.95)         &  (-0.38)         &   (2.18)         \\
classes=1       &   0.0278\sym{***}&    0.171\sym{***}&  0.00682         &    0.216\sym{***}\\
                &   (5.00)         &   (5.20)         &   (0.60)         &   (5.96)         \\
classes=2       &    0.111\sym{***}&    0.511\sym{***}&   0.0631\sym{***}&    0.518\sym{***}\\
                &  (13.69)         &  (13.16)         &   (4.70)         &  (12.67)         \\
EQ4 2.11 Homework hours/week&  0.00139\sym{***}&  0.00303\sym{**} &  0.00273\sym{**} &  0.00691\sym{***}\\
                &   (3.34)         &   (2.75)         &   (3.28)         &   (3.86)         \\
EQ4 2.13 Days/month absent& -0.00151\sym{**} &-0.0000962         & -0.00209         & -0.00328         \\
                &  (-2.93)         &  (-0.05)         &  (-1.85)         &  (-0.98)         \\
EQ5 2.24 Scholarship (rupees)&0.0000165\sym{***}&0.0000475\sym{***}&-0.00000440         &0.0000617         \\
                &   (3.33)         &   (5.51)         &  (-0.55)         &   (1.58)         \\
Attends English medium school=1&   0.0157         &    0.151\sym{**} &   0.0443\sym{**} &    0.166\sym{***}\\
                &   (1.43)         &   (3.11)         &   (2.95)         &   (3.96)         \\
Muslim 2        &   0.0110         &  -0.0243         &   0.0349\sym{*}  &  -0.0548         \\
                &   (1.16)         &  (-0.48)         &   (2.49)         &  (-1.14)         \\
Others 3        &   0.0184         &   0.0783         &  -0.0211         &  -0.0877         \\
                &   (1.27)         &   (1.10)         &  (-0.94)         &  (-1.48)         \\
OBC             & -0.00470         &  -0.0141         &   0.0231         &  -0.0353         \\
                &  (-0.61)         &  (-0.44)         &   (1.70)         &  (-0.94)         \\
SC              &  -0.0178\sym{*}  &  -0.0323         & -0.00242         & 0.000542         \\
                &  (-2.16)         &  (-0.89)         &  (-0.15)         &   (0.01)         \\
ST              &  -0.0260\sym{*}  &  -0.0268         &   0.0273         &  -0.0435         \\
                &  (-2.14)         &  (-0.36)         &   (0.93)         &  (-0.41)         \\
Father's years of education&  0.00256\sym{***}&   0.0202\sym{***}&  0.00223         &   0.0122\sym{*}  \\
                &   (3.30)         &   (4.35)         &   (1.42)         &   (2.46)         \\
Mother's years of education&  0.00333\sym{***}&  0.00209         &-0.000313         &   0.0157\sym{**} \\
                &   (4.14)         &   (0.51)         &  (-0.20)         &   (3.14)         \\
Yes 1           &  -0.0176\sym{**} &   0.0135         &  -0.0301\sym{*}  &  -0.0731         \\
                &  (-3.03)         &   (0.40)         &  (-2.32)         &  (-1.94)         \\
No. of siblings in age group 0-5&  -0.0113\sym{*}  &  -0.0222         &  -0.0244\sym{*}  &  -0.0291         \\
                &  (-2.28)         &  (-0.67)         &  (-2.26)         &  (-0.73)         \\
Eldest child=1  &   0.0275\sym{***}&  0.00254         &   0.0673\sym{***}&   0.0524         \\
                &   (6.50)         &   (0.12)         &   (8.05)         &   (1.95)         \\
HQ23 14. household expenditure /capita&0.000000725\sym{**} &0.00000147\sym{*}  &0.000000744\sym{**} &0.00000389\sym{***}\\
                &   (2.90)         &   (2.01)         &   (2.99)         &   (6.47)         \\
Average tuition participation in village&  0.00579\sym{***}&                  &  0.00726\sym{***}&                  \\
                &  (42.37)         &                  &  (37.34)         &                  \\
Average tuition spending in village (Rs.)&                  & 0.000127\sym{***}&                  &0.0000489\sym{***}\\
                &                  &   (9.10)         &                  &   (5.37)         \\
State controls  &      Yes         &                  &      Yes         &                  \\
N               &    20955         &    20955         &     9211         &     9211         \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \textit{t} statistics in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize Source: IHDS, 2012}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize Robust standard errors, clustered at PSU level}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\)}\\



但是,当我在实际文件中运行完全相同的代码时,它会给我一个奇怪的表格,最后一列延伸到右边距(见图)。我在序言中使用了 longtable 和 geometry 包。但是,我正在写一篇论文,并使用为我的研究所设计的 LaTeX 模板。这会造成问题吗?如果有的话,请提出解决方法。谢谢!





