对于大多数期刊,研究论文最多可包含 25 个出版单位 (PU),其中 1 个 PU 为 500 个单词或 1 个显示元素(图形或表格)。标题、作者、所属机构、要点、关键词、表格中的文本(但不包括标题)和参考文献不计入字数。较长的论文将收取超长费。Geophysical Research Letters 的研究通讯的最大长度为 12 个出版单位。较长的论文不被纳入 GRL 考虑,将被退回以缩短。对于大多数期刊,评论限制为 6 个出版单位(建议长度约为 2000 个单词和 1-2 个图形)。
我正在编写几行 LaTeX 代码来跟踪我的操作,但要将字数统计作为变量并入数学方程式有点困难。以下是我目前得到的结果:
% Figuring out AGU's absurd "Publication Unit" scheme:
\immediate\write18{texcount -1 -sum -merge #1.tex> #1-words}%
\newcommand{\MyTestVar}{37} %for testing purposes
% \NewTotalDocumentCounter{appendixchapters}
\usepackage[nomessages]{fp}% http://ctan.org/pkg/fp
\title{AGU Wordcount Test}
% \maketitle
There are approximately \MyWordcount words in this article. There are \TotalValue{totalfigures} figures, and \TotalValue{totaltables} tables. That means we have a total of \num[scientific-notation=false]{\fpeval{(1/500)*\MyWordcount+ \TotalValue{totalfigures} + \TotalValue{totaltables}}} publication units, out of a maximum of 25.
这无法编译。如果我在公式中用 \MyTestVar 替换 \MyWordcount,则编译成功。有没有什么技巧可以将 wordcount 变成变量?
% Figuring out AGU's absurd "Publication Unit" scheme:
\CatchFileEdef\MyWordcount{|"texcount -1 -sum -merge #1.tex"}{\endlinechar=-1 }%
% \NewTotalDocumentCounter{appendixchapters}
\title{AGU Wordcount Test}
% \maketitle
There are approximately \MyWordcount\ words in this article.
There are \TotalValue{totalfigures} figures, and \TotalValue{totaltables} tables.
That means we have a total of
\fpeval{(1/500)*\MyWordcount+ \TotalValue{totalfigures} + \TotalValue{totaltables}}%
publication units, out of a maximum of 25.
好吧,这还不算完整,但已经很接近了。感谢Reddit 上的 stianlybech谢谢你的帮助。此代码将字数转换为出版单位,尽管我还没有成功将它们相加(可能是因为 xassoccnt 和 pgf 不能很好地协同工作)。这对于我目前的目的来说已经足够了,但如果有人能找到一种可行的方法将计数器加到一个数字中,我将不胜感激。
% \NewTotalDocumentCounter{appendixchapters}
% \usepackage[nomessages]{fp}% http://ctan.org/pkg/fp
% per reddit:
\immediate\write18{detex '#1.tex' |wc -w > '\jobname.wc'}
% The group localizes the change to \endlinechar
\read\wcinput to \localline
% xdef to ensure result is visible outside the local scope
\expandafter\xdef\csname #2\endcsname{\localline}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/precision = 1}%
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/precision = 1}%
\title{AGU Wordcount Test}
There are approximately \wordcount{} words in this article, which amounts to \calcns{\wordcount} publication units. There are \TotalValue{totalfigures} figures, and \TotalValue{totaltables} tables, which amount to one each.
% That means we have a total of \PU{\wordcount}{\TotalValue{totalfigures}}{\TotalValue{totaltables}} publication units, out of a maximum of 25.
See, that didn't work. But this does: \PU{\wordcount}{1}{0}
& \\
可以使用 TeXcount 模板让 TeXcount 将计数以 TeX 代码的形式写入文件。以下是将模板作为 TeXcount ( %TC:...
) 指令包含在文档中的示例:
%TC:template \def\CountOfAllWords{{word+hword+oword}}\n
%TC:template \def\CountOfTextWords{{word}}\n
%TC:template \def\CountOfHeaderWords{{hword}}\n
\section{Word count in macro variables}
This is the text that is counted.
\section{Word count}
\immediate\write18{texcount -merge -out=\jobname.count \jobname.tex}%
There are \CountOfTextWords~words in the text, and \CountOfHeaderWords~words
in headers: all words add up to \CountOfAllWords.
The `Word count' section is not included in the count.
替换。不同的计数器包括:word/text、headerword、otherword、header、float、inlinemath、displaymath(还有更短的别名,如 hword、oword 等)。
更多文档可在TeXcount 网站以及链接到那里的 PDF 文档,包括如何添加新的计数器。