(md)framed 环境中奇怪的多列分页

(md)framed 环境中奇怪的多列分页

这是一封典型的推荐信(格式简单),包括环境\mdframed中的问题和回答\multicol。我还包含了我通常在环境内部和外部包含的其他内容\multicol。使用\lipsum段落作为示例回答,这说明了奇怪的列/分页(尤其是第 2 页上的完全空白的列)。








%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% to address
Alice Q. Public \\
1234 Main Street \\
Anytown NY 12345 USA

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% letter body
This is a typical recommendation letter (minimally formatted) that includes questions and \texttt{\textbackslash mdframed} responses in a \texttt{\textbackslash multicol} environment. I have also included other things I typically include inside and outside of the \texttt{\textbackslash multicol} environment. Using \texttt{\textbackslash lipsum} paragraphs for example responses, this illustrates whacky column / pagination (especially a completely blank column on p2). 

Is there some hint or something that will allow framed paragraphs to stack up with minimal spacing and fully fill the columns?

All I really want to do is put frames around my response paragraphs, but have them behave like normal paragraphs in the \texttt{\textbackslash multicol} environment.

{\em Table 1:}\vfill\null
Student's Name: & Bob Q. Public \\\cline{1-1}
Your Name: & Carol Q. Public \\\cline{1-1}
Your Email: & \texttt{[email protected]} \\\cline{1-1}
Your title: & \LaTeX\ hacker \\\cline{1-1}

{\em Question 1:}

{\em Question 2:}

{\em Question 3:}

{\em Question 4:}

Thank you very much.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% closing


 Blah, blah, blah...