  1. 使用该包array并定义一种新的列类型,该列将应用于第一列,以限制其宽度。长行将由 TeX 段落算法分成几行。

  2. 使用该包并在您认为语法最正确的地方makecell自行进行剪切(使用里面的命令\thead{<content>}和使用)。\\



\author{Parul Gupta}
\date{March 2021}

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\begin{longtable}{P{0.3}*{4}{c}} %<<<< changed
\caption{Private tutoring demand, hurdle model (IHDS, 2012) \label{ihds}}\\









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\usepackage{makecell}  % <<<<<< added

\author{Parul Gupta}
\date{March 2021}



\caption{Private tutoring demand, hurdle model (IHDS, 2012) \label{ihds}}\\
                &\multicolumn{1}{c}{1st stage}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{2nd stage}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{1st stage}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{2nd stage}\\
Male 1          &   0.0372\sym{***}&   0.0698\sym{***}&   0.0365\sym{***}&   0.0451         \\
                &   (8.45)         &   (3.30)         &   (4.37)         &   (1.69)         \\
\thead{Attends\\ government school=1}&  -0.0453\sym{***}&   -0.122\sym{**} &  -0.0236         &   0.0403         \\
                &  (-6.03)         &  (-3.01)         &  (-1.83)         &   (1.03)         \\
Distance from school (km)& 0.000139         &  0.00576\sym{**} &-0.000536         &  0.00651\sym{*}  \\
                &   (0.29)         &   (2.95)         &  (-0.38)         &   (2.18)         \\
classes=1       &   0.0278\sym{***}&    0.171\sym{***}&  0.00682         &    0.216\sym{***}\\
                &   (5.00)         &   (5.20)         &   (0.60)         &   (5.96)         \\
classes=2       &    0.111\sym{***}&    0.511\sym{***}&   0.0631\sym{***}&    0.518\sym{***}\\
                &  (13.69)         &  (13.16)         &   (4.70)         &  (12.67)         \\
\thead{EQ4 2.11 Homework \\hours/week}&  0.00139\sym{***}&  0.00303\sym{**} &  0.00273\sym{**} &  0.00691\sym{***}\\
                &   (3.34)         &   (2.75)         &   (3.28)         &   (3.86)         \\
\thead{EQ4 2.13 Days/month \\absent}& -0.00151\sym{**} &-0.0000962         & -0.00209         & -0.00328         \\
                &  (-2.93)         &  (-0.05)         &  (-1.85)         &  (-0.98)         \\
\thead{EQ5 2.24 Scholarship\\ (rupees)}&0.0000165\sym{***}&0.0000475\sym{***}&-0.00000440         &0.0000617         \\
                &   (3.33)         &   (5.51)         &  (-0.55)         &   (1.58)         \\
\thead{Attends English \\medium school=1}&   0.0157         &    0.151\sym{**} &   0.0443\sym{**} &    0.166\sym{***}\\
                &   (1.43)         &   (3.11)         &   (2.95)         &   (3.96)         \\
Muslim 2        &   0.0110         &  -0.0243         &   0.0349\sym{*}  &  -0.0548         \\
                &   (1.16)         &  (-0.48)         &   (2.49)         &  (-1.14)         \\
Others 3        &   0.0184         &   0.0783         &  -0.0211         &  -0.0877         \\
                &   (1.27)         &   (1.10)         &  (-0.94)         &  (-1.48)         \\
OBC             & -0.00470         &  -0.0141         &   0.0231         &  -0.0353         \\
                &  (-0.61)         &  (-0.44)         &   (1.70)         &  (-0.94)         \\
SC              &  -0.0178\sym{*}  &  -0.0323         & -0.00242         & 0.000542         \\
                &  (-2.16)         &  (-0.89)         &  (-0.15)         &   (0.01)         \\
ST              &  -0.0260\sym{*}  &  -0.0268         &   0.0273         &  -0.0435         \\
                &  (-2.14)         &  (-0.36)         &   (0.93)         &  (-0.41)         \\
Father's years of education&  0.00256\sym{***}&   0.0202\sym{***}&  0.00223         &   0.0122\sym{*}  \\
                &   (3.30)         &   (4.35)         &   (1.42)         &   (2.46)         \\
Mother's years of education&  0.00333\sym{***}&  0.00209         &-0.000313         &   0.0157\sym{**} \\
                &   (4.14)         &   (0.51)         &  (-0.20)         &   (3.14)         \\
Yes 1           &  -0.0176\sym{**} &   0.0135         &  -0.0301\sym{*}  &  -0.0731         \\
                &  (-3.03)         &   (0.40)         &  (-2.32)         &  (-1.94)         \\
\thead{No. of siblings in \\ age group 0-5}&  -0.0113\sym{*}  &  -0.0222         &  -0.0244\sym{*}  &  -0.0291         \\
                &  (-2.28)         &  (-0.67)         &  (-2.26)         &  (-0.73)         \\
Eldest child=1  &   0.0275\sym{***}&  0.00254         &   0.0673\sym{***}&   0.0524         \\
                &   (6.50)         &   (0.12)         &   (8.05)         &   (1.95)         \\
\thead{HQ23 14. household \\expenditure /capita}&0.000000725\sym{**} &0.00000147\sym{*}  &0.000000744\sym{**} &0.00000389\sym{***}\\
                &   (2.90)         &   (2.01)         &   (2.99)         &   (6.47)         \\
\thead{Average tuition \\participation in village}&  0.00579\sym{***}&                  &  0.00726\sym{***}&                  \\
                &  (42.37)         &                  &  (37.34)         &                  \\
\thead{Average tuition \\spending in village (Rs.)}&                  & 0.000127\sym{***}&                  &0.0000489\sym{***}\\
                &                  &   (9.10)         &                  &   (5.37)         \\
State controls  &      Yes         &                  &      Yes         &                  \\
N               &    20955         &    20955         &     9211         &     9211         \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \textit{t} statistics in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize Source: IHDS, 2012}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize Robust standard errors, clustered at PSU level}\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\), \sym{***} \(p<0.001\)}\\




