创建不是目录的 listofX

创建不是目录的 listofX




我的 MWE 如下所示:


    \textbf{Example~\theexample. #1} \rmfamily}{\medskip}

    % I would like this list to be generated from a command like \listofExample
        \item first example
        \item second example
\section{some body text}
Lorizzle ipsum dolor sure amizzle, consectetizzle adipiscing elit. Own yo' sapizzle that's the shizzle, aliquet volutpat, suscipizzle gangsta, gravida dang, owned. Pellentesque crazy tortizzle. Sed erizzle. That's the shizzle at dolor dapibus turpizzle tempizzle break yo neck, yall. Tellivizzle fo shizzle nibh yo yippiyo. Dawg izzle . Sizzle eleifend rhoncizzle bling bling. In hac its fo rizzle platea dictumst. Sheezy go to hizzle. Curabitizzle tellus urna, pretizzle eu, mattis sizzle, eleifend vitae, nunc. Away daahng dawg. Integizzle rizzle hizzle sizzle break yo neck, yall.
    \example{first example}
Dizzle shizznit dolizzle. Fusce magna , dignissizzle sizzle amet, i'm in the shizzle egizzle, sollicitudizzle dizzle, tortor. Boofron hizzle nisi. Cool malesuada neque izzle phat. Suspendisse ma nizzle. Mah nizzle da bomb tristique turpizzle. Suspendisse blandit ultrices purizzle. Sizzle dolor libero, yo interdizzle, posuere ut, dapibizzle izzle, yo mamma. Suspendisse sheezy tellus. Check it out gangsta lectus sizzle gangster dolor. Black dapibizzle gizzle brizzle mofo. Lorem tellivizzle dolizzle crunk amizzle, shiznit adipiscing elizzle. Suspendisse rizzle purus, eleifend laoreet, things id, fo shizzle nizzle, elit. Nizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa rutrizzle dawg.
    \example{second example}






\newcommand{\listexampletitle}{List of Examples}
  \addcontentsline{exp}{examples}{Example \protect\numberline{\theexamples}#1}
\newcommand{\example}[1]{\examplelist{#1}\textbf{Example} \theexamples{}: #1}

Lorizzle ipsum dolor sure amizzle...


\section{some body text}
Lorizzle ipsum dolor sure amizzle...

Dizzle shizznit dolizzle...

Dizzle shizznit dolizzle...








    \addcontentsline{exp}{examples}{\textbullet~#1}%fake an itemize list by pushing textbullets in - if you use other bullets you need to change this
\newcommand{\example}[1]{\examplelist{#1}\textbf{Example} \theexamples{}: #1}
\cftpagenumbersoff{examples} % Don't print page numbers with examples
\setlength{\cftexamplesnumwidth}{1.5cm} % Add space around example numbers

\section{some body text}
Lorizzle ipsum dolor sure \example{first example}
Dizzle shizznit dolizzle. 
    \example{second example}
