\textbf{Activity} & \textbf{Research Questions} \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Flower Specification \\and Interpretation~~~\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}{@{\labelitemi\hspace{\dimexpr\labelsep+0.5\tabcolsep}}l@{}}What are the different types of Flowers?\\ What are the different fragrances to express or define the flowers?\\ What are the different flower plantation methods?\\ What are various attributes a flower can have?\\ What are various steps and methods/techniques to grow a flower into a hostile (extreme cold or hot) weather?\end{tabular} \\ \hline
% only used for second example:
\textbf{Activity} & \textbf{Research Questions} \\ \hline
Flower Specification and Interpretation
& \begin{tabenum}
\item What are the different types of Flowers?
\item What are the different fragrances to express or define the flowers?
\item What are the different flower plantation methods?
\item What are various attributes a flower can have?
\item What are various steps and methods/techniques to grow a flower into a hostile (extreme cold or hot) weather?
\end{tabenum} \\ \hline
Activity & Research Questions \\ \midrule
Flower Specification and Interpretation
& \begin{tabenum}
\item What are the different types of Flowers?
\item What are the different fragrances to express or define the flowers?
\item What are the different flower plantation methods?
\item What are various attributes a flower can have?
\item What are various steps and methods/techniques to grow a flower into a hostile (extreme cold or hot) weather?
\end{tabenum} \\ \bottomrule
那这个呢?请注意,为了在 2 行中显示数字 5,我必须将表格宽度设置为 1.2 \textwidth
,但这样您就有 3 行了。
\textbf{Activity} & \textbf{Research question} \\ \hline
Flower specification and Interpretation & \vspace{-6mm}\begin{enumerate} \item What are the different types of Flowers? \item What are the different fragrances to express or define the flowers? \item What are the different flower plantation methods? \item What are various attributes a flower can have? \item What are various steps and methods/techniques to grow a flower into a hostile (extreme cold or hot) weather? \end{enumerate} \\ \hline