我知道我应该学习 TikZ......我需要帮助来画出这张非常简单的图片(有两种颜色,红色和蓝色,它是一个论点的例证,所描绘的情况是 n=3)。
如果有人能给我代码,我将非常感激。否则,我将使用黑白的 xfig 做点什么。提前致谢。
就这样 :) 正如你所说,你想学习 tikz,我或多或少地对所有内容进行了评论,以便你有一个参考。如果你对代码的某个部分有疑问,请随时提问!这是结果:
%- Draw blue part
\begin{scope}[color = blue]
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- (1.25,0); % X - axis
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- (0,1.25); % Y - axis
\draw[] (1,0) -- (1,1);
\draw[] (0,1) -- (1,1);
\node [below,left] () at (0,0) { \tiny (0,0)};
\node [above,right] () at (1,1) { \tiny (1,1)};
%- Draw red part
\begin{scope}[color = red]
\node[below] (xPoint) at (1/3,0){\tiny $\frac{1}{n}$}; % Label on x axis
\node[left] (yPoint) at (0,2/3){\tiny 1-$\frac{1}{n}$}; % Label on y axis
\draw[dashed] (xPoint) -- (1/3,2/3); % Line between x axis and (1/3,2/3)
\draw[dashed] (yPoint) -- (1/3,2/3); % Line between y axis and (1/3,2/3)
\fill (0,0) circle (1pt); % Red circle at (0,0)
\fill (1/3,2/3) circle (1pt);
\fill (1,1) circle (1pt);
\draw (0,0) -- (1/3,2/3) -- (1,1) node[midway,below] (){\tiny $\varphi_n$};
% In the draw command above, I have created the text by writing a node in the middle of the last segment
\begin{tikzpicture}[cyan,scale=4,pn/.style={circle,inner sep=0pt,minimum width=2pt,fill=red}]
\draw[->] (-.1,0) -- (1.2,0);
\draw[->] (0,-.1) -- (0,1.2);
\draw[densely dashed] (0,1) -| (1,0);
\draw[red] (0,0) node[pn] {} node[cyan,below left] {$(0\,,0)$} -- (1/\n,1-1/\n) node[pn] {} -- (1,1) node[midway,below] {$\varphi_n$} node[pn] {} node[cyan,above right] {$(1\,,1)$};
\draw[red,densely dotted] (0,1-1/\n) node[left] {$1-\dfrac{1}{n}$} -| (1/\n,0) node[below] {$\dfrac{1}{n}$};