在 Vert 环境中更改字体大小时行距不一致

在 Vert 环境中更改字体大小时行距不一致



以下是 MWE:




{\texttt{This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza \\
This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza.}}

\vskip 25pt

{\texttt{This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza \\
This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza.}}

\vskip 20pt

{\texttt{This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza \\
This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza.}}




最后,我希望能够将节居中,但是\begin{center};\end{center}如您所见,不起作用。此外,尝试使用 等将节强制移到右侧也\hskip 25pt不起作用。




不要\begin{Large} ... \end{Large}只使用简单\Large且类似的方法更改其他字体大小。该verse软件包可让您居中行文以及其他有用的功能。

% verseprob.tex  SE 587976





{\texttt{This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza \\
This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza.}}

\vskip 25pt

{\texttt{This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza \\
This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza.}}

\vskip 20pt

{\texttt{This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza \\
This is a line in a stanza \\
\hskip 15pt This is a line in a stanza.}}

%%%% with the verse package
\settowidth{\versewidth}{But now my love is dead}
\poemtitle{Loves's lost}
I used to love my garden \\
But now my love is dead \\
For I found a batchelor's button \\
In Black-eyed Susan's bed.


