% grid and axes
\draw[very thin,color=gray] (-0.1,-0.1) grid (7,7);
\draw[->,name path=xaxis] (-0.2,0) -- (8,0) node[right] {$x_{11}$};
\draw[->,name path=yaxis] (0,-0.2) -- (0,8) node[above] {$x_{12}$};
% lines
\draw[color=red,ultra thick,name path=line1,domain=-0.5:5.5] plot (2,\x) node[above right] {$x_{11} = 2$};
\draw[color=blue,ultra thick,name path=line2,domain=1.5:6.5] plot (\x,{6 - \x}) node[below right] {$x_{11} + x_{12} = 6$};
\draw[color=green!90!black,ultra thick,name path=line3,domain=-0.5:7.5] plot (\x,3) node[above right] {$x_{12} = 3$};
% Parallel lines
\draw[dotted,color=purple!90!red,ultra thick,name path=line4,domain=-.5:1.5] plot (3*\x,-2*\x) node[above right] {};
\draw[dotted,color=purple!90!red,ultra thick,name path=line5,domain=-.4:1.6] plot (1+3*\x,2-2*\x) node[above right] {};
\draw[dotted,color=purple!90!red,ultra thick,name path=line6,domain=-.7:1.3] plot (3+3*\x,3-2*\x) node[above right] {};
% calculate intersection points
\node[name intersections={of=line1 and line3}] (a) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=line2 and line3}] (b) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=line1 and xaxis}] (d) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=line2 and xaxis}] (c) at (intersection-1) {};
% polytope
\filldraw[thick,fill=green!80!black,fill opacity=0.4] (a.center) -- (b.center) -- (c.center) -- (d.center) -- cycle;
% vectors
\draw[color=red,ultra thick,->] (2,2) -- (2.7,2) node[above] {$(1,0)$};
\draw[color=blue,ultra thick,->] (4.5,1.5) -- (5.5,2.5) node[right] {$(1,1)$};
\draw[color=green!90!black,ultra thick,->] (5,3) -- (5,4.2) node[above] {$(0,1)$};
\draw[ultra thick,color=purple!90!red,->] (0,0) -- (-1,-1.5) node[below] {$(-2,-3)$};
\draw[dashed, thick,color=purple!90!red,<->] (2.33,-3) -- (3.67,-1) node[above] {$min$};
\path (2.33,-3) node [text=purple!90!red,below] {max};
% grid and axes
\draw[very thin,color=gray] (-0.1,-0.1) grid (7,7);
\draw[->,name path=xaxis] (-0.2,0) -- (8,0) node[right] {$x_{11}$};
\draw[->,name path=yaxis] (0,-0.2) -- (0,8) node[above] {$x_{12}$};
% lines
\draw[color=red,ultra thick,name path=line1,domain=-0.5:5.5] plot (2,\x) node[above right] {$x_{11} = 2$};
\draw[color=blue,ultra thick,name path=line2,domain=1.5:6.5] plot (\x,{6 - \x}) node[below right] {$x_{11} + x_{12} = 6$};
\draw[color=green!90!black,ultra thick,name path=line3,domain=-0.5:7.5] plot (\x,3) node[above right] {$x_{12} = 3$};
% Parallel lines
% \draw[dotted,color=purple!90!red,ultra thick,name path=line4,domain=-.5:1.5] plot (3*\x,-2*\x) node[above right] {};
% \draw[dotted,color=purple!90!red,ultra thick,name path=line5,domain=-.4:1.6] plot (1+3*\x,2-2*\x) node[above right] {};
% \draw[dotted,color=purple!90!red,ultra thick,name path=line6,domain=-.7:1.3] plot (3+3*\x,3-2*\x) node[above right] {};
% New parallel lines
\foreach \i in {1,...,5}
\draw [dashed,cap=round,thick,purple] ($(-2,1)+(60:\i)$) --++ (-30:8);
% calculate intersection points
\node[name intersections={of=line1 and line3}] (a) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=line2 and line3}] (b) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=line1 and xaxis}] (d) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=line2 and xaxis}] (c) at (intersection-1) {};
% polytope
\filldraw[thick,fill=green!80!black,fill opacity=0.4] (a.center) -- (b.center) -- (c.center) -- (d.center) -- cycle;
% vectors
\draw[color=red,ultra thick,->] (2,2) -- (2.7,2) node[above] {$(1,0)$};
\draw[color=blue,ultra thick,->] (4.5,1.5) -- (5.5,2.5) node[right] {$(1,1)$};
\draw[color=green!90!black,ultra thick,->] (5,3) -- (5,4.2) node[above] {$(0,1)$};
\draw[ultra thick,color=purple!90!red,->] (0,0) -- (-1,-1.5) node[below] {$(-2,-3)$};
% \draw[dashed, thick,color=purple!90!red,<->] (2.33,-3) -- (3.67,-1) node[above] {$min$};
% \path (2.33,-3) node [text=purple!90!red,below] {max};
\begin{tikzpicture}[ultra thick,>=to]
% grid and axes (same as in question)
% lines (same as in question)
% intersections (same as in question)
% polytope (same as in question)
% vectors (same as in question)
\tzline[purple,dashed,thick,<->](2.33,-3){$max$}[at start,b](3.67,-1){$min$}[a]
% dotted line
% <shift> lines (copy from dotted line)