在 TikZ 图片中,我尝试将圆弧与三次贝塞尔线相交。但是,计算出的交点似乎不对 — 你知道这是为什么吗?这是一种舍入误差吗?
\usepackage[graphics, active, tightpage]{preview}
detector/.style={line width=0.5pt, color=gray, line cap=round},
track/.style={line width=0.9pt, color=black, -{Latex[length=2mm]}},
seed track/.style={track, color=blue},
red dot/.style={red, opacity=0.3}
\draw[detector, name path=L1] (0,20mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=20mm];
\draw[detector, name path=L2] (0,30mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=30mm];
\draw[detector, name path=L3] (0,50mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=50mm];
\draw[seed track, name path=curler track, opacity=0.6] (0,0) .. controls (0,0) and (52mm, 8mm) .. (21mm, 62mm);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L3 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L2 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L1 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
,请参阅 pgfmanual 版本 3.1.8b 的第 204 页:
\usepackage[graphics, active, tightpage]{preview}
detector/.style={line width=0.5pt, color=gray, line cap=round},
track/.style={line width=0.9pt, color=black, -{Latex[length=2mm]}},
seed track/.style={track, color=blue},
red dot/.style={red, opacity=0.3}
\draw[detector, name path=L1] (0,20mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=20mm];
\draw[detector, name path=L2] (0,30mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=30mm];
\draw[detector, name path=L3] (0,50mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=50mm];
\draw[seed track, name path=curler track, opacity=0.6] (0,0) .. controls (0,0) and (52mm, 8mm) .. (21mm, 62mm);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L3 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L2 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L1 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\usepackage[graphics, active, tightpage]{preview}
detector/.style={line width=0.5pt, color=gray, line cap=round},
track/.style={line width=0.9pt, color=black, -{Latex[length=2mm]}},
seed track/.style={track, color=blue},
red dot/.style={red, opacity=0.3}
\draw[detector, name path=L1] (0,20mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=20mm];
\draw[detector, name path=L2] (0,30mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=30mm];
\draw[detector, name path=L3] (0,50mm) arc[start angle=90, end angle=0, radius=50mm];
\draw[seed track, name path=curler track, opacity=0.6] (0,0) .. controls (0,0) and (52mm, 8mm) .. (21mm, 62mm);
\draw[dashed,red,-{Latex[length=2mm,quick]}] (0,0) .. controls (0,0) and (52mm, 8mm) .. (21mm, 62mm);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L3 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L2 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);
\fill[red dot, name intersections={of=L1 and curler track}](intersection-1) circle (1pt);