  • 对于第一列,将使用p{...}列类型并在单元格中插入\multirow文本
  • 对于带有数字的列将使用包S中定义的列类型siunitx
  • 对于表格注释将使用包tablenotes中定义的:threetablex
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow, longtable}

\title{My longtable}
\author{Parul Gupta}
\date{March 2021}


         input-open-uncertainty = ,
         input-close-uncertainty = ,

    \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} @{\hspace{\tabcolsep}} 
                      >{\raggedright}p{11em} *{4}{S}}
\caption{Private tutoring demand, hurdle model (IHDS, 2012)}
\label{ihds}                                        \\
    &   \mcc[2]{Rural}
            & \mcc[2]{Urban}                        \\
    &   {\makecell{1st stage\\ (1)}}
        &   {\makecell{2nd stage\\ (2)}}
            &   {\makecell{1st stage\\ (3)}}
                &   {\makecell{2nd stage\\ (4)}}    \\
    &   \mcc[2]{Rural}
            & \mcc[2]{Urban}                        \\
    &   {\makecell{1st stage\\ (1)}}
        &   {\makecell{2nd stage\\ (2)}}
            &   {\makecell{1st stage\\ (3)}}
                &   {\makecell{2nd stage\\ (4)}}    \\
    \mcr[5]{Continued on the next page}
\mrc{Male 1}  
        &   0.0372\sym{***} &   0.0698\sym{***}  
        &   0.0365\sym{***} &   0.0451              \\*
        &    (8.45)         &  (3.30)         
        &    (4.37)         &  (1.69)               \\
\mrc{Attends government school=1}
        &  -0.0453\sym{***} &  -0.122\sym{**} 
        &  -0.0236          &   0.0403              \\*
        & (-6.03)           & (-3.01)         
        & (-1.83)           &  (1.03)               \\
\mrc{Distance from school (km)}
        &   0.000139        &   0.00576\sym{**} 
        &  -0.000536        &   0.00651\sym{*}      \\*
        &  (0.29)           &  (2.95)         
        & (-0.38)           &  (2.18)               \\
        &   0.0278\sym{***} &   0.171\sym{***}
        &   0.00682         &   0.216\sym{***}      \\*
        &  (5.00)           &  (5.20)         
        &  (0.60)           &  (5.96)               \\
        &   0.111\sym{***}  &   0.511\sym{***}
        &   0.0631\sym{***} &   0.518\sym{***}      \\*
        & (13.69)           & (13.16)         
        &  (4.70)           & (12.67)               \\
\mrc{EQ4 2.11 Homework hours/week}
        &   0.00139\sym{***}&   0.00303\sym{**} 
        &   0.00273\sym{**} &   0.00691\sym{***}    \\*
        &  (3.34)           &  (2.75)         
        &  (3.28)           &  (3.86)               \\
\mrc{EQ4 2.13 Days/month absent}
        &  -0.00151\sym{**} &  -0.0000962         
        &  -0.00209         &  -0.00328             \\
        & (-2.93)           & (-0.05)         
        & (-1.85)           & (-0.98)               \\
\mrc{EQ5 2.24 Scholarship (rupees)}
    &   0.0000165\sym{***}  &   0.0000475\sym{***}
    &  -0.00000440          &   0.0000617           \\*
    &  (3.33)               &  (5.51)         
    & (-0.55)               &  (1.58)               \\
\mrc{Attends English medium school=1}
    &   0.0157              &   0.151\sym{**}
    &   0.0443\sym{**}      &   0.166\sym{***}      \\*
    &  (1.43)               &  (3.11)         
    &  (2.95)               &  (3.96)               \\
