我编写了自己的论文 .cls 文件,但不确定如何将章节页码置于右上角。我相信基类是report
这是我的 .cls 文件中指定页码位置的具体部分
%% Specify frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{1em}\noindent{\bf\uppercase{Chapters}}\hfill\par} % Add the word "Chapters" in the TOC as per University requirements
\fancyhf{} % clear the fancy header
\lhead{} % nothing in the left corner
\rhead{\thepage} % page number in the top right corner
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % hide the line at the top of the fancy header
% \@mainmatterfalse
如果需要的话,我已经包含了整个 .cls 文件以供参考。
% University of Utah LaTeX Updated Thesis Template
% Christopher Creveling
% 12-7-2020
% Department of Mechanical Engineering
% Identification
\ProvidesClass{MastersDoctoralThesis}[12/7/20 MastersDoctoralThesis]
% Report options
\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article} % book report
%% Execute default options
%% Process given options
%% Load base
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% Required for tables that span multiple pages (used in the symbols,
% abbreviations and physical constants pages)
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% Graphicsx package with option to turn on/off images for fast compiling
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% single spacing for all captions
% float package
% Allows figures and tables to be set in place "[H]"
% TodoNotes package
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% Geometry of the document
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% Single spaced headers
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[display] % shape
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{0pt} % separations
{\MakeUppercase} % before
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% References
% `final' to prevent disabling and reference links to be split
% up on different lines
]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend, biber
\setlength\bibitemsep{1.5\itemsep} % Spacing between items in bilbiography
% Define typesetting of references heading
\section{#1}% Add section so that the table of contents adds the chapter references
% Final Bibliography
% Add type=book, article, online, thesis for specific references
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={\uppercase{Bibliography}}] % Whole
% Hyperlinks
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breaklinks=true, % split up links
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\RequirePackage[capitalise]{cleveref} % Needs to be loaded after hyperref
% % Adjust table of contents, list of figures, list of tables specifically
\RequirePackage[titles]{tocloft} % Treat the headers as titles
\renewcommand{\cftchapdotsep}{\cftdotsep} % Puts dots after chapter entries
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% Algorithm writing
%% Thesis Title Page
\def\thesistype#1{\gdef\@thesistype{#1}} % thesis or dissertation
\def\degreeAchieved#1{\gdef\@degreeAchieved{#1}} % exact degree being gotten
\def\department#1{\gdef\@department{#1}} % Department
\def\departmentLink#1{\gdef\@departmentLink{#1}} % Department
\def\submitdate#1{\gdef\@submitdate{#1}} % Submission date.
\newcommand\skiplines[1]{\vspace{#1\baselineskip}} % function for skipping n number of lines
\thispagestyle{empty}% Doesn't count in table of contents
%\chapter*{\color{BLACK}\uppercase{\@title}} % This doesn't work
\begin{spacing}{2} % university requirement
\skiplines{4} % university requirement
\begin{spacing}{2} % university requirement
by \\
\@author \\
\skiplines{4} % university requirement
A \@thesistype ~submitted to the faculty of\\
The University of Utah\\
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of \\
\skiplines{4} % university requirement
\skiplines{4} % university requirement
\begin{spacing}{2} % university requirement
\href{http://utah.edu}{The University of Utah}\\ %
% The format of the title page is laid out in elaborate detail.
% Fixes by Nelson Beebe Nov 1992:
% The title is centered in a vbox of fixed height so that it can
% have up to 9 lines. Version 1.3 and earlier used explicit blank lines,
% which caused spill of the entire titlepage onto a second
% numbered page if a multiline title was specified.
\vbox to 9\baselineskip {%
\mbox{} \\
\mbox{} \\
\@author \\
\vbox to 15\baselineskip
A \@thesistype ~submitted to the faculty of\\
The University of Utah\\
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
\@degree \\
\vskip 7\baselineskip
\mbox{} \\
The University of Utah \\
\mbox{} \\
\ifnoisy \typeout{Title.} \fi
\newpage% Added 1995 by GBG; see Eric Eide notes.
%% Copyright page
\def\copyrightyear#1{\gdef\@copyrightyear{#1}} % Copyright year
\thispagestyle{empty}% Doesn't count in table of contents
%\pdfbookmark{Copyright year}{toc} % Add bookmark to PDF
Copyright \copyright\ \@author\ \@copyrightyear \\
\skiplines{1} % university requirement
All Rights Reserved
\newpage% Added 1995 by GBG; see Eric Eide notes.
%% The committee approval page is highly constrained. Its format is not
%% exactly identical to the preprinted ones.
