APA 引用不一致

APA 引用不一致

我有一个使用这个创建的 overleaf 项目模板篇幅超过 200 页。文本中的 APA 引用未出现在某些 bibitem 中。以下是 MWE 代码:

\documentclass[letterpaper,             % Use US letter-size paper
               oneside,                 % No verso and recto differences
               12pt]                    % Use a specific font size
Students can learn and absorb knowledge in a variety of ways depending on their learning styles, and the teacher can present their content in various teaching styles \parencite{felder1988learning}.
The model predicted by the BN is compared with Felder’s scale obtained using the Index of Learning Styles questionnaire \parencite{soloman2005index}

对于 它felder1988learning显示为“(RM Felder & Silverman, 1988)”,而对于soloman2005index它显示为“(Soloman & Felder, 2005)”。以下是 bib 文件中与这两个条目相对应的条目。为什么引用不一致,尽管这两个条目的作者姓名格式相似?如何从 (RM Felder & Silverman, 1988) 中删除“RM”?

    title        = {Learning and teaching styles in engineering education},
    author       = {Felder, Richard M and Silverman, Linda K},
    year         = 1988,
    journal      = {Engineering education},
    publisher    = {North Carolina},
    volume       = 78,
    number       = 7,
    pages        = {674--681}
    title        = {Index of learning styles questionnaire},
    author       = {Soloman, Barbara A and Felder, Richard M},
    year         = 2005,
    journal      = {NC State University. Available online at: https://www.engr.ncsu.edu/stem-resources/legacy-site/learning-styles/ (last visited on 02.14.2021)},
    volume       = 70




\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

    title        = {Learning and teaching styles in engineering education},
    author       = {Felder, Richard M and Silverman, Linda K},
    year         = 1988,
    journal      = {Engineering education},
    publisher    = {North Carolina},
    volume       = 78,
    number       = 7,
    pages        = {674--681}
    title        = {Index of learning styles questionnaire},
    author       = {Soloman, Barbara A and Felder, Richard M},
    year         = 2005,
    organization = {NC State University},
    url          = {https://www.engr.ncsu.edu/stem-resources/legacy-site/learning-styles/},
    urldate      = {2021-02-14},

Lorem \autocite{felder1988learning}

ipsum \autocite{soloman2005index}


Lorem(Felder 和 Silverman,1988) ipsum(Soloman 和 Felder,2005)


如果你引用了另一篇以另一位 Felder 为第一作者的论文,你所描述的行为将是正确的 APA 格式(请参阅https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/basic-principles/citing-authors-same-surname)。

但也有可能两个 Felder 是同一个人,他们在文件中给出了不同的版本.bib,例如Felder, Richard Mvs Felder, Richard。在这种情况下,将名称规范化为同一版本可能会有所帮助。
