使 cfr-lm 和 titlesec 协同工作

使 cfr-lm 和 titlesec 协同工作

在下面的最小示例中,我想使用 cfr-lm 包使所有数字变为 oldstylenums,但在标题中使用粗体和小写字母。

我使用 pdflatex 和 TexMaker 作为前端。

    left = 2cm, 
    right = 2.5cm, 
    top = 1.5cm, 
    bottom = 2cm

%\titleformat{\subsection}[runin]{\bfseries\sc}{}{0cm}{}[ --]



%Manipulation of headers and footers
%Clear fields
%Page numbering in footer
%Separation line header and footer


\Huge \textbf{\textsc{Eating\hspace{0.5cm}Foods}}

\section{How to eat food}
Food is important
\subsection{Using hands}
Most versatile. I have 2 hands.
\subsection{Using chopsticks}
Requires practice. I have 54 chopsticks.
\subsection{Using spoons}
Kind of a middle ground. Around 55 spoons were kept in 14 boxes.
\subsubsection{Types of spoons}
There are many types of spoons. I have 4 types of spoons


我发现当我注释掉 cfr-lm 包时,我得到了正确格式的标题,但失去了花哨的数字格式。如何让这两个一起工作?
