未打印出版商和位置 - biblatex

未打印出版商和位置 - biblatex

我有以下biblatex数据库。book发布者和位置无法打印在 PDF 中。而且直接utf8字符(如 Δ)也无法打印在 PDF 中。如何解决这个问题?

\usepackage{csquotes,microtype}%International Handling of Quotes

\DeclareFieldFormat{volume}{{#1}}% Remove vol text

 author ={James Gates S Jr and Jellal A and Hassan Saidi E L and Schreiber M},
 title ={The expansion of arbitrary functions in terms of eigenfunctions of the operator\textit{−} Δ\textit{u} + \textit{cu}},
 journaltitle ={J. High Energy Phys.},

 author ={Borcea L and Druskin V and Guevara Vasquez F and Mamonov A},
 year ={2011},
 publisher={Cambridge University Press},
 chapter ={Resistor network approaches to electrical impedance tomography},
 title={Inverse Problems and Applications: Inside Out II},
 volume={vol 60},

    colorlinks = true,






我已经在命令/终端中使用了latexmk -lualatex -f filename.tex




这是我使用biblatexv3.16 和 Biber 2.16得到的结果

带有 Delta 和发布者及位置的输出的屏幕截图。

请注意,条目 [1] 中有一个大写的 Delta,并且publisher[ location2] 中有一个数据。

是否出现 Delta 取决于您的字体。只有您的字体确实包含 Delta 时才会出现。如果没有,它可能不会出现,只会引起警告。

请注意,在这种情况下,我认为对\textit{−} Δ\textit{u} + \textit{cu}应该采用数学模式的内容进行编码是一种糟糕的方法。标题ipab730bbib1应该是

title = {The expansion of arbitrary functions in terms of
         eigenfunctions of the operator~{\(-\Delta u +cu\)}},


\usepackage[style=numeric, sorting=none, maxbibnames=4]{biblatex}


    colorlinks = true,

  author = {Gates, Jr., James S. and Jellal, A. and Hassan Saidi, E. L.
            and Schreiber, M.},
  year   = {2004},
  title  = {The expansion of arbitrary functions in terms of
            eigenfunctions of the operator~{\(-\Delta u +cu\)}},
 journal = {J. High Energy Phys.},
 volume  = {2004},
 number  = {11},
 eid     = {75},
  author    = {Liliana Borcea and Vladimir Druskin
               and Guevara Vasquez, Fernando and Alexander V. Mamonov},
  title     = {Resistor Network Approaches to Electrical Impedance Tomography},
  booktitle = {Inverse Problems and Applications: Inside Out~{II}},
  editor    = {Gunther Uhlmann},
  year      = {2011},
  location  = {Cambridge},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  series    = {MSRI Publications},
  number    = {60},
  pages     = {55-118},


James S. Gates Jr.、A. Jellal、EL Hassan Saidi 和 M. Schreiber。《用算子 −∆u + cu 的特征函数展开任意函数》。《J. High Energy Phys. 2004.11, 75 (2004)。//Liliana Borcea、Vladimir Druskin、Fernando Guevara Vasquez 和 Alexander V. Mamonov。《电阻网络方法进行电阻抗断层扫描》。《逆问题和应用:由内而外 II》。Gunther Uhlmann 编辑。MSRI 出版物 60。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2011 年,第 55-118 页。
