TiKZ 圆圈未在节点周围绘制

TiKZ 圆圈未在节点周围绘制

我有以下 TiKZ 图片:

    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,node distance=24]
        \node (a) {(};
        \node (b) [circle,right of=a] {(};
        \node (c) [right of=b] {(};
        \node (d) [right of=c] {A};
        \node (e) [right of=d] { | };
        \node (f) [right of=e] {B};
        \node (g) [right of=f] {)};
        \node (h) [right of=g] {*};
        \node (i) [right of=h] {|};
        \node (j) [right of=i] {C};
        \node (k) [right of=j] {D};
        \node (l) [right of=k] {*};
        \node (m) [right of=l] {|};
        \node (n) [right of=m] {E};
        \node (o) [right of=n] {F};
        \node (p) [right of=o] {G};
        \node (q) [right of=p] {)};
        \node (r) [right of=q] {*};
        \node (s) [right of=r] {)};
        \node (t) [right of=s] {*};

        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (a) edge node {} (b);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (b) edge node {} (c);
        \path[->] (c) edge node {} (d);
        \path[->,bend right] (c) edge node {} (f);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (d) edge node {} (e);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend left] (e) edge node {} (g);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (f) edge node {} (g);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (g) edge node {} (h);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend right] (h) edge node {} (c);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend right] (c) edge node {} (h);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (h) edge node {} (i);

这给了我这个输出,它接近我想要的,但我想把每个都圈出来\node以便箭头更清晰。 截屏

将 each 更改\node\node[circle]不起作用。我该怎么办?






\tikzstyle{mycirc}=[draw, circle, inner sep=2pt]

    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,node distance=24]
        \node (a) [mycirc,] {(};
        \node (b) [mycirc,right of=a] {(};
        \node (c) [mycirc,right of=b] {(};
        \node (d) [mycirc,right of=c] {A};
        \node (e) [mycirc,right of=d] { | };
        \node (f) [mycirc,right of=e] {B};
        \node (g) [mycirc,right of=f] {)};
        \node (h) [mycirc,right of=g] {*};
        \node (i) [mycirc,right of=h] {|};
        \node (j) [mycirc,right of=i] {C};
        \node (k) [mycirc,right of=j] {D};
        \node (l) [mycirc,right of=k] {*};
        \node (m) [mycirc,right of=l] {|};
        \node (n) [mycirc,right of=m] {E};
        \node (o) [mycirc,right of=n] {F};
        \node (p) [mycirc,right of=o] {G};
        \node (q) [mycirc,right of=p] {)};
        \node (r) [mycirc,right of=q] {*};
        \node (s) [mycirc,right of=r] {)};
        \node (t) [mycirc,right of=s] {*};
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (a) edge node {} (b);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (b) edge node {} (c);
        \path[->] (c) edge node {} (d);
        \path[->,bend right] (c) edge node {} (f);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (d) edge node {} (e);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend left] (e) edge node {} (g);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (f) edge node {} (g);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (g) edge node {} (h);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend right] (h) edge node {} (c);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend right] (c) edge node {} (h);
        \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (h) edge node {} (i);


这个问题的答案已经在Excelsior 的答案。这只是说明您不必费力地手动添加所有节点,您可以使用链和一些将字符序列分解为节点的解析器。然后使用

 \begin{scope}[start chain=going right,nodes={on chain,circle,draw}]
  \tikzset{my parse={(((A|B)*|CD*|EFG)*)*}}


\tikzset{my parse/.code={\expandafter\mytikzcparse@i#1\pgfmath@token@stop}}
 \begin{scope}[start chain=going right,nodes={on chain,circle,draw}]
  \tikzset{my parse={(((A|B)*|CD*|EFG)*)*}}
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (a) to (b);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (b) to (c);
 \path[->] (c) to (d);
 \path[->,bend right] (c) to (f);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (d) to (e);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend left] (e) to (g);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (f) to (g);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (g) to (h);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend right] (h) to (c);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red,bend right] (c) to (h);
 \path[->,draw=black!30!red] (h) to (i); 

