




  1. 是什么原因造成的?
  2. 如何修复?最好采用微创手术。

我目前还没有进一步降低 MWE 以增加该解决方案对当前情况有效的可能性(lipsum部分已被删除)。

\usepackage[labelsep=period, tableposition=top, labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} %for cell colour
\usepackage{siunitx} %for the case when the table had lots of numbers to align (not used here)


\renewcommand\cellalign{cr} %align inside \makecell

} %to make entire row boldface/color with one command instead of one at a time


    \caption{Title for your table goes here \vspace{-0.7em}}
    \begin{tabular}{@{} Nc|Oc|Oc|Oc|Oc @{}}
        \rowstyle{\bfseries\cellcolor{cyan!70}} %here is where the colouring takes place
        {Parabola} & {Curve} & {Focus} & {Directrix} & {Vertex}\\[1ex]
        $x^2 = 4py$ & \makecell{up if $p > 0$ \\ down if $p < 0$} & $F(0, p)$ & $y = -p$ & $V(0, 0)$\\
        \Xcline{1-5}{0.03em}%horisontal line
        $y^2 = 4px$ & \makecell{right if $p > 0$\\ left if $p < 0$} & $F(p, 0)$ & $x = -p$ & $V(0, 0)$\\
    \label{table: label for table}


我建议使用,\columncolor 因为您对单元格两侧的颜色悬垂有可选参数,并结合中和\rowcolors{2}{white}{white}列标题后的颜色:

\usepackage[labelsep=period, tableposition=top, labelfont=bf]{caption}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} %for cell colour
\usepackage{tabu} %for \cellcolor to work inside \rowstyle
\usepackage{siunitx} %for the case when the table had lots of numbers to align (not used here)

\usepackage{floatrow, caption}
\renewcommand\cellalign{cr} %align inside \makecell

} %to make entire row boldface/color with one command instead of one at a time



    \ttabbox{\rowcolors{2}{white}{white}\begin{tabular}{@{}>{\columncolor{cyan!70}[0pt][\tabcolsep]}Nc|*{3}{>{\columncolor{cyan!70}}Oc|}>{\columncolor{cyan!70}[\tabcolsep][0pt]}Oc @{}}
        {Parabola} & {Curve} & {Focus} & {Directrix} & {Vertex}\\[1.5ex]
       $x^2 = 4py$ & \makecell{up if $p > 0$ \\ down if $p < 0$} & $F(0, p)$ & $y = -p$ & $V(0, 0)$\\[1.5ex]
        \Xhline{0.03em}%horizontal line
        $y^2 = 4px$ & \makecell{right if $p > 0$\\ left if $p < 0$} & $F(p, 0)$ & $x = -p$ & $V(0, 0)$\\[1.5ex]
    \caption{A very very long title for your table goes here and nowhere else. }
    \label{table: label for table}}





但是,为了能够{NiceTabular}在 内使用{threeparttable},必须首先使用 的专用钩子threeparttable


在 2020/10/01 之前的 LaTeX 版本中,钩子系统不可用,因此您必须改用以下方法完成该工作etoolbox


对于完整的 MWE:

\usepackage[labelsep=period, tableposition=top, labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} %for cell colour
\usepackage{siunitx} %for the case when the table had lots of numbers to align (not used here)


\renewcommand\cellalign{cr} %align inside \makecell

} %to make entire row boldface/color with one command instead of one at a time



    \caption{Title for your table goes here \vspace{-0.7em}}
    \begin{NiceTabular}{@{} Nc|Oc|Oc|Oc|Oc @{}}
        \rowstyle{\bfseries} %here is where the colouring takes place
        {Parabola} & {Curve} & {Focus} & {Directrix} & {Vertex}\\[1ex]
        $x^2 = 4py$ & \makecell{up if $p > 0$ \\ down if $p < 0$} & $F(0, p)$ & $y = -p$ & $V(0, 0)$\\
        \Xcline{1-5}{0.03em}%horisontal line
        $y^2 = 4px$ & \makecell{right if $p > 0$\\ left if $p < 0$} & $F(p, 0)$ & $x = -p$ & $V(0, 0)$\\
    \label{table: label for table}

您需要多次编译(因为nicematrix在后台使用 PGF/Tikz 节点)。

