

我使用的是横向表格,其中最后一条记录需要跨越两列(合并)。下面给出了 MWC、观察到的输出和期望的输出。


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\caption{Comparison among state of the art designs}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
\thead{Reference}&\thead{Sensor\\type}&\thead{Sensor\\location}&\thead{No. of\\ sensors}&\thead{Processing\\location}&\thead{Method}&\thead{Accuracy\\in \%}&\thead{Features}&\thead{Limitations}\\

  & Accelerometer, Gyroscope

    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & Unknown
      & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
        & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.

  & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and Remote
 & TB & Unknown
      &Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy. Reduced false alarm.
        &Device location in pocket of pant. No real life implementation case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.

  & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
 & ML & 91.83
      &Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier with accuracy  of 91.83\%
        &Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall is not considered. \\

    & External & $>1$ & Remote
 & ML & Unknown
  & Image information is used for fall classification.
        &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\

  & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
 & TB + ML & Unknown
      & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
        & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\

  & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
 & TB & Unknown
      & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IOT platform.
        & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on accuracy.\\

 & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
 &Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
 & TB & Unknown
 & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
 & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\
 & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
 &Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
 & ML & Unknown
 & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
 & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\
 &Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
 &TB + ML & Unknown
 & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
 & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\
Proposed system
 & Smartphone accelerometer
 &Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
 &TB & Unknown
 & Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring , Ineffectual device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only so number of warnings are less,  Simple fast and accurate.

观察到的输出 观察到的输出 和期望的输出 所需输出(来自 MS Word)






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\caption{Comparison among state of the art designs}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
\begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.60in}  % changed to tabular and first column
        >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.95in} % increase width
        >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{1.5in}} %changed from X
    \thead{Reference}&\thead{Sensor\\type}&\thead{Sensor\\location}&\thead{No. of\\ sensors}&\thead{Processing\\location}&\thead{Method}&\thead{Accuracy\\in \%}&\thead{Features}&\thead{Limitations}\\
    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & Unknown
    & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
    & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.
    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and Remote
    & TB & Unknown
    &Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy. Reduced false alarm.
    &Device location in pocket of pant. No real life implementation case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.
    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & ML & 91.83
    &Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier with accuracy  of 91.83\%
    &Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall is not considered. \\
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & ML & Unknown
    & Image information is used for fall classification.
    &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\
    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & TB + ML & Unknown
    & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
    & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\
    & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
    & TB & Unknown
    & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IOT platform.
    & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on accuracy.\\
    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    &Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & TB & Unknown
    & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
    & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\
    & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
    &Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
    & ML & Unknown
    & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
    & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\
    & UHF-RFID
    &Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
    &TB + ML & Unknown
    & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
    & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\
    Proposed system
    & Smartphone accelerometer
    &Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
    &TB & Unknown
    & \multicolumn{2}{p{\dimexpr1.5in+1.5in+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth}}{% <<<< changed
        Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring, Ineffectual device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only so number of warnings are less,  Simple fast and accurate.}





为了消除这种视觉错觉,请将标题行中的替换 \thead{Sensor\\location}\bfseries Sensor location,并增加宽度以容纳更长的线条。


这是最终的外观和完整的代码。您可以对第二列的标题使用相同的方法。(\bfseries Sensor type



%   \usepackage{tabularx}
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\caption{Comparison among state of the art designs}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
\begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.60in}  % changed to tabular and first column
        >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{1.1in} % increase width
        >{\arraybackslash}p{1.5in}} %changed from X
    \thead{Reference}&\thead{Sensor\\type}& \bfseries Sensor location&\thead{No. of\\ sensors}&\thead{Processing\\location}&\thead{Method}&\thead{Accuracy\\in \%}&\thead{Features}&\thead{Limitations}\\
    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & Unknown
    & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
    & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.
    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and Remote
    & TB & Unknown
    &Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy. Reduced false alarm.
    &Device location in pocket of pant. No real life implementation case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.
    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & ML & 91.83
    &Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier with accuracy  of 91.83\%
    &Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall is not considered. \\
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & ML & Unknown
    & Image information is used for fall classification.
    &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\
    & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
    & TB + ML & Unknown
    & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
    & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\
    & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
    & TB & Unknown
    & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IOT platform.
    & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on accuracy.\\
    & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
    &Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
    & TB & Unknown
    & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
    & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\
    & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
    &Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
    & ML & Unknown
    & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
    & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\
    & UHF-RFID
    &Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
    &TB + ML & Unknown
    & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
    & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\
    Proposed system
    & Smartphone accelerometer
    &Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
    &TB & Unknown
    & \multicolumn{2}{p{\dimexpr1.5in+1.5in+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}}{% <<<< changed
        Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring, Ineffectual device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only so number of warnings are less,  Simple fast and accurate.}


您可以使用修改后的 X 列进行跨越





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\caption{Comparison among state of the art designs}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
\thead{Reference}&\thead{Sensor\\type}&\thead{Sensor\\location}&\thead{No. of\\ sensors}&\thead{Processing\\location}&\thead{Method}&\thead{Accuracy\\in \%}&\thead{Features}&\thead{Limitations}\\
  & Accelerometer, Gyroscope

    & External & $>1$ & On board & TB & Unknown
      & Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy.
        & No text based location, Fall and break of device aspect not considered.

  & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & 1 & On board and Remote
 & TB & Unknown
      &Fine grained fall detection with good accuracy. Reduced false alarm.
        &Device location in pocket of pant. No real life implementation case study. Fall and break aspect not considered.

  & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & On board and remote
 & ML & 91.83
      &Fall detection and ADL based on KNN classifier with accuracy  of 91.83\%
        &Store \& analyse, no live data, device fall is not considered. \\

    & External & $>1$ & Remote
 & ML & Unknown
  & Image information is used for fall classification.
        &Slow, multiple image capturing device may be required, privacy issues.\\

  & Triaxial Accelerometer
    & External & $>1$ & Remote
 & TB + ML & Unknown
      & Threshold analysis, reminder analysis and decision tree algorithm .
        & The non-functional aspect of the device after a fall is not considered.\\

  & Pressure Sensor
    &Integrated in the operator's shoe & $>1$ & remote
 & TB & Unknown
      & Good result accuracy and can be implemented in IOT platform.
        & The nature of walking surface has a direct impact on accuracy.\\

 & Accelerometer, Gyroscope
 &Smartphone in chest pocket & $>1$ & On board and remote
 & TB & Unknown
 & Smartphone Google API (location), Good accuracy.
 & Device location is not suitable for heart patient, Google API is not accurate in remote locations.\\
 & MEMS tri-axis accelerometer
 &Upper trunk of the body & 1 & Remote
 & ML & Unknown
 & Fall detection and prediction using hidden Markov chain.
 & Location information as well as fall alike cases are not considered.\\
 &Different locations inside the room & $>1$ & Remote
 &TB + ML & Unknown
 & Device and location independent fine grained fall detection.
 & Not suitable for outdoor monitoring.\\
Proposed system
 & Smartphone accelerometer
 &Gender and garment independent, easy to wear phone holder & 1 & Remote
 &TB & Unknown
 Text based location + SMS, Indoor and outdoor monitoring , Ineffectual device consideration, Non ambulatory, Non self-recovery warning only so number of warnings are less,  Simple fast and accurate.}
