moderncv:使用 tldatelabelcventry 时不需要空格

moderncv:使用 tldatelabelcventry 时不需要空格

当我在简历中使用tldatelabelcventryfrommoderntimeline而不使用第二行时,我得到了不必要的间距(这里是课程 C 和课程 D 之间): 在此处输入图片描述

有没有比使用更好的方法\vspace*{-\baselineskip}?(这并不完美,因为它似乎删除的不只是一行:执行两次并不能达到完美的叠加,而且间距与我用 进行的输入得到的间距并不完全相同\tlcventry


\usepackage[top=1.1cm, bottom=1.1cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\title{My CV}


\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course A}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{%
  If you have some text, the spacing is fine\dots
\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course B}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{%
  \dots as you can see. But if an entry does not have text on the second line like that:
\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course C}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{}
% \vspace*{-\baselineskip} %%% Remove manually the space
\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course D}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{%
  Then there is large spacing, a bit like if an empty line were inserted. For now I add a negative vspace, but it looks quite dirty.




% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex

\usepackage[top=1.1cm, bottom=1.1cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\title{My CV}

%% Inspired in
    \cventry[-\baselineskip]{\tikz[baseline=0pt]{ % <<<<<<<<< changed from here
        \fill [\tl@runningcolor] (0,0)
        rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,\tl@runningwidth);
        \useasboundingbox (0,-1.5ex)
        rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,1ex);   % <<<<<<<<  to here
            \fill [#1] (0,0)
            node [tl@startyear] {#3}
            node {$\bullet$};


\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course A}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{%
If you have some text, the spacing is fine\dots
\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course B}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{%
\dots as you can see. But if an entry does not have text on the second line like that:

% entry without description
\tldatelabelcventryND{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course C}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{}

\tldatelabelcventry{2021}{\makebox[0pt][r]{Spring 202}1}{Course D}{University}{Grade}{Teaching assistant}{%
Then there is large spacing, a bit like if an empty line were inserted. For now I add a negative vspace, but it looks quite dirty.


灵感来自moderntimeline — \tllabelcventry 无描述行
