使用 biblatex 删除“in”而不添加双倍空格

使用 biblatex 删除“in”而不添加双倍空格

biblatex我有一个使用和样式的LaTex 文档verbose-trad2,这里是 MWE:

\KOMAoptions{headsepline=true, chapterprefix=true}
  pages = {pp\adddot},
  page = {p\adddot},
  editors = {(dir.),},
  in = \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}{}{dans},
  opcit = \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}{art\adddotspace cit\adddot}{op\adddotspace cit\adddot}

  title = {Organizational {{Implications}} of {{Institutional Pluralism}}},
  booktitle = {The {{SAGE Handbook}} of {{Organizational Institutionalism}}},
  author = {Kraatz, Matthew and Block, Emiliy},
  editor = {Greenwood, Royston and Oliver, Christine and Suddaby, Roy and Sahlin, Kerstin},
  date = {2008},
  pages = {243--275},
  publisher = {{SAGE Publications Ltd}},
  location = {{London}},
  url = {https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/hdbk_orginstitution},
  urldate = {2020-11-14},
  langid = {english}
  title = {Predicting with Networks: {{Nonparametric}} Multiple Regression Analysis of Dyadic Data},
  shorttitle = {Predicting with Networks},
  author = {Krackhardt, David},
  date = {1988-12},
  journaltitle = {Social Networks},
  shortjournal = {Social Networks},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {359--381},
  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378873388900044},
  urldate = {2016-03-02},
  langid = {english},
  number = {4}




% op cit avec une seule oeuvre
% numéro de revue entre parenthèse
%  \setunit*{\adddot}% DELETED
  \setunit*{\addnbspace}% NEW (optional); there's also \addnbthinspace

% comma after journal 
% paranthèse date
  \setunit{\addcomma\space}% NEW
%  \printtext[parens]{% DELETED
%       \usebibmacro{date}}}% DELETED
       \usebibmacro{date}}% NEW

% remettre le nom de l'auteur en première note de page, pas ibidem
        {\iffirstonpage% NEW
           {\usebibmacro{cite:name}% NEW
            \usebibmacro{cite:title}}% NEW
%       \usebibmacro{cite:save}}% DELETED
        \usebibmacro{cite:save}}}% NEW


test\autocite{krackhardtPredictingNetworksNonparametric1988} and test\autocite{kraatzOrganizationalImplicationsInstitutional2008}


此代码给出了以下结果: 在此处输入图片描述


  in = \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}{}{dans},

通过删除期刊标题前的“in”,它会在 in 前后留下两个空格。我该如何避免这种情况?


我认为抑制条目中的“in:”的最佳方法是使用我的包和选项@article的样式。另请参阅biblatex-extarticlein=false抑制“在:” biblatex

让 bibstring 为空(更有条件地为空)几乎从来都不是一个好主意,因为biblatex可能会认为它打印了一些东西,而实际上它并没有打印任何东西。


\documentclass[chapterprefix, twoside, 12pt, DIV=12,
  appendixprefix=true, headings=onelineappendix]{scrbook}
\KOMAoptions{headsepline=true, chapterprefix=true}

  pages   = {pp\adddot},
  page    = {p\adddot},
  in      = {dans},
  opcit   = \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}
              {art\adddotspace cit\adddot}
              {op\adddotspace cit\adddot},






% op cit avec une seule oeuvre




% remettre le nom de l'auteur en première note de page, pas ibidem
        {\iffirstonpage% NEW
           {\usebibmacro{cite:name}% NEW
            \usebibmacro{cite:title}}% NEW
%       \usebibmacro{cite:save}}% DELETED
        \usebibmacro{cite:save}}}% NEW

  title     = {Organizational Implications of Institutional Pluralism},
  booktitle = {The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism},
  author    = {Kraatz, Matthew and Block, Emiliy},
  editor    = {Greenwood, Royston and Oliver, Christine
               and Suddaby, Roy and Sahlin, Kerstin},
  date      = {2008},
  pages     = {243--275},
  publisher = {SAGE Publications Ltd},
  location  = {London},
  url       = {https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/hdbk_orginstitution},
  urldate   = {2020-11-14},
  langid    = {english},
  title        = {Predicting with Networks},
  subtitle     = {Nonparametric Multiple Regression Analysis of Dyadic Data},
  author       = {Krackhardt, David},
  date         = {1988-12},
  journaltitle = {Social Networks},
  shortjournal = {Social Networks},
  volume       = {10},
  pages        = {359--381},
  url          = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378873388900044},
  urldate      = {2016-03-02},
  langid       = {english},
  number       = {4},

and test\autocite{kraatzOrganizationalImplicationsInstitutional2008}

David Krackhardt,“使用网络进行预测,二元数据的非参数多元回归分析”,社交网络,1988 年 12 月 10(4),第 359-381 页。//Matthew Kraatz 和 Emiliy Block,“制度多元化的组织含义”,在《SAGE 组织制度主义手册》中,由 Royston Greenwood 等编著,伦敦:SAGE Publications Ltd,2008 年,第 243-275 页。