\mrc{Muslim 2}     
    &   0.0110              &  -0.0243         
    &   0.0349\sym{*}       &  -0.0548              \\*
    &   (1.16)              & (-0.48)         
    &   (2.49)              & (-1.14)               \\
\mrc{Others 3}        
    &   0.0184              &   0.0783         
    &  -0.0211              &  -0.0877              \\*
    &  (1.27)               &   (1.10)         
    &  (-0.94)              &  (-1.48)              \\
    &  -0.00470             &  -0.0141         
    &   0.0231              &  -0.0353              \\*
    &  (-0.61)              &  (-0.44)         
    &   (1.70)              &  (-0.94)              \\
    &  -0.0178\sym{*}       &  -0.0323         
    &  -0.00242             & 0.000542         \\
                &  (-2.16)         &  (-0.89)         &  (-0.15)         &   (0.01)         \\
    &  -0.0260\sym{*}  &  -0.0268         &   0.0273         &  -0.0435         \\
                &  (-2.14)         &  (-0.36)         &   (0.93)         &  (-0.41)         \\
\mrc{Father's years of education}
    &   0.00256\sym{***}&   0.0202\sym{***}
                &   0.00223         &   0.0122\sym{*}       \\*
                &  (3.30)           &  (4.35)         
                &  (1.42)           &   (2.46)              \\
\mrc{Mother's years of education}
    &  0.00333\sym{***}&  0.00209         &-0.000313         &   0.0157\sym{**} \\
                &   (4.14)         &   (0.51)         &  (-0.20)         &   (3.14)         \\
\mrc{Yes 1}           
    &  -0.0176\sym{**} &   0.0135         &  -0.0301\sym{*}  &  -0.0731         \\
                &  (-3.03)         &   (0.40)         &  (-2.32)         &  (-1.94)         \\
\mrc{No. of siblings in age group 0-5}
    &  -0.0113\sym{*}  &  -0.0222         &  -0.0244\sym{*}  &  -0.0291         \\
    &  (-2.28)         &  (-0.67)         &  (-2.26)         &  (-0.73)         \\
\mrc{Eldest child=1} 
    &   0.0275\sym{***}&  0.00254         &   0.0673\sym{***}&   0.0524         \\
    &   (6.50)         &   (0.12)         &   (8.05)         &   (1.95)         \\
\mrc{HQ23 14. household expenditure /capita}
    &0.000000725\sym{**} &0.00000147\sym{*}  &0.000000744\sym{**} &0.00000389\sym{***}\\
    &   (2.90)         &   (2.01)         &   (2.99)         &   (6.47)         \\
\mrc{Average tuition participation in village}
    &  0.00579\sym{***}&                  &  0.00726\sym{***}&                  \\
    &  (42.37)         &                  &  (37.34)         &                  \\
\mrc{Average tuition spending in village (Rs.)}
    &                   &   0.000127\sym{***}
    &                   &   0.0000489\sym{***}  \\
    &                  &   (9.10)         &                  &   (5.37)         \\
\mrc{State controls}  
        &   {Yes}           &                  
        &   {Yes}           &                       \\
N       &   {20955}         &   {20955}         
        &   {9211}          &   {9211}              \\
\note{Statistics in parentheses:\\
Source: IHDS, 2012
Robust standard errors, clustered at PSU level} \\
    \item[*]    \(p<0.05\), 
    \item[**]   \(p<0.01\), 
    \item[***]  \(p<0.001\).




