% Resume in Latex
% Author : Jake Gutierrez
% Based off of: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume
% License : MIT
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% \textbf{\href{http://sourabhbajaj.com/}{\Large Sourabh Bajaj}} & Email : \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}\\
% \href{http://sourabhbajaj.com/}{http://www.sourabhbajaj.com} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
% \end{tabular*}
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Mohmad Afzal Mohmad Sidik} \vspace{1pt}
\small +919591562569 $|$\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{\underline{[email protected]}} $|$
{Presidency University Bengaluru, India}{Aug. 2017 -- May 2021}
{Bachelor of Technology in Petroleum Engineering }{8.94 CGPA}
{Jain College, India}{Aug. 2016 -- May 2017}
{Higher Secondary School }{75.66 \% }
{St. Xavier’s High School, India}{Aug. 2014 -- May 2015}
{Secondary School}{80.57 \%}
{Synthesis of Nanocomposites with Surfactant for Improving Properties of Water Based Drilling Fluid}{June 2020 -- Present}
{Texas A\&M University}{College Station, TX}
\resumeItem{Developed a REST API using FastAPI and PostgreSQL to store data from learning management systems}
\resumeItem{Developed a full-stack web application using Flask, React, PostgreSQL and Docker to analyze GitHub data}
\resumeItem{Explored ways to visualize GitHub collaboration in a classroom setting}
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