% Define committee members
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\def\advisorTitle#1{\gdef\@\advisorTitle{#1}} % Advisor title (not really used)
\def\committeeMemberII#1{\gdef\@committeeMemberII{#1}} % Committee chair #2
\def\committeeMemberIII#1{\gdef\@committeeMemberIII{#1}} % Committee chair #3
\def\committeeMemberIIII#1{\gdef\@committeeMemberIIII{#1}} % Committee chair #4
\def\committeeMemberIIIII#1{\gdef\@committeeMemberIIIII{#1}} % Committee chair #5
% Define Graduate Dean & Department Chair
\def\graduateDean#1{\gdef\@graduateDean{#1}} % Graduate Dean
\def\departmentChair#1{\gdef\@departmentChair{#1}} % Department Chair
\def\departmentChairTitle#1{\gdef\@departmentChairTitle{#1}} % Department Chair Title
\def\deptmentCollegeSchool#1{\gdef\@deptmentCollegeSchool{#1}} % Department/College/School
% Define approval dates
\def\bfunderline#1{\underline{\kern 1in \textbf{#1}\kern 1in}}
\RequirePackage{tabularx} % pagewidth tables
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\long \def \dissertationapproval{%
\thispagestyle{empty}% Doesn't count in table of contents
%\pdfbookmark{Dissertation Approval}{toc} % Add bookmark to PDF
\textbf{\Large The University of Utah Graduate School} \\
\skiplines{2} % university requirement
\skiplines{2} % university requirement
The dissertation of\hspace{1in}\bfunderline{\@author} \\
\skiplines{2} % university requirement
has been approved by the following supervisory committee members:
\bfseries{\@committeeChair} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{ , Chair} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries{\@chairDateApproved}} \\
\cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule{3-3} & & \tiny{Date Approved} \\
& & \\ % add extra row between the committee members
\bfseries{\@committeeMemberII} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{ , Member} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIIDateApproved}} \\
\cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule{3-3} & & \tiny{Date Approved} \\
& & \\ % add extra row between the committee members
\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIII} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{ , Member} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIIIDateApproved}} \\
\cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule{3-3} & & \tiny{Date Approved} \\
& & \\ % add extra row between the committee members
\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIIII} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{ , Member} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIIIIDateApproved}} \\
\cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule{3-3} & & \tiny{Date Approved} \\
& & \\ % add extra row between the committee members
\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIIIII} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{ , Member} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries{\@committeeMemberIIIIIDateApproved}} \\
\cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule{3-3} & & \tiny{Date Approved} \\
and by \hspace{1in}\bfunderline{\@departmentChair}, {\@departmentChairTitle} of \\
the {\@deptmentCollegeSchool} of \hspace{1in}\bfunderline{\@approvaldepartment} \\
and by \bfunderline{\@graduateDean}, Dean of The Graduate School.\\
%% Abstract
\def\abstractString#1{\gdef\@abstractString{#1}} % Abstract
\setcounter{page}{3} % manually set to page iii
% Dedication page
\def\dedication#1{\gdef\@dedication{#1}} % Dedication
\clearpage\thispagestyle{empty}\addtocounter{page}{-1} % Don't include in page count
% Frontispiece page
\def\frontispiece#1{\gdef\@frontispiece{#1}} % Frontispiece
\clearpage\thispagestyle{empty} % Don't display the page number but still add to the total count
% Epigraph page (Inspirational quote)
\RequirePackage{epigraph} % epigraph package
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\def\epigraphAuthor#1{\gdef\@epigraphAuthor{#1}} % Epigraph author
%\setlength{\epigraphwidth}{0.6\textwidth} % Width of epigraph
\clearpage\thispagestyle{empty} % Don't display the page number but still add to the total count
%% Specify frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{1em}\noindent{\bf\uppercase{Chapters}}\hfill\par} % Add the word "Chapters" in the TOC as per University requirements
\fancyhf{} % clear the fancy header
\lhead{} % nothing in the left corner
\rhead{\thepage} % page number in the top right corner
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % hide the line at the top of the fancy header
% \@mainmatterfalse
%% Custom table of contents
\renewcommand\cftfigafterpnum{\vskip5pt\par} % list of figure spacing
\renewcommand\cfttabafterpnum{\vskip5pt\par} % list of table spacing
\hypersetup{linkcolor=blue} % Change color if you want something different
\pdfbookmark{Table of Contents}{toc} % Add bookmark to PDF
\tableofcontents % Prints the main table of contents
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\uppercase{List of Figures}} % Adds to TOC
\listoffigures % Prints the list of figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\uppercase{List of Tables}} % Adds to TOC
\listoftables % Prints the list of tables
% turn off the error for \uppercase in chapter titles
%% % Mendeley bib file URL issue fix
\map{ % Replaces '{\_}', '{_}' or '\_' with just '_'
\map{ % Replaces '{'$\sim$'}', '$\sim$' or '{~}' with just '~'
\map{ % Replaces '{\$}'
%% % Prevent Orphans and Widows (lines begining at the bottom/top of a page)
% Christopher Creveling
\chapter{The first}
首页 [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/7VUP7.png 第二页[2]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/H8ECx.png