for tree = {
% nodes
circle, minimum size=0.5ex, fill, outer sep=0pt,
% tree style
grow = east,
forked edge,
s sep = 2mm,
l sep = 8mm,
fork sep = 4mm,
[, label=left:\textbf{ISO\slash IEC 29100:2011}
[, label=right:Consent and Choice]
[, label=right:Purpose Legitimacy and Specification]
[, label=right:Collection Limitation]
[, label=right:Data Minimization]
[, label=right:{Use, Retention and Disclosure Limitationg}]
[, label=right:Accuracy and Quality]
[, label=right:{Openness, Transparency and Notice}]
[, label=right:Individual Participation and Access]
[, label=right:Accountability]
[, label=right:Information Security Controls]
[, label=right:Compliance]
附註: 通过定义样式,可以手动分割节点标签中的文本。要使用两行标签,您需要增加节点之间的距离(图中的点)使用它会使图表的代码更短一些:
for tree = {
% nodes
circle, minimum size=0.5ex, fill, outer sep=0pt,
% tree style
grow = east,
forked edge,
s sep = 4mm,
l sep = 8mm,
fork sep = 4mm,
lr/.style = {label={[align=left, % <--- added
[, label=left:\textbf{ISO\slash IEC 29100:2011}
[, lr=Consent and Choice]
[, lr=Purpose Legitimacy and Specification]
[, lr=Collection Limitation]
[, lr=Data Minimization]
[, lr={Use, Retention and Disclosure\\ Limitationg}]
[, lr=Accuracy and Quality]
[, lr={Openness, Transparency and Notice}]
[, lr=Individual Participation and Access]
[, lr=Accountability]
[, lr=Information Security Controls]
[, lr=Compliance]
Ti 中的快速和肮脏钾Z:
\filldraw (0,0) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=east, xshift=-0.5ex] {\strut\bfseries ISO\slash IEC 29100:2011};
\filldraw (2,2.5) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Consent and Choice};
\filldraw (2,2) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Purpose Legitimacy and Specification};
\filldraw (2,1.5) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Collection Limitation};
\filldraw (2,1) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Data Minimization};
\filldraw (2,0.5) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Use, Retention and Disclosure Limitation};
\filldraw (2,0) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Accuracy and Quality};
\filldraw (2,-0.5) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Openness, Transparency and Notice};
\filldraw (2,-1) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Individual Participation and Access};
\filldraw (2,-1.5) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Accountability};
\filldraw (2,-2) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Information Security Controls};
\filldraw (2,-2.5) circle[radius=0.5ex] node [anchor=west, xshift=0.5ex] {\strut Compliance};
\draw (0,0) -- +(1,0);
\draw (1,-2.5) -- +(0,5);
\foreach \n in {-2.5,-2,...,2.5} {\draw (1,\n) -- +(1,0);}