\textbf{Method} & \textbf{Frame} & \textbf{Headline} \\
\multirow{3}{=}{mylabel}& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns. it's also longer than the text in the first column. much much much much much much much much longer actually! \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
在 环境中{NiceTabular}
来垂直和水平合并单元格。块的内容位于块的数学中心。这意味着,当您想要垂直合并时(如您的示例所示),您必须指定逻辑行数(而不是像 那样指定物理行数\multicolumn
\begin{NiceTabular}{P{1.5cm}P{2.6cm}P{\dimexpr \linewidth -4.1cm - 6 \tabcolsep}}
\textbf{Method} & \textbf{Frame} & \textbf{Headline} \\
\Block[l]{3-1}{mylabel}& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns. it's also longer than the text in the first column. much much much much much much much much longer actually! \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
在后台使用 PGF/Tikz 节点)。
\begin{NiceTabular}{P{1.5cm}P{2.6cm}P{\dimexpr \linewidth -4.1cm - 6 \tabcolsep}}
\textbf{Method} & \textbf{Frame} & \textbf{Headline} \\
\Block[l]{3-1}{mylabel\\ 2nd line}& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns. it's also longer than the text in the first column. much much much much much much much much longer actually! \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
如果您希望在 中自动换行\Block
在块中放置一个(具有合适的宽度:也许这会在 的后续版本中自动实现nicematrix
\begin{NiceTabular}{P{1.5cm}P{2.6cm}P{\dimexpr \linewidth -4.1cm - 6 \tabcolsep}}
\textbf{Method} & \textbf{Frame} & \textbf{Headline} \\
\Block[l]{3-1}{\parbox{1.5cm}{some text, other text, other text}}& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns. it's also longer than the text in the first column. much much much much much much much much longer actually! \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
是为单行单元格和默认的 \arraystretch 设计的。对于您的情况,您必须计算三行中的总数lines
作为 \multirow 第一个参数的起点,并通过反复试验来调整此参数。请注意,此参数可能有小数部分以进行微调。
\textbf{Method} & \textbf{Frame} & \textbf{Headline} \\
\multirow{7.4}{=}{mylabel}& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns. it's also longer than the text in the first column. much much much much much much much much longer actually! \\
& sometext (some information) & this is text that is somewhat longer than the first two columns \\