是否有使用相同函数调用来替代 \usepackage{tikz} 的方法?

是否有使用相同函数调用来替代 \usepackage{tikz} 的方法?

我正在尝试使用 tikz 和这个 overleaf 模板https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/wacv-2022-author-kit-template/cpnsmqvrczmz但我收到错误消息。这是我的代码



% Include other packages here, before hyperref.

%%% IMPORTANT - These next three lines are crucial.
%               (1) PLEASE enter your paper ID (given by CMT) replacing the
%                   '****' right below here with the ID from CMT.
%               (2) Leave the \wacvfinacopy commented out for the submission
%                   version, but UNCOMMENT it for your CAMERA-READY upload.
%               (3) For the camera-ready version, you may be asked to set a
%                   starting page number.  If so, replace the '9876' below with
%                   the starting page number assigned by the publication chair.
\def\wacvPaperID{****} % Enter the WACV Paper ID here

%\wacvfinalcopy % *** Uncomment this line for the final submission

\def\assignedStartPage{9876} % *** Enter the assigned starting page number (instead of 9876)


% If you comment hyperref and then uncomment it, you should delete
% egpaper.aux before re-running latex.  (Or just hit 'q' on the first latex
% run, let it finish, and you should be clear).

% Pages are numbered in submission mode, and unnumbered in camera-ready



%%%%%%%%% TITLE
\title{\LaTeX\ Author Guidelines for WACV Proceedings}

\author{First Author\\
Institution1 address\\
{\tt\small [email protected]}
% For a paper whose authors are all at the same institution,
% omit the following lines up until the closing ``}''.
% Additional authors and addresses can be added with ``\and'',
% just like the second author.
% To save space, use either the email address or home page, not both
Second Author\\
First line of institution2 address\\
{\tt\small [email protected]}



以下是错误消息。是否有其他版本的 tikz 可以运行?

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
