


\copyrightyear{2015} \pubyear{2015}

\access{Advance Access Publication Date: Day Month Year}
\appnotes{Manuscript Category}



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\caption{Caption, caption.}\label{fig:01}

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\caption{Caption, caption.}\label{fig:01}

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\caption{Caption, caption.}\label{fig:02}

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\caption{Caption, caption.}\label{fig:03}


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\bibitem[Bofelli {\it et~al}., 2000]{Boffelli03}
Bofelli,F., Name2, Name3 (2003) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 199}, 133-154.

\bibitem[Bag {\it et~al}., 2001]{Bag01}
Bag,M., Name2, Name3 (2001) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 99}, 33-54.

\bibitem[Yoo \textit{et~al}., 2003]{Yoo03}
Yoo,M.S. \textit{et~al}. (2003) Oxidative stress regulated genes in nigral dopaminergic neurnol cell: correlation with the known pathology in Parkinson's disease. \textit{Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res.}, \textbf{110}(Suppl. 1), 76--84.

\bibitem[Lehmann, 1986]{Leh86}
Lehmann,E.L. (1986) Chapter title. \textit{Book Title}. Vol.~1, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, New York.

\bibitem[Crenshaw and Jones, 2003]{Cre03}
Crenshaw, B.,III, and Jones, W.B.,Jr (2003) The future of clinical cancer management: one tumor, one chip. \textit{Bioinformatics}, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btn000.

\bibitem[Auhtor \textit{et~al}. (2000)]{Aut00}
Auhtor,A.B. \textit{et~al}. (2000) Chapter title. In Smith, A.C. (ed.), \textit{Book Title}, 2nd edn. Publisher, Location, Vol. 1, pp.???--???.

\bibitem[Bardet, 1920]{Bar20}
Bardet, G. (1920) Sur un syndrome d'obesite infantile avec polydactylie et retinite pigmentaire (contribution a l'etude des formes cliniques de l'obesite hypophysaire). PhD Thesis, name of institution, Paris, France.

\bibitem[Bofelli {\it et~al}., 2000]{Boffelli03}
Bofelli,F., Name2, Name3 (2003) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 199}, 133-154.

\bibitem[Bag {\it et~al}., 2001]{Bag01}
Bag,M., Name2, Name3 (2001) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 99}, 33-54.

\bibitem[Yoo \textit{et~al}., 2003]{Yoo03}
Yoo,M.S. \textit{et~al}. (2003) Oxidative stress regulated genes in nigral dopaminergic neurnol cell: correlation with the known pathology in Parkinson's disease. \textit{Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res.}, \textbf{110}(Suppl. 1), 76--84.

\bibitem[Lehmann, 1986]{Leh86}
Lehmann,E.L. (1986) Chapter title. \textit{Book Title}. Vol.~1, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, New York.

\bibitem[Crenshaw and Jones, 2003]{Cre03}
Crenshaw, B.,III, and Jones, W.B.,Jr (2003) The future of clinical cancer management: one tumor, one chip. \textit{Bioinformatics}, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btn000.

\bibitem[Auhtor \textit{et~al}. (2000)]{Aut00}
Auhtor,A.B. \textit{et~al}. (2000) Chapter title. In Smith, A.C. (ed.), \textit{Book Title}, 2nd edn. Publisher, Location, Vol. 1, pp.???--???.

\bibitem[Bardet, 1920]{Bar20}
Bardet, G. (1920) Sur un syndrome d'obesite infantile avec polydactylie et retinite pigmentaire (contribution a l'etude des formes cliniques de l'obesite hypophysaire). PhD Thesis, name of institution, Paris, France.

\bibitem[Bofelli {\it et~al}., 2000]{Boffelli03}
Bofelli,F., Name2, Name3 (2003) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 199}, 133-154.

\bibitem[Bag {\it et~al}., 2001]{Bag01}
Bag,M., Name2, Name3 (2001) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 99}, 33-54.

\bibitem[Yoo \textit{et~al}., 2003]{Yoo03}
Yoo,M.S. \textit{et~al}. (2003) Oxidative stress regulated genes in nigral dopaminergic neurnol cell: correlation with the known pathology in Parkinson's disease. \textit{Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res.}, \textbf{110}(Suppl. 1), 76--84.

\bibitem[Lehmann, 1986]{Leh86}
Lehmann,E.L. (1986) Chapter title. \textit{Book Title}. Vol.~1, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, New York.

\bibitem[Crenshaw and Jones, 2003]{Cre03}
Crenshaw, B.,III, and Jones, W.B.,Jr (2003) The future of clinical cancer management: one tumor, one chip. \textit{Bioinformatics}, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btn000.

\bibitem[Auhtor \textit{et~al}. (2000)]{Aut00}
Auhtor,A.B. \textit{et~al}. (2000) Chapter title. In Smith, A.C. (ed.), \textit{Book Title}, 2nd edn. Publisher, Location, Vol. 1, pp.???--???.

\bibitem[Bardet, 1920]{Bar20}
Bardet, G. (1920) Sur un syndrome d'obesite infantile avec polydactylie et retinite pigmentaire (contribution a l'etude des formes cliniques de l'obesite hypophysaire). PhD Thesis, name of institution, Paris, France.

\bibitem[Bofelli {\it et~al}., 2000]{Boffelli03}
Bofelli,F., Name2, Name3 (2003) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 199}, 133-154.

\bibitem[Bag {\it et~al}., 2001]{Bag01}
Bag,M., Name2, Name3 (2001) Article title, {\it Journal Name}, {\bf 99}, 33-54.

\bibitem[Yoo \textit{et~al}., 2003]{Yoo03}
Yoo,M.S. \textit{et~al}. (2003) Oxidative stress regulated genes in nigral dopaminergic neurnol cell: correlation with the known pathology in Parkinson's disease. \textit{Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res.}, \textbf{110}(Suppl. 1), 76--84.

\bibitem[Lehmann, 1986]{Leh86}
Lehmann,E.L. (1986) Chapter title. \textit{Book Title}. Vol.~1, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, New York.

\bibitem[Crenshaw and Jones, 2003]{Cre03}
Crenshaw, B.,III, and Jones, W.B.,Jr (2003) The future of clinical cancer management: one tumor, one chip. \textit{Bioinformatics}, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btn000.

\bibitem[Auhtor \textit{et~al}. (2000)]{Aut00}
Auhtor,A.B. \textit{et~al}. (2000) Chapter title. In Smith, A.C. (ed.), \textit{Book Title}, 2nd edn. Publisher, Location, Vol. 1, pp.???--???.

\bibitem[Bardet, 1920]{Bar20}
Bardet, G. (1920) Sur un syndrome d'obesite infantile avec polydactylie et retinite pigmentaire (contribution a l'etude des formes cliniques de l'obesite hypophysaire). PhD Thesis, name of institution, Paris, France.






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