几年来,我一直以长表的形式保存我的简历。我最近买了一台新电脑(Win 10),因此换了新版本的 MikTex,我发现简历不再能正确编译。特别是,以前在长表中的条目末尾,您可以放置\\[6pt]
\usepackage{array, xcolor}
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
\section*{A List Where It Works}
2021&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\[6pt]
2020&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\[6pt]
2018&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\[6pt]
\section*{A List Where It Doesn't}
2021&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\[6pt]
2020&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\[6pt]
2018&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\[6pt]
\section*{Looks Bad When Mixed!}
2021&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\[6pt]
2020&If it stays on one line, it works.\\[6pt]
2018&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\[6pt]
\documentclass[letterpaper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage{array, xcolor}
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
\section*{A List Where It Works}
2021&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\[6pt]
2020&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\[6pt]
2018&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\[6pt]
\section*{Another List Where It Works}
2021&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\bigstrut[b]\\
2020&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
2018&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
\section*{Doesn’t Look So Bad When Mixed!}
2021&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
2020&If it stays on one line, it works.\\
2018&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
?(我还通过修改其中一个自定义列来确保摆脱过满的 hbox 警告。)
\usepackage{array, xcolor}
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{\dimexpr 0.18\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}}
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
\section*{A List Where It Works}
2021&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\
2020&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\
2018&If it stays on one line, the spacing works!\\
\section*{A List Where It Doesn't}
2021&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
2020&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
2018&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
\section*{Looks Bad When Mixed!}
2021&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\
2020&If it stays on one line, it works.\\
2018&If it runs over to more than one line, all of a sudden the spacing no longer works.\\