

如何在同一页上开始一个长表格和一个两列文本文章?我在一篇两列文本文章中有一个长表格。我想绘制一个长表格,从文本的同一页开始,或者在段落之后开始,但它会移动到下一个顶部页面。这是我的 MWE。请帮忙。

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, xltabular}  

\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{} lX @{}}  
    \caption{Descriptions of learning styles}  
    \label{learningstyles}  \\
\thead{Learning\\ Style}  & \thead{Description}         \\  
    \caption[]{Descriptions of learning styles (cont.)} \\  
\thead{Learning\\ Style}  & \thead{Description}         \\  
        \footnotesize\textit{Continue on the next page}}\\      
1. Visual 
    &   People who understand work better when it is in the form of a diagram. Knowledge and concept maps are good tools for such learners.\\
2. Aurala
    &   People who dislike reading, but enjoys hearing someone else say something aloud. Hearing the information is key for such students and group discussions can be of great aid.\\
3. Verbal
    &   Verbal learners are people who express themselves easier through writing and speaking. Mnemonics, scripting and role playing are some great techniques to helps those learners.\\
4. Physical
    &   Hands-on activities rather than lectures or demonstrations appeal to these learners. They are a small percentage of the population, but they learn better through practical experience.\\
5. Logical
    &   People who are good with numbers and using logic to understand. They easily recognize patterns and often tend to group information to further their understanding.\\
6. Social
    &   When communicating and socialising with others come easy, someone is a social learner. Studying in group formats and learning from others are their speciality and is how they excel.\\
7. Solitary
    &   People who are more comfortable studying in private and introspective.  The concentration of these students are at their peak when they can focus on their own thoughts without the distractions of others around them.\\